He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Martyrdom at Virginia Tech

I have decided to go out on a limb regarding the terrible attack at Virginia Tech on Monday. I believe the perpetrator of this great and heinous crime is a Moslem convert. I'm afraid all the signs point to another martyrdom operation performed by a young male individual intent on pleasing the God of Muhammed. Let us review the signs:

1) A resident alien from South Korea who's point of entry into the USA is Detroit, Michigan. This is significant because of the very large Moslem population within this American city.

2) The name he chose for himself and as well as the name used in his return address of the now notorious video package sent to NBC is Ismail Ax. This is significant because Moslems believe that Ishmael, the illegitimate child from Abraham, is the father of the Arab peoples. Isaac is the legitimate child of Abraham who is the father of the Jews. The Moslem peoples refer to Ishmael as Ismail.

3) Bomb threats were received at Virginia Tech just a few weeks ago. Moslem terrorists are notorious for bomb threats and their use of them in all kinds of terror attacks throughout the world. What has not been established as yet is if he made these threats or another person.

4) This murderous plot was not hatched as some momentary rage or revenge for another lover as previously suggested. This was a coordinated, well planned and thought out execution even going so far as to chain the doors to prevent innocent victims from escaping.

5) In the letters and videos he left behind he rails against "hedonism" and "debauchery" at his school. He also states that it is not his fault but ours for his murderous rampage. This is classic Moslem denial of culpability for his own life and the way he treats others as well as to his ultimate demise. It also points to Islam because they are always preaching against the lascivious nature so prevalent in the Western modus vivendi today which is the Hellene culture of sexual permissiveness and pagan belief that denies the God of Abraham. This might explain why he was so "disappointed" by Christianity (apparently Christians have failed as well) as clearly the West has rejected Jesus Christ, whom the Moslem believe to be a prophet of God, and have embarked on a "godless" trajectory away from the Almighty from whence the West has so long been influenced.

6) In the video, Cho states he is going to murder everyone "for my brothers and sisters who you @!$%*!" This is significant because the Islamic rationale for killing civilians is that we (the West or any other civilization) has already killed their families either in Palestine or some other place in the Ummah and thus the Mohammadan only wishes to "defend" himself.

7) Islamic terrorists almost always have a "last will and testament" on video to show to the world who actually perpetrated their murderous "good deed" for Allah.

8) The FBI issued a warning about 3 weeks ago to be on the lookout for "extremist" elements in society that may be employed by school administrations such as school janitors or bus drivers. After Virginia Tech, even students will have to be ID'd and separated from the general population.

This is only speculation on my part since I don't have access to all of the information. However, considering that we in the United States live in a very restrained politically correct environment its not likely that either the media, school administration or police are going to give us the unadulterated truth in regards to this mass murder at Virginia Tech. I have always believed that the Oklahoma truckbomb attack at the Alfred P. Murray Building in 1995 was also Moslem related as well and you will note the government has refused to make such a connection.

Will the passage of time reveal more or will it simply fade from our collective memory? We can only hope the truth will be revealed so that we may take the proper action to thwart such heinous crimes in the future.


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