He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

State of the Left

Why is the left-wing in this country so seemingly outraged about everything under the sun? If its not President Bush that blows their cork then its the evangelicals, if not them then its "big-business", if not them then its the Pledge of Allegiance with "One Nation Under God". One thing after another, the left is completely excercised and unhinged kicking and screaming until they get their way. Problem is, the haven't got their way since 1994 when Republicans retook Congress back from their oily hands. Since then they have slowly lost ground not only in the halls of power in Washington but also in the arena of ideas and public opinion.

Many things have contributed to their putrefaction since 1994. The first major development was the popularity of talk radio. It wasn't just "any" talk radio that I speak of. Clearly, the advent of Rush Limbaugh was a clarion call to anyone who dared to oppose the left, be they moderate to hard-right, to rise up and take the mantel of political power away from the left. When Rush came on the scene the year was 1988 and in just 6 years the political pendulum was swung back to favor the Republicans in Congress. Since then hundreds of wanna-be Rush Limbaughs are now speaking before the nation on a daily basis.

The next major contribution to the demise of the left-wing was the advent of the internet. And no, Al Gore did not invent this one. If he did, then he has undone the left like no conservative dreamed he could do. The internet really came of age around 1994 which only seems like yesterday. The internet not only opened new business opportunities but broke the dam that was blocking information from the mulititudes of people in the United States. Main Stream Media was the dam holding back news and facts that they deemed were not to be viewed by the rest of us. The internet as the dam-buster flooded the American people with the water of information and provided the ability of just about anyone to access information unmolested by the MSM. This sent shockwaves through out the political spectrum and even now continues unabated. With the internet came news sites then came Drudge who would single-handedly change the current of information away from the MSM. Now, the blogs have arrived. Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

The third major contribution to the left-wing self-destruction has been the World Trade Center attack on 9/11/2001. When the Towers fell on that fateful day, also came down was the tower of left-wing alleged moral superiority. For the left, New York City is the epitomy of multiculturalism and if we just all get along then everything will be just fine. This view has dominated American culture for nearly 30 years. Red-State America was furious that we were attacked on 9/11 with all its destruction. Blue-State America was furious too, but not that the US was attacked but that the attack itself froze the pendulum of public opinion to the right-side of the political spectrum not seen since Pearl Harbor in 1941, sixty years before. Thus, the left-wing is stuck in a minority status in Congress and will continue to be for some time perhaps even for a generation. We are in an "Ice-Age" of Terrorism where the right-wing now dominates government with no apparent sight of the sun to relieve the left of this "cold-wind" blowing across the nation as far as liberals are concerned. Some day the glaciers will melt away revealing a new landscape that liberals will no doubt not be able to recognize.

The left-wing continues to throw fits over their losses. How long this will last is anyones guess. Its up to the left to adapt and overcome but we can only hope like the dinosoars before them they will not be able to overcome the hostile cold conditions they find themselves placed in. Welcome to the Ice Age.


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