He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Stars and Stripes Forever

As we celebrate our Independence from Britain this July 4th, I return to the idea regarding the uniqueness of the United States of America. A nation where Christianity is prevalent, a nation whereby the government is restricted by a constitution, a nation in arms from a highly advanced military to an armed citizenry. A commercial system, at least in most states, encourages free-enterprise. Senatus Populusque Americana.

Furthermore, what country in the entire world has enshrined the rights of THEIR citizens in the form of a Bill of Rights recognizing our GOD-GIVEN right to free speech, the bearing of arms, freedom of religion and the right to private property? Yes, many nations have various forms and shadows of the real thing but certainly have not duplicated our governing system as one might come to expect. Perhaps like individuals, nations take on their own personality and we shouldn't expect them to be exactly like us which is all the more reason to celebrate this great and glorious nation that is America.

Constitution, Commerce and Christianity are the three "C's" that has made this nation the great power that it is today. As the intellectual, political, commercial and religious elites in this country continue to fornicate with the mistress of socialism perhaps we in this great realm will renew our vows to our first love, Lady Liberty.

Pray for our leaders that they may be reminded by God himself that they are responsible to lead us into the light of liberty, if not, then Christ himself who has given them their power, will take away their thrones and raise up a Defender of the people in their place.

Long live the Republic!


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