He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

This is London

International terrorism strikes again. Over 50 murdered and nearly 700 injured in clearly what was a barbaric act carried out by cowards themselves in the heart of London this day. Terrorism is politics by other means. Ostensibly violent and ruthless, it is meant to intimidate and cower those in positions of power. Ironically, those in power are often not the ones targeted, however, their constituents are fair game. In this case, Prime Minister Blair was spared this attack on his own person but Londoners instead would be the "sacrificial" lamb to the slaughter.

International terrorism is a State-Sponsored enterprise. It is well planned in advance and timed to inflict the maximum psychological effect which in turn is designed to produce a political outcome favorable to the antagonist. In this case, this murderous outrage bears all the hallmarks of Islamic-State- Supported-Terrorism. No other group in the world today utilizes bombing techniques both by remote control and by kamikaze other than Islamic terrorists. No doubt certain countries in the Islamic Arabic world have deployed their terror teams to all the capitols around the Western World as sleeper cells to activate at the most propitious moment they feel will do their political bidding.

Why would they attack London now? Clearly, they have calculated that the Left will take advantage of Blairs weaker political position since his re-election and hope that if London falls under repeated terror attacks like today, then Tony Blair himself will come under enormous pressure to resign in political defeat clearing the way for a more passive Labor leader to steer the United Kingdom away from the War on Terror. Clearly, we have had certain rebellious Laborite leaders in London today stating that it was Tony Blairs fault for this attack because he followed George Bush into Iraq. Tony Blair has been a great ally for the United States in Europe and if the Jihadists can dislodge America's strategic ally, Great Britain, then America indeed will have been weakened herself in Europe and the Middle East.

We must also consider that Britain announced only recently that the British troops stationed in Southern Iraq will be moving out of Basra and moving into Afghanistan for operations there. Perhaps certain countries like Pakistan or Iran want to remind the British people that they will suffer further bloodshed by expanding their war against Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaida network in the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan. Or more plausible is that the Pakistani Intelligence Service is the backbone of the international jihad conspiracy against the West and the movement of more troops to Afghanistan by the British was a realization that the center of gravity for Osama Bin Ladin's terrorist network vis a vis Pakistani Intelligence lies somewhere in between Kabul and Islamabad.

We will see if this more modern version of the "Battle of Britain" will reveal the fortitude and indomitable spirit of the English people to endure black and terrible days ahead or if indeed, like Spain before her, she will succumb to fear and intimidation and throw-out Prime Minister Blair for his support of the United States of America in her War on Terror.


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