He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Making History Repeat Itself

This is an election year make no mistake about it. The Press and the Left are in high gear for this coming mid-term election which they believe will catapault them into power in both the House and Senate. A lot of comparisons have been made by the Left to justify their high expectations come November and to some degree there are similarities that may prove useful in an academic sense. But let us not go overboard here.

A recent columnist suggested there are a lot of parallels in the 2006 mid-term elections to the Democrats 1950 mid-term elections which eventually saw President Truman ousted from office by the Republican's Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. Even CNN picked up on that idea and ran with it on Friday on Wolf Blitzer's Situation Room even running pictures of the Korean War and using the Republican "attack" ads lampooning "Truman's war" in Korea and asking "Why?".

I suppose all's fair in love and war however, a note of caution should be sounded comparing this War On Terror to the Korean War. Harry Truman was completely hounded from office because he did one thing completely unforgivable by almost all Americans: He fired General MacArthur! G.W. has made a host of mistakes as all Presidents do but alas he hasn't done something that dumb especially when we consider what a WWII icon that MacArthur was. Not only did Truman fire probably the greatest American General in the history of the Republic and certainly of the 20th Century, Truman also demanded the American forces retreat back to the 38th Parallel that divided North and South Korea after MacArthur was exorcised from the Army in April, 1951. I'm sure he only thought of it as "redeployment" but we all know it was a retreat by Presidential fiat. And he suffered dearly for it.

Is 2006 the Republicans retreat to the perverbial 38th Parallel? The Left has apparently succeeded in stopping American momentum in the War On Terror but I suspect the Islamic Terrorists currently manuevering into position for their next diabolical strike will completely change the dynamic of this election come the second Tuesday of November.


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