Army of the Left
Why would anyone want to be a liberal? I find it funny how almost all the libs I know deny they are libs. They say they are "open-minded" or "moderate" or someother nomenclature that clouds their real persona. I even correspond with a certain individual at work who is a liberal through and through but refuses to admit the Lie that liberalism espouses: that socialism is the panacea of life. Since there is no God, as far as the liberal is concerned then they embrace socialism to fill the vacuum of their empty souls. Since most liberals are atheists or lukewarm Christians, socialism becomes their religion replacing the tenets of freedom, of the body as well as the soul, that the modus vivendi of Protestant Christianity has played in North America for hundreds of years.
I have found a trend with liberals lately however that I believe reveals a rather subtle pathology in that they also deny history. To them, there is no ultimate truth and thus everything is anything to everyone. History is not a anchor to guide one in understanding the present or the future but best to be forgotten. In fact, history is a real drag for liberals these days. It apparently reminds them of how wrong they have been and really conservatives use history as a constant reminder of the fallacies of liberal policies. Thus, history is to be ignored or viewed through the prism of political correctness so that the truth of history is suppressed or distorted.
Liberals are intellectually dishonest in the final analysis. The ends justify the means and no one will stop them. Rebellion and lawlessness (ironically using the law to bring chaos about) is the order of the day. Authority is to be rejected in all forms, except when it comes to establishing the "dictatorship of the proletariet". Once liberals drag down all the noble things in life, the nation, the family, and the intellect then dictatorship is embraced as a means and as an end in erecting the edifice of a liberal/socialist state. Which is why liberals love Federal Centralized Government to regulate every aspect of life from the cradle to the coffin. Dependence, not independence, from government is the modus vivendi to be religiously followed, and in some cases, even to death.
Liberals have lost the debate in the arena of public ideas but they are holding tough in the upper echelons of our society especially in the Judicial realm. Liberal judges are striking out at the Constitution both in spirit and letter and embracing "other" forms of judicial precedence in other countries. The judicial tyranny as witnessed in Florida over Terri Shiavo is but a microcosm of the rot that has allowed liberalism to be imposed upon the electorate without due regard to democratic debate. And when democratic debate has occured, liberal judges strike down the laws the people enacted through the legislative process denying the people their sovereign right to decide the issues of the day.
We have much work to complete before we can actually say its too late to save this country. Only time will tell how badly liberalism has necrotized the body politic beyond repair.
I have found a trend with liberals lately however that I believe reveals a rather subtle pathology in that they also deny history. To them, there is no ultimate truth and thus everything is anything to everyone. History is not a anchor to guide one in understanding the present or the future but best to be forgotten. In fact, history is a real drag for liberals these days. It apparently reminds them of how wrong they have been and really conservatives use history as a constant reminder of the fallacies of liberal policies. Thus, history is to be ignored or viewed through the prism of political correctness so that the truth of history is suppressed or distorted.
Liberals are intellectually dishonest in the final analysis. The ends justify the means and no one will stop them. Rebellion and lawlessness (ironically using the law to bring chaos about) is the order of the day. Authority is to be rejected in all forms, except when it comes to establishing the "dictatorship of the proletariet". Once liberals drag down all the noble things in life, the nation, the family, and the intellect then dictatorship is embraced as a means and as an end in erecting the edifice of a liberal/socialist state. Which is why liberals love Federal Centralized Government to regulate every aspect of life from the cradle to the coffin. Dependence, not independence, from government is the modus vivendi to be religiously followed, and in some cases, even to death.
Liberals have lost the debate in the arena of public ideas but they are holding tough in the upper echelons of our society especially in the Judicial realm. Liberal judges are striking out at the Constitution both in spirit and letter and embracing "other" forms of judicial precedence in other countries. The judicial tyranny as witnessed in Florida over Terri Shiavo is but a microcosm of the rot that has allowed liberalism to be imposed upon the electorate without due regard to democratic debate. And when democratic debate has occured, liberal judges strike down the laws the people enacted through the legislative process denying the people their sovereign right to decide the issues of the day.
We have much work to complete before we can actually say its too late to save this country. Only time will tell how badly liberalism has necrotized the body politic beyond repair.
This is absolute tripe. You are clearly well-read and articulate -- why would you possible fall for such cookie-cutter nonsense? I'll be back later to address the specific (and ludicrous) claims you levy against billions of people.
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