He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Spineless Jellyfish

What do Cindy Sheehan, Jack Murtha, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the French have in common? Cowardice and malaise. The amount of historical amnesia displayed by these people astounds even the most optimistic among us that America can wage war against our enemies. I find it humorous that the Cindy Sheehan's in government and media who daily cackle for a "withdrawal" from Iraq can be so malevolent towards our allies in the Middle East and really throughout the world. Where is a Woodrow Wilson or a FDR amongst Democrats today? They are dead. Even their spirit has been exorcised from them. A Democrat controlled congress in 1974 voted to "withdraw" funding for the South Vietnamese government at a time when they needed us the most and all hell broke loose when Hanoi could move against Saigon at leisure without any interference from Washington. This is their modus operandi for American Foreign Policy in the 21st Century which makes the Democrat Party unfit to hold the reins of presidential power. The liberal democrat mind is to this day in a "purple haze" about their responsibility to our allies as well as to the defense of the United States.

For these cowards, history matters not a whit. To them, every day is a "new" day and whatever happened in the past CANNOT happen in the future. Such naivete' can only lead to blunder and destruction and as well as a predictable pattern of retreat that the enemies of America can fully manipulate to their own ends. The noble and honorable character of our soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen stands as a majestic mountain before an arid desert of cynacism and faithlessness that personifies the Left in America today. As the Left pretends to participate in a "die-in" on the Capitol Steps, our men and women on the battlefield are in reality sacrificing their blood and heritage to keep us free from the tyranny of socialist, religious and communistic government that makes up so much of the despotic world.

Make no mistake my friends of the reprecussions of the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and the attack on the Pentagon: We are at war! If the destruction of the F. Murray Building in Oklahoma tells us anything, there is no place to run nor hide. America has been breached and the last time this occurred was in 1812 when Washington was burned to the ground by maurading British soldiers. The ONLY way to defeat this menace is to take the war to the enemy which resides in the capitals of the Middle East. Even now, Iran arms itself with nuclear weaponery and Syria continues to wage assymetric warfare against us in Mesopotamia from Damascus. Many battles lie ahead and it will take men and women of courage to stand against our enemies foreign and sadly, domestic.


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