He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Home for Christmas

The hyperventalation going on in the Old Media regarding troop levels in Iraq is simply ignorance of how the military works. I know that you hear SecDef Rumsfeld say "we will begin drawing troops down in Iraq...." but really he knows the media simply are playing dumb or are in fact just plain stupid. He gives them words that they want to hear. The Democrats are demanding "withdrawal" and thus the media is always asking moronic questions as to when "we will be withdrawing from Iraq" as if withdrawal solves all of our problems or is how the world works.

There is always troop ROTATIONS going on at any one time. Troops may be on their first, second or third "tour" but in no way does this mean, like World War II, that those troops have been in a constant state of war for the past two years in Iraq. This army is an all volunteer force and therefore, will individually or with units be going in and out of this theatre of opearations as the Pentagon sees fit.

We will always have a presence in Iraq whether we maintain 150,000 troops or 15,000 troops in the future. So, if we say we are "drawing down" some troops in Iraq, it does NOT mean or imply that the Democrats were right and we are now "withdrawing" from Iraq. The Old Media will broadcast it that way, but we know how smart they are, now don't we. If we used their logic in regards to the Second World War, then because we have withdrawn 95% of our armed forces from Germany since 1945 then it stands to reason we somehow lost the war as they are want to make such an inference. Nonsense.

You will occaisionally hear administration officials in Washington and Baghdad make all the right clucking noises regarding "withdrawal" but make no mistake about it, we are there to stay and to stay for the long haul. Iraq is but the second front on the War on Terror and there are still other objectives that demand our attention namely Tehran and Damascus. Iraq is a splendid jumping off point into both Iran and Syria and to leave this area in such haste would be foolhardy to say the least.


Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

Ah yes, that rascally Rumsfeld couldn't fool you guys, could he? Thank God you guys are on top of things.

What corporation would allow their own employees to post negative postings about their company? There is not a single entity in the world that would knowingly allow their own people to denigrate their organization before the public. Why should soldiers get a pass, especially when national security is such a high priority in the military?

Are you loyal to nothing? Is anarchy the rule of the day?

The one thing I learned about communism is that they don't suffer anarchists very well. They either ended up in Siberia or the grave. Most unfortunate.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

Posting the horrors of war is not news. When GI's sent letters back to family about the horrors of what they saw, you will note, that the media did not display them in front of the entire world then lament about the loss of each and every soldier that died each day, unlike today's news.

Clearly, there is a leftwing/democrat agenda to sway the American people to their side at the expense of our troops in the field.

The communist conspiracy run rampant in this country during the 40's and 50's was quite evident especially since we know so much about it from Soviet-era archives. Their efforts paid off during the 60's when libs embraced sex, drugs and rock & roll and demanded withdrawal from Viet Nam.

I know, history is such a bummer to liberals. Perhaps that is why they are so eager to forget it.

You don't simply oppose war in general. You seem to only oppose AMERICA waging war period. Nevermind when other nations go to war or use assymetric means to wage war against us or our allies.

Thus lies the inherent weakness of your "anti-war" position.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

Why yes I am. The Red Scare was not a bogeyman or a witch hunt. There was active communist cells working within all levels of the American government as is evidenced by what was uncovered during those investigations and information released from Soviet archives after 1990.

I don't believe I have called you a "communist" however, most liberals do show empathy or sympathy with the communist cause or ideals. Hollywoods love affair with Castro comes to mind. Most unfortunate when you consider what a barbaric system of government it truly was in every nation and culture it rose to prominence in. Far exceeds anything the Nazi's did to Europe and the Jews.

I look at history in its totality. I don't pick and choose what I like about this or that era. Your insistence at rejecting the premise for the second front in Iraq rings hollow and I'm simply looking for consistency. You may have "liked" the afghan war and all previous wars but that puts you at odds with even your own party, thats if you are a registered democrat.

By the way, the Russians were extremely angry with Bill Clinton during the Yugoslav "war" that he waged, because billy-bob was entirely against what the UN wanted for this region. It did not authorize war against Milosovic. Bill Clinton along with Blair, Shroeder and other Nato leaders attacked Yugoslavia. We had less allies during that conflict than we do now in Iraq. It was only a "UN" operation when the "war" ended. Interesting side note, it was a Republican from California that enacted the War Powers Act on a very close floor vote, forcing that impeached President from Little Rock to end his dirty little war against Milo in Belgrade.

from wikipedia:

The legitimacy of NATO's bombing campaign in Kosovo has been the subject of much debate. NATO did not have the backing of the United Nations to use force in Yugoslavia but justified its actions on the basis of an "international humanitarian emergency". Criticism was also drawn by the fact that the NATO charter specifies that NATO is an organization created for defence of its members, but in this case it was used to attack a non-NATO country which was not directly threatening any NATO member. NATO countered this argument by claiming that instability in the Balkans was a direct threat to the security interests of NATO members, and military action was therefore justified by the NATO charter.

