He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

End Game

Isn't it interesting that the left always wants a justification for any action taken to defend the United States since we were attacked on that fateful day nearly 4 years ago? They allegedly supported the first battle of the War on Terror in Afghanistan and yet I'm hard-pressed to find anything in the archives showing one ounce of support from them in 2001. However, the battle in Iraq was definitely the clarion call for socialists and leftists all over the world to rally against the United States and thus they spoke out vociferiously against our diplomatic and military offensive and in fact are still speaking out against it. Every American killed in action in Iraq is essentially one more notch scratched into their self-righteous pedestal. What are we to make of this?

When the United States was attacked by Japan on December 7th, 1941 did FDR have to justify every action taken to prosecute the war to its end? Was the press constantly demanding "answers" or the "reasons" to invade a particular country or region around the world? FDR was not questioned when North Africa was invaded was he? Surely, North Africa was no where near Germany and Hitler certainly wasn't holed up in some beduine tent in Libya was he? FDR was not questioned when we invaded Sicily or Tarawa or Saipan. And yet, today, when we invade a certain country or region that is not part of the Axis of Evil or the "War on Osama", it is the USA that is portrayed as the bad guy by our own media institutions. For the Left, the War on Terror began and ended with Afghanistan. Any other action taken beyond the "War on Osama" is considered to be unjust in their myopic world of liberal thought. Is the Left saying that they would send the entire United States Military just after Osama bin Laden only? 150,000 American Army and Marines sitting in Tora Bora waiting for Osama to come out? Do you see how short-sighted that Jimmy Carter like policy would leave the USA open to another attack on our own soil if not the unthinkable defeat of our armies overseas in the ancient mountians of Afghanistan? They are fools!

The President should present the Left in this country with a fait accompli: A declaration of war! We should declare war on the remaining members of the Axis of Evil, Iran and N. Korea and then choose the place and time of our war. Once we have declared war then those countries that are in our cross-hairs will go to a "war footing" which in turn will consume their pitiful resources while they "wait" for our invasion. The President then can really sock it to the libs in this country by declaring a resumption of the Draft. We may not really need to draw up more troops in this manner but it will be there neverthesless. The President can throw down the gauntlet at all left-wingers, both foreign and domestic, and they will faint with fear! A declaration of war sends a clear signal to all adversaries that we are committed to Total War and indeed we have the resources and the will to wage war until the end. No amount of casualties will dispel our will to conquer our enemies.

A declaration of war gives the President leverage against the Fourth Estate which uses their power to undo the power of the Presidency. The main stream media is completely delusional and must be humbled in order to win this epic war on Islamic State Supported Terrorism.


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