Katrina: Wrath of God Revisited
We are in the Church Age. This is the dispensation of historical trends in which the Church, the body of Christ, matures and develops over time until the Rapture. Some churches walk with Christ while others are said to walk against Christ. The Book of Revelation begins in the Church Age and by chapter 5, becomes the last week of Daniel's 70 weeks of God's Judgment of Israel's apostasy. Each week of the 70 weeks is 7 years long. 69 weeks have come and gone with the last week yet to begin. The Church Age is the Mystery Age that Israel could not forsee in the Old Testament. The Church Age stands in-between the 69th and 70th week.
When Christ returns to meet the body of Christ "In the clouds" then the Church Age ends and the 70th week begins. God judges mankind during this last 7 year period known as the Tribulation and the primary reason of God's Judgement of mankind during this period is due to anti-semitism. Man judges Israel and God judges man. God has always protected the Jew during every dispensation since Abraham however, during the time known as the Tribulation, man's attitude towards the Jew has so hardened his mind, that God literally pours out judgment against all of mankind.
I've wondered to myself why we suffered THE WORST EVER NATURAL DISASTER to hit the United States at this time and place in history? I do not believe it was because of "immorality" as some might want to believe because there have always been immoral people around for thousands of years without God judging them with "natural" disasters. No, it's not Global Warming either nor was it because we didn't sign the Kyoto Treaty. The most logical explanation for Hurricane Katrina I would have to conclude is anti-semitism on the part of the United States.
From World Net Daily:
While most religious authorities seem to agree one cannot discern the intentions of God, there has been talk in some circles here and on the Internet the storm that turned parts of the Gulf Coast into a disaster zone, prompting hundreds of thousands to evacuate their homes and possibly causing upwards of 10,000 deaths, was thrust upon the U.S. for its support of the Gaza evacuation.
Abraham, the biblical father of the Jews, received this promise from God in the book of Genesis: "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
One week before Katrina made landfall, Israel carried out the evacuation of 9,500 residents from Gush Katif and four Samaria communities. Residents were forced from their homes by Israeli troops, some dragged away kicking and screaming and placed on buses that took them from the area. The majority of former Katif residents are currently homeless while the Israeli government struggles to find permanent housing solutions.
Is there a connection here between the United States and Israel?
The Gaza withdrawal was backed by the U.S. government. Some Middle East analysts and senior Israeli politicians entirely attributed the evacuation plan to pressure coming from the American establishment.
"I welcome the disengagement plan," stated Bush immediately following the announcement of the Gaza evacuation. "These steps will mark real progress toward realizing the vision I set forth in June 2002 of two states living side by side in peace and security."
Anti-Semitism is always punished by God on both a national and personal level. I'm sure President Bush feels he has made the right decision regarding the "Palenstinian" conflict, however, we in the Church must continue to pray for the President that he may be wisely guided and in the end he will make the proper decision in defence of the Jew. I believe it is the best explanation for the catastrophe that has befallen America in New Orleans.
When Christ returns to meet the body of Christ "In the clouds" then the Church Age ends and the 70th week begins. God judges mankind during this last 7 year period known as the Tribulation and the primary reason of God's Judgement of mankind during this period is due to anti-semitism. Man judges Israel and God judges man. God has always protected the Jew during every dispensation since Abraham however, during the time known as the Tribulation, man's attitude towards the Jew has so hardened his mind, that God literally pours out judgment against all of mankind.
I've wondered to myself why we suffered THE WORST EVER NATURAL DISASTER to hit the United States at this time and place in history? I do not believe it was because of "immorality" as some might want to believe because there have always been immoral people around for thousands of years without God judging them with "natural" disasters. No, it's not Global Warming either nor was it because we didn't sign the Kyoto Treaty. The most logical explanation for Hurricane Katrina I would have to conclude is anti-semitism on the part of the United States.
From World Net Daily:
While most religious authorities seem to agree one cannot discern the intentions of God, there has been talk in some circles here and on the Internet the storm that turned parts of the Gulf Coast into a disaster zone, prompting hundreds of thousands to evacuate their homes and possibly causing upwards of 10,000 deaths, was thrust upon the U.S. for its support of the Gaza evacuation.
Abraham, the biblical father of the Jews, received this promise from God in the book of Genesis: "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
One week before Katrina made landfall, Israel carried out the evacuation of 9,500 residents from Gush Katif and four Samaria communities. Residents were forced from their homes by Israeli troops, some dragged away kicking and screaming and placed on buses that took them from the area. The majority of former Katif residents are currently homeless while the Israeli government struggles to find permanent housing solutions.
Is there a connection here between the United States and Israel?
The Gaza withdrawal was backed by the U.S. government. Some Middle East analysts and senior Israeli politicians entirely attributed the evacuation plan to pressure coming from the American establishment.
"I welcome the disengagement plan," stated Bush immediately following the announcement of the Gaza evacuation. "These steps will mark real progress toward realizing the vision I set forth in June 2002 of two states living side by side in peace and security."
Anti-Semitism is always punished by God on both a national and personal level. I'm sure President Bush feels he has made the right decision regarding the "Palenstinian" conflict, however, we in the Church must continue to pray for the President that he may be wisely guided and in the end he will make the proper decision in defence of the Jew. I believe it is the best explanation for the catastrophe that has befallen America in New Orleans.
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