There has been a pattern of left-wing complicity in the rise of communism throughout the world since its inception in 1917 in Russia. Communism really should be classified as a crime against humanity on par with that of National Socialism under Hitler in Germany. Communism has murdered millions in the name of
International Socialism that would make any Nazi blush. The left-wing in this country under the tutelage of the Democrat Party has betrayed the oppressed peoples of the world to the horror of communist slavery since FDR. President Roosevelt had an idealogical kinship with Stalin and allowed the Soviet dictator to absorb Eastern Europe into her communist sphere at the end of World War Two by simply falling over for Uncle Joe in Moscow. Millions under the hammer and sickle of communist oppression would live a 40 year curse of brutality and murder because the free-world was lead by a man who wanted to be "friends" with Soviet style government. FDR was the first Democrat President to look the other way while millions suffered under the cruel hand of International Socialism but unfortunately he would not be the last.
Harry Truman was Roosevelt's Vice President and took the mantle of leadership of the Free-World into his hand after the death of his mentor. However, he too felt communism was rather enlightening and did not want to "fight" the Soviet but instead merely to co-exist with them. Thus, China in 1949 was the next great land mass and people that would fall without a fight to communist slavery and oppression. Truman's lackluster support for the Western looking Chang Kai Chek doomed his following in mainland China all the while the communist leader Mao Tse Tung was fully supported by Moscow. The communist Chinese would prevail with the support by a backward country like Russia when the modern United States under Truman simply looked the other way and failed the communist-opposing Nationalists under Chang kai Chek. Eventually, the Nationalist Chinese would flee to Formosa and take up residence there until times became more propititious for a return to the mainland.
By 1950, the communist North Koreans with the full blessings of Beijing and Moscow would attack the free South Korean government with infantry and tanks. Truman did respond by counterattacking the communist North Koreans but as soon as the situation under the victorious MacArther showed our dominant position on the Korean peninsula, the Chinese, knowing Truman's feelings towards them the previous 2 years, could count on Truman's sympathies to advance their own agenda in Korea. The Chinese crossed the Yalu river and Truman's response was to order American forces back to the original demarcation line between North and South Korea. As a result, the Korean peoples in the North would feel the hard taskmaster of communism even to this day. Truman's own left-wing failings had allowed this monster to continue to ravage the Koreans in the north and is a problem today with the spector of nuclear war on the peninsula.
Then Kennedy was elected President in 1960. His left-wing preponderance allowed what would have been an otherwise successful overthrow of the Castro dictatorship in Cuba to mushroom into another problematic state with nuclear weapons! Albeit, these weapons were from Russia however, would Moscow sacrifice all their efforts over Cuban cigars? Not likely. If Kennedy had sent the US Marines into Cuba to deal its death blow once and for all, then we would have had a favorable caribbean state within the American Alliance but alas, we are still dealing with Cuba today because of an obstinate communist dictator that is Fidel Castro vis a vis John Kennedy. Once again, the pattern of sympathy by the left-wing Democrat Party when Democrat Presidents ruled the United States showed its ugly tendency to cut and run from the field of battle. Kennedy would then take on the French disaster in Indo-China and begin the mess that was our policy towards Viet Nam. Sadly and outragiously, John Kennedy would be murdered by assasination leaving the liberal Vice Presdent, Lyndon Johnson, to take over where Kennedy left off.
