He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Paradigm Shift In Reverse

Are we in a paradigm shift? Has history returned to the point it left off in 1929 or perhaps even 1914? Now, granted I speak rhetorically here because history was indeed made in those years but what I mean is history going back in reverse? First, we had the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and then the Great Depression followed. Then we got FDR elected into office and the beginning of America's devolution into socialist government-lite with Social Security and big government programs. Then we got World War II and America after struggling from her high position became the Western Atlas holding up the "Free" world and it has been this way ever since 1945.

Now, it appears everything is in reverse. We just came out of the Cold War victorious and had a genial interregnum of peace during the 1990's (1945-1950) in which America was numeral Uno. No one could come close to our economic, political, military, cultural and industrial power and influence in the entire world. Then came 9/11 (1939-1945) and the infamous attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. We then waged a symmetrical and asymmetrical global war against terrorism and the states that sponsor terrorists. It has often and I might add erroneously compared to WWII however it was global in scale much like WWII. The amount of money to wage this war has been astronomical. Like World War II the technology used has been otherworldly with the advent of UAV's and GPS guided missiles and artillery rounds and of course robots deployed in EOD operations in the War On Terror. Now, we have entered a very serious economic crisis which it too is global in scale (1929-1939) which threatens the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as our current commitments in Europe and Asia as the policeman in those regions. Now, we are on the precipice of electing a President that either will increase exponentially government control (FDR - 1932) or a President that will not merely cut taxes but actually cut "spending" (1920's).

Senator McCain often likes to compare himself to a Teddy Roosevelt instead of an FDR type which in itself is quite revealing. If I'm correct in the ramifications of the current situation and we are indeed moving in reverse historically at least in America then McCain is to Teddy Roosevelt as America today is to the early 20th Century! In other words, America is returning whether it likes it or not back to where we came from which is small government control which in turn means our complete retreat from the world as the Atlas of the Western World. If McCain/Palin are true to their words and if they are elected come November then its quite possible America will have to reverse course in the world politically and militarily because financially we cannot sustain our current "three trillion dollar" government operating budget and continue on the course that was set out for us nearly 100 years ago by none other than Teddy Roosevelt himself!

This may very well spell the end of America's "experiment" with FDR(that other Roosevelt) big brother government because we simply can't afford it! And Obama wants to expand government control over the health sector of America? Do you realize that is at least another TRILLION dollar boondoggle or worse if we go down that route? Then there is the misnomer known to us as Social Security that is the next big shoe to drop in the financial arena that will completely destroy whats left of our "solvent" financial situation if there is any monies left after all is said and done in regards to the bailout.

Naturally, not everything will be an exact anti-type to the events of history nearly 100 years ago but America's contraction throughout the world economically, politically, militarily and culturally will bring, I suspect, America "home again". This doesn't necessarily mean we will have commerce WITH borders as the concept of commerce WITHOUT borders is now out of Pandora's box but America will no longer be the colossus on the world stage that it once was since 1945.

Of course, I could be wrong.


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