He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Useless Idiots

The vote today on the non-binding resolution against the so called "troop surge" in Iraq was about as predictable as Al Gore's pronouncement that America is the reason for global warming. And yet, I'm incredibly incensed at the audicity and blaphemous stand that the Democrats and a small minority of Republicans have taken in regards to the War On Terror.

These bastards don't even have the guts to actually cut the funds to end the war/pacification in Iraq but instead choose to chide the President like the yapping jackals they are. Who do you think benefits from this vote? Our allies? The country? The troops? No! Al Qaida benefits from this seditious act and boy they sure are smiling tonight!! Al Qaida couldn't have asked for a better weapon in their arsenal of terror than a Democrat controlled House of Representatives. Now that is a Wonder Weapon! A pox upon their House!

This Democrat controlled Congress wants Iraq to be VietNam part II. They want us to lose in Iraq as much as they wanted us to lose in VietNam. They have so far called our troops baby killers and Nazi's just as they did in Vietnam over 30 years ago. They have their accomplices in the media just like Vietnam and they have done their damage well with their leftwing propaganda in the Networks and Newspapers. They have their veterans to deflect any criticism that there position might imply a military ignorance such as a James Webb, a John Kerry or a Jack Murtha and yet I say to them even Benedict Arnold was an American war hero at one time! And like Arnold before us they have betrayed the Republic. No, they haven't given West Point to the British but certainly they have given Iraq to Al Qaida! Their flesh says they support the troops but their spirit welcomes their demise on a daily basis as if this proves their cheap points in the halls of Congress. To hell with them for their Quisling position! They have their rationalizations but they do not have any respect or honor.

The President is a lion surrounded by berating jackals and as we all know even a pack of weak kneed dogs can take down a lion with their unrelenting pack mentality with a thousand nipping bites and scratches. Flight 93 crashed in the fields of Pennsylvania and we can only speculate where its final destination was intended and yet this Democrat controlled Congress has completely ignored the past. Maybe it was Congress and not the White House they were ultimately headed? At least Moscow deployed useful idiots to do their bidding in America during the Cold War but this Congress takes the cake. Why have they embraced cowardice before our enemies even as our beautiful young men put their lives on the line for their old sorry asses? Contempt and scorn is all they deserve.

They have given no loyalty to us and they shall receive none from the people. I hold them accountable for our demise both over there and here in our great land. Blood is upon their hands.


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