He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Monday, December 06, 2004

The Iraqi Vortex

Iraq is the heart of the Middle East. Baghdad is the heart of Iraq. American consolidation of power in this strategic region is imperative if we are to win Operation WARTS (War on Terror States). There is no substitute for victory. But what does victory require in this case?

The first part of our war was won against Saddam Hussien and his Baathist regime. Now, we are fighting what remains of the old regime along with Islamic volunteers from all over the Middle East. This second phase is only possible because the remnents are being empowered by other forces outside of Iraq, both political and religious, that wish to drive a stake into the heart of a nascent democratic state on the Euphrates.

The major players trying to destablize and ultimately destroy this new Iraq are within striking distance of the US Military from the Fertile Crescent and they should think before they jump in this highly volatile situation. The following is a list of nations which may see a future visit by the combined arms of the United States military:

Syria: The last vestige of Baathist power. The son of Assad has seen fit to shelter terrorists of all sorts that use his nation as a springboard to attack other military/political/economic interests in Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Turkey and of course, Iraq. Syria still has approximately 30,000 troops in Lebanon and may be the repository of Saddams WMD program that we have failed to locate in Iraq. Syria has encouraged and harbored Jihad volunteers to fight the United States by crossing the Syrian-Iraqi border and blending into the Iraqi population for later strikes against US Military forces. Syria and Iran have a weak but long-term relationship/alliance to resist Israel through the primary use of terrorism and the secondary use of military force.

Iran: The center of Shiite power. Islam is divided between two religious factions, one Sunni and the other, Shia. These two rival factions despise each other equal to if not more than the Catholics and the Protestants did of the Reformation period in Europe. The only country that the Shiite faction of Islam controls is Iran. This country has been designated the second leg of the Axis of Evil by President Bush because of its interference in other regions of the world but also its development of THE BOMB. The Ayatollah of Iran has set his foreign policy against the United States since its inception in 1979 regardless if a Republican or Democrat has ruled the White House. Iran's best friends have been Damascus, Moscow, Pongyang and Beijing. Iran also has a large stake in Iraq in that a very large group of Shiites located in southern part of the country have been on the receiving end of Sunni religious and Baathist political wrath. Iran seeks to use this group to effect an overthrow of the newly forming regime in Iraq and establish their first satellite Shia nation after the likes of Iran. Iran is a geographically large nation and may require creative uses of firepower that is only available to the United States in order to effect our own "regime change" in Tehran.

Saudi Arabia: The howeworld of fanatic Islamic terrorism. All of the terrorists in the 9/11 WTC attack were Saudi Arabians of relative wealthy families. Saudi Arabia is the home of the Sunni faction of Islam and is the school for the fanatical religious belief of Wahabism. Its violent nature has allowed it to dominate Sunni Islamic belief and has put it on a collision course between all of Islams neighbors from Russia to the North, to the Indians in the East to the Jews in Israel to the Americans in the West and Africans in the South. The House of Saud sits upon the most strategic reserves of oil in the world. Combine the religious fanaticism of Islam with the blood of Industrial Production, petroleum, and you have quite a volatile mixture for war. Perhaps more volatile than the powder keg of Europe before WWI. However, the House of Saud has an Achilles heel in the form of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The Hashemites once ruled the city of Mecca before al Sauds took it from them after WWI. The Hashemites are supported by the Anglo-American Alliance in the Middle East. An outright American invasion might be unwise to topple this sinister regime, however a combined operation such as that utilized in Afghanistan may be our response. Anglo-American Special Forces along with Hashemite units may topple this house of cards that has obviously overplayed their hand. This last scenario is the least likely to occur because the stock market would be dramatically affected in a negative way.


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