He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Spirit of Lawlessness

The recent protests this weekend in Los Angeles by illegal aliens and their supporters portends a greater backlash against them by citizens of the United States. Lets face it, we Americans sense that a certain lawlessness now pervades our entire society. We feel we are not in control and we saw it this weekend when hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens could march in one of America's biggets cities without impunity. Truly, a foreign army marching in our streets.

The Left has nearly if not entirely triumphed and now anarchy is the rule of law. Their defiant and arrogant position ultimately is rooted against the most basic of all sentient characteristics: authority. They despise the authority of police, the authority of government, the authority of the military, the authority of the Church, the authority of teachers, the authority of parents and they especially hate the authority of God. They will not be told what to do nor will they be happy with what they have. They must demand and if their demands are not met then they will riot. They will smash things and march in the streets to intimidate weak politicians to cave to their demands. They are unrighteous, they are scum.

What to do? Authority must be established and respected before we can begin to take back this country. This is a strategic cultural change that will take years if not decades before we see a difference. Above all, Christianity must reign supreme as it once did in this country for America to return to its greatness otherwise, we could easily spiral into a police state with atheistic/socialist policies that will only make things worse. I'm not sure if its too late and we are actually witnessing the spiral today. Only time will tell.

If we are hit by International Islamic Terrorism on the same lines as 9/11, then I predict, martial law will be declared and the borders will be closed. All illegal aliens man, woman and child will be rounded up and processed by the government to document their identities and then released at the border of Mexico or returned to their country in Latin and South America. The military will enforce the policies that government failed to do. The economy may be harmed in the short term, but the market will adjust to the new reality. The Left will riot, but this time soldiers will be ready and either the rioting scum will be peaceably broken-up or they will be violently shattered to pieces. Time is running short. Americans will no longer suffer anarchists to determine our future.

Sleepers awake!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tide has finally swung and you good sir, fail to see it.

America has grown tired of this racket and the clowns that run it. Think about what has happened in the last year...beginning with Terri Schiavo. W's urgency to break his vacation to sign unconstitutional legislation all for a woman that had been dead for 10 years. The scandals, the appointments, Katrina, the scandals, the "fireside" chats...

It goes on and on and it is incompetence and manipulation. The American people are tired of it. There are those of us on either side with our opinions and there is 50% in the middle who set the mood. They're appauled by corporations laying off thousands of employees and defaulting on pensions. They don't like seeing Americans floating in the streets and begging for help. They don't appreciate W ignoring Cindy Sheehan and writing law for Terri Schiavo. They accept and expect politicians to be crooked and slimey...and they don't vote. But they do have a limit.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...


Good to hear from you again. Hope things are going well.

Even now as I write this to you, Paris is in upheaval over their broken socialist system and the people are rioting. Love it. So futile are their ways.

I wonder when a revived Napolean will return to bring "enlightenment" to the French?

4:03 PM  

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