Lyndon Banes Johnson as President was really much worse than Kennedy and Truman combined when it comes to dealing with a hostile communist adversary. This time the field of battle was the plains and jungles of Viet Nam. Johnson took the mold set by Truman in the Korean War and put in place policies that would keep American Armed Forces from taking the war to the enemy. Instead of opening up a new offensive by invading North Viet Nam and occupying its capitol, we would stay below the Vietnamese DMZ and hold out like a castle besieged until the enemy would grow tired of war and leave. The only problem was that the USA, not North Vietnamese communists, grew tired of the war and decided to leave 10 years later after nearly 33,000 troops/airmen perished defending this part of the world from communist aggression. Much to the credit of our fighting men, not a single battle was lost to the enemy. However, since we were playing defensive, the communist enemy set the rules of the game even though the North Vietnamese and their Viet Cong allies failed miserably in the offensive mode. Democrat President Johnson set the rubric for the next Republican President, Richard Nixon, into such a position that it demanded a man with great integrity to change the course of the war and actually enlarge it were we to win in a decisive manner. But history shows us that this would not be the case and Nixon would simply accept the Johnson Rubric and continue on defensively until we decided to let the South Vietnamese fight their own battle. Of course, since the USA now left the South to its own demise, greatly demoralizing them in the process, they would be no match for a more virulent and violent communist adversary whose own power was in the ascendancy. The Johnson Legacy was the Fall of Saigon in 1975.
Enter stage left, the peanut farmer from Georgia, the "born-again" Christian Jimmy Carter in 1976. Jimmy too just wanted to "co-exist" and not interfere with the International Communist Revolution sweeping Central and South America. The USA did support some unsavory characters in Latin America before Jimmy Carter arrived, however, the dictators the United States supported were far less dangerous and murderous than any single communist nation combined. However Jimmy Carter, like any good democrat, just couldn't abide the fact that left-wing dictatorships were on the losing end in the Cold War in Latin America. Samoza of Nicaragua was facing a budding communist revolution in his country and under Jimmy Carter's watch, Nicaragua descended into a civil war that ultimately brought the communist Sandinistas to power. Most historians blame the Managua earthquake for Samoza's fall, however, the fact is the United States allowed Samoza to crumble because of a left wing President who sympathized with communist aspirations. U.S. Marines could have been brought to Nicaragua, as it was done in the past, and directly installed our own ally or propped up Samoza as we propped up Western Europe after World War II. As a result of Carter's inaction, the Sandinista's would reign supreme and provide the Western Hemisphere with a completely unnecessary tripartite communist alliance between Cuba, Nicaragua and Grenada.
But Jimmy wasn't quite done yet, as China wanted recognition that they and they alone were to be referred to as "China". The tiny state of Taiwan was officially recognized by the USA since 1949 as the "true" China and was referred to as such. Here was a classic case of a David vs. Goliath situation where the Communist Peoples Republic of China were the Goliath to the free peoples of Taiwan once under the leadership of Chang Kai Chek as the David. But could the "born-again" Christian, Jimmy Carter, recognize such a salient Judeo-Christian doctrine of right over might? Nope! Under Carter, the Communist Chinese would now be referred as the "true" China while the Taiwanese would be left empty-handed and betrayed to the communist bully of mainland Asia. The Democrats betrayed the Nationalist in 1949 and now in a sad repitition of history were to be betrayed again in 1979 by another Democrat President. As a result, Jimmy Carter allowed the Communist Chinese to score a huge psychological victory over the Nationalist Chinese and frankly against all freedom loving peoples in the world with his One-China policy reversal.
Lastly, in a premonition of things to come, Jimmy's hand could not stay the rise of another violent and aggresive idealogy, Islamic Terrorism, under the tutelage of the Ayatollah of Iran. Once again, the pattern of inaction in the face of revolutionary thuggery could not be met successfully by Carter and our own ally that we set up in the 1950's, the Shah Reza Pahlavi, would be allowed to fall and in the ensuing overthrow our own embassy would be allowed to be captured and held hostage for nearly a year!
The election of Ronald Reagan was the final blow to this vicious cycle of hold and retreat between Republican and Democrat Presidents during the Cold War in the face of communist aggression. The Republican Presidents during this period held their ground but the Democrat Presidents simply fled the field of battle. Either way, hold or retreat was simply unacceptable for the 40th President raised to face his bully's head-on and in this case, Ronald Reagon truly an enigma, when considering the past 40 years of the Cold War between 1949-1989 that neither Republican nor Democrat had the audicity to push back at the Communist like he did. Democrats still love communism but will never admit it for political reasons, however rest assured the death of millions is no reason not to support left-wing idealogies when you are a Democrat even in the 21st century.