He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Meaning of McCain

Why did John McCain win big last night on Super Tuesday on the road to the Republican nomination for President? Because he was the next best thing in a field of moderate to leftwing Republicans. Mitt Romney in spite of right-wing talk radio (Catholics for Romney) still couldn't pull it out in the states he was counting on such as California and various other states in the South. Catholics for Romney are only fooling themselves if they think that Mitt is somehow better than McCain when it comes to conservatism.

The country may have a conservative culture however we can see how the institutions of America are quite leftwing or moderate at best. John McCain thusly appeals to those who reside in these institutions (military, government, judiciary, academia, business) and the rank and file who work in these institutions are therefore attracted to McCain. Was Ronald Reagan any different? If you are honest about Ronald Reagan, that is, focusing on the politician and not the orator then we can see how moderate President Reagan really was during his rule. Government expanded under Reagan, America ran away from terrorism in Lebanon, Amnesty for illegal aliens was signed into law, and the culture remained pretty liberal in spite of the conservative voice in the White House.

Is John McCain a heretic of conservativism? No! A thousand times no! He is very much in the mold of Ronald Reagan the politician, however, talk radio is bashing McCain because of past leadership battles with President Bush. You will note McCain has continually been attacked by Rush Limbaugh since 2000 when he first ran for President. The reason for this is due primarily to the Republican Party wanting another Bush in the White House and thus unleashed Rush on McCain. This time around, Mitt Romney who was a Bush (Jeb) favorite, was the anoited Bush nominee and Rush Limbaugh therefore was unleashed on him again however will little or no effect. Sadly, other radio hosts who should have known better also went along at the last minute to pour gasoline on the fire of McCain's bonfire such as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and so forth.

We conservatives must come to grips with the obvious facts that lay before us: America, like the world, is slowly being transformed by Babylon the Great. We are more hedonistic, hellenistic, lascivious, socialistic, and sadly, anti-Christian. We conservatives have failed to retake the institutions that can actually make the necessary changes to America and lead us to greatness based on independence politically and spiritually. We have failed to convince the elites of this country in the efficacy of limited government and conservative principles. Because of this failure to seize the highground, we have been left with a McCain for good or for ill to battle the greatest American socialist that stands before us since President Johnson and perhaps even FDR: Hillary Rodham Clinton. I ask my fellow Republicans to accept this fait accompli and due their duty and vote for the presumptive heir in the Republican Party not so much for McCain but for the Republic.

May God have mercy upon our souls.


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