He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I have to say, with the advent of the blog, news will never be the same. The blog has come of age with the re-election of George Bush and became the point man on the Tsunami coverage in Sumatra and its environs. What a great time to be alive in this period of history. How wonderful to be able to eat away like acid at the arrogant and disrespectful Fourth Estate which we know as the Main Stream Media. What will they do? Adapt and overcome? Absolutely not. Like all things old that refuse to change with the times, they will attempt to deny and misrepresent to their own peril. Perhaps they will sue? We shall see. The Blogosphere is here, prepare for assimilation!

I would liken the blog revolution to the Napoleanic Revolution in military affairs. Before Napolean, armies were mainly hired mercenaries that relied on years of experience under the flags of European monarchs and would only fight if paid. They were small and elite. Napolean, on the other hand, expanded the army to include the entire spectrum of the French population, from the poor to the rich. They rallied to the flag for both money and patriotism. The training of the French Army became more systematic and allowed men without much experience to enter the army or be conscripted and rise to the rank of generals that was never allowed under the ancien' regime of the old French monarchy. Thus, France and eventually the world would be changed, for better and for worse, by this new dynamic in military affairs.

Bloggers are like the Napoleanic soldiers of the 19th century (hmmm....blog rhymes with frog, but I digress) and as such we march to a new order that will see empires fall. Which empires you may ask? Well, the MSM for starters. The Main Stream Media is like the Holy Roman Empire, which was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire, but located in central europe that included Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy and represented the old aristocratic order that refused to take seriously the peasant armies of France. The rest is history. The Holy Roman Emperor was defeated by Napolean and as an organization was completely swept away by executive order of the First Citizen of France. Vive Le Blog!

Perhaps other empires will feel the effect of the blogger in coming months and years. Only time will tell. It appears we are seeing how even the smallest individual can have an enormous effect and influence in current events. Really, current events is no longer a spectator sport. Bloggers brought down Dan Rather and CBS by exposing their lie to all the world. Bloggers brought low the creme de la creme of MSM news broadcasters and broadcasting. A great victory for the small guy. Who else shall do battle with us? Woe to our enemies!


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