Many on the left of Western politics saw the NATO campaign as US aggression and imperialism, while critics on the right considered it irrelevant to their countries' national security interests. Veteran anti-war campaigners such as Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, Justin Raimondo, and Tariq Ali were prominent in opposing the campaign. However, in comparison with the anti-war protests against the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the campaign against the war in Kosovo aroused much less public support. The television pictures of refugees being driven out of Kosovo made a vivid and simple case for NATO's actions. The personalities were also very different — the NATO nations were mostly led by centre-left and moderately liberal leaders, most prominently U.S. President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Anti-war protests were generally confined to the far left and Serbian emigrés, with many other left-wingers supporting the campaign on humanitarian grounds.

Soooo, I rest my case.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

LOL! Okay, allright, I take it you are pleading for mercy? Don't like to be associated with the "far-left" whether by inference or implication? I see.

You must forgive me for being so naive but your blog is entirely an anti-Bush screed. Rather, sadly, one-dimensional. So, I should be allowed to assume that indeed you are part of the left, whether "far-left" or "middle-left" or even I dare say "right-left". ;)

Since you are not a registered democrat, I take it you are Republican? Or someother animal?

I do consider ALL socialism whether it be American, English, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Cambodian, Cuban etc as being anti-God, anti-freedom and anti-American. It does not comport with our constitution of life, liberty and property. They are mutually exclusive.

I pick on liberals for their hypocrisy in foreign affairs because evidentally they have decided to ignore history which affects/effects our relations with the nations of the world. I know you feel that I have classed or catagorized you with them unfairly but you are precariously close to their side and I would advise you to move away from them lest you become collateral damage in our war of ideas. :)

Perhaps you should come out here to California to widen your perspective, I understand the cheese is great. ;)

Have a great New Year! Cheers.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

LOL, no I'm not trying to get rid of you or "ignore" you. I usually post all comments while at work. Come to think of it, I'm not being very "productive" while waiting for comments....makes working more fun though!

So sorry to offend you with my criticism of your blog. If it makes you feel any better, I do enjoy reading your blog, even though it crucifies the Bush Presidency.

You mentioned that I didn't answer your question regarding the historical connections between Al Qaida and Iraq? Let me answer that one.

Does it matter that there is a paper trail? If we found one, would you believe it, after all coming from this Bush White House? Iraq does indeed have an irratic history of terrorist support as do most Middle Eastern states.

After 9/11, if you did not cooperate with America in regards to handing over all terrorist elements within ones borders, it had to be assumed you were in bed with the enemy. Surely, after the fall of Kabul this should have been a wake-up call for all dictators around the region that America was on the war-path. Apparently, Quaddafi of Libya got the message.

You may not like the idea that the enemy is stealthy and countries purposefully cover up their trails in regards to Al Qaida. If they did not, then America would be breaking down their door.

Once again, "evidence" is not needed when dealing with foreign powers. Typically, evidence throughout history has been flimsy at best when deciding to wage war.

Finally, what makes you think there is NO PAPER TRAIL? Perhaps this trail is so sensitive that we don't want to reveal how much we indeed know? There is still secrets from WWII that we are just now learning about, 60 years after the fact.

My position is after 9/11, if you do not cooperate with us on the War on Terror, then you are hiding something. Al Qaida is not the ONLY terror organization out there and the policy of exporting terrorism to achieve political ends is no longer to be tolerated. If that means war then so be it.

Veni, Vidi, Vici.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

Apparently, the concept of "the enemy of my enemy, is my friend" eludes you. We supported Russia during WWII against the Nazi's even though they were as if not more brutal than Hitler's Germany. Both countries carved up Poland in 1939.

The Iran-Iraq war was no different. Saddam's Iraq was fully funded and supported by Russia as was evidenced by the vast majority of their military constructed and logistically supplied along Warsaw Pact lines. Yes, they received some aid from us, because Iran had become our arch-rival in the Gulf.

Why do we wage war with some countries while leave others alone even though it would appear they are both culpable for atrocities?

Answer: It depends on who attacks us. If the don't attack us, we generally leave them alone. Obvious exceptions might be some distant scirmish involving army or marines but cannot constitute "war" as we generally define it.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

Saddam himself doesn't personally make terror attacks but certainly orders others to do so. He materially supported Palenstinian terrorism against Israelis and no, he has no right to do this.

Russia didn't merely aid the Iraqi's but were involved in its entire construction and disposition. Saddam himself was a great admirer of the greatest of all dictators, Josef Stalin. So naturally, he would gravitate towards the Soviet state for support, doctrine and logistics in waging war. Thankfully, like the Soviets before them, they were quite inept at fielding armies.

Apparently you have forgotten that the Axis of Evil includes: Iraq, Iran and North Korea. One down, two to go.

If you libs/progressives would stop opposing our offensive against the Axis of Evil then perhaps we can get this war done, once and for all.

In regards to administration officials "clarity" on Iraq, it is often said that "hindsight is 20/20".

1:29 PM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

Iraq not a threat? What about his constant targeting and firing on our aircraft over the no-fly zone established after the first gulf war? What about the assasination attempt on GH Bush in which Clinton ordered the Cruise Missle attack on Baghdad in retaliation? What about the attack on the USS Stark during the late 80's by an errant Iraqi fighter? Why wait to be attacked at all by the likes of Saddam?

You see, its 9/11 that makes all the difference. We can no longer suffer fools like Saddam who are a clear and present danger to us and to our allies in the region. If you can't see the strategic implications of defying a vengeful America then indeed you should not be ruling your own country. Lets not be so naive.

3:08 PM  

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