He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Left Has Won The West

Who belongs to "the Left"? The Left today are essentially lovers of big-brother government in all of its manifestations. They believe in the centralization of the federal government and the micro-management of the people with government subsistence as the guiding light in thought and action. Safety is usually the backdoor by which it imposes its will upon an unsuspecting people accustomed to living according to their own ways. Through safety and regulation, the people are enslaved. There is no escape once this type of thinking takes shape in the peoples minds as the need for ever increasing micro-management demands more and more redistribution of wealth from first the rich then to the middle class and finally the lower classes of the working caste.

Europe has essentially embraced socialism at nearly 100% throughout the Old World. This in turn has given rise to more ambitious men to take the helm of not just a single nation but the entire continent to wield its centralized power and forge a new trans-national organization that can harness each nation's attributes into a single all encompassing entity. Privacy will no longer be tolerated. Thus, collective existence is the order of the day. The government will provide for the Europeans from the cradle to the coffin. Religion too is collective in both spirit and practice in the West and with the return of Hellenism, a new pantheon of gods has arisen except that Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam and various other eastern religions have replaced Mars, Jupiter, Apollo and Athena. Religous Babylon in the middle of Europe.

America on the other hand has essentially rebuked the Old World but American leftwing elites have clung to the siren song of Europa by implementing a pseudo-socialistic system that might be compared to a high-risk insurance plan with a large deductible compared to Europes' all encompassing HMO type coverage. Nevertheless, the feudalism emanating from the Old World is fast becoming a means by which leftwing politicians from both Democrat and Republican parties are attempting to saddle upon all Americans the heavy yoke of ever-increasing government control. Once again, it usually is an appeal to "safety" or "security" by which socialism is imposed upon the United States against the wishes of the people. Culturally speaking, Hellenism too is being forced upon us by leftwing politicians and judges however if given a choice, the American public would reject this modus vivendi for being too ambiguous and politically correct. Protestant Christians founded this nation in large part and it is Christianity that is keeping it from being submerged into the abyss of collective government control, barely. On the economic front, commercial Babylon is anathema to most Christians, however, the ruling elites have deemed it necessary to continue America's dominance on the global stage by embracing NAFTA, GATT, WTO and other financial mechanisms that erode American sovereignty.

Overall, politically, economically and culturally only true Americans embrace "nativist" Commerce, Christianity and Constitution. The ruling elites, however, have sold their souls for the greater collective "good" by marching under the flag of commercial, political and religious Babylon and all that it entails. They are born American but are European at heart. Conservatives have lost. We do not control government, nor do we control the culture, nor do we control the policies that form the economy in either Europe or America. We are a fading light in an increasingly dark time. The most we can do is maintain a rear-guard action in what is otherwise a lost war for the minds and souls of America.

The Left often accuses the United States of being a "Fascist" state. But if this be true, who is to blame? It may be true that America has indeed embraced Fascism or some form thereof, but it wasn't conservatives or Christians that demanded this form of government or modus vivendi. We can only be blamed for not fighting it enough to prevent its rise in the United States since the advent of the 20th century. And now, leviathan is upon you. And you leftwingers whine about it? Good God, you deserve what is coming to you.

Long Live the Republic.


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