From the Washington Post:
...Bush selected a long-standing New Jersey judge with an extensive record of conservative rulings on abortion, federalism, discrimination and religion in public spaces. If confirmed to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the swing vote in recent years, Alito seems likely to shift the court to the right.
Conservative leaders who helped force Miers to pull out Thursday rejoiced at the selection, seeing in Alito the philosophical equivalent of Justice Antonin Scalia. Liberal groups moved instantly onto a war footing and accused Bush of bowing to the most extreme elements of his party. The intensity of the response instantly put Alito at the center of what seems to be the political confirmation battle that both sides have been gearing up to fight for more than a decade.
The typical leftwing response however, is to tear down your opponent with name calling and insults such as when the Democrat Party Chairman Howard Dean faxed "talking points" to the major media about their reaction to the nomination of Judge Alito they went so far as to denigrate his Italian heritage and actually insinuated that he allowed an Italian mobster to get off Scot-free when he ruled on a case a number of years ago. Then of course there is the insulting and bigoted charge that he can't be on the Supreme Court because he is a "white-male" and a conservative one to boot.
Conservative leaders who helped force Miers to pull out Thursday rejoiced at the selection, seeing in Alito the philosophical equivalent of Justice Antonin Scalia. Liberal groups moved instantly onto a war footing and accused Bush of bowing to the most extreme elements of his party. The intensity of the response instantly put Alito at the center of what seems to be the political confirmation battle that both sides have been gearing up to fight for more than a decade.
"After insisting that Harriet Miers shouldn't even get a hearing because she couldn't prove she was extreme enough, the far right has now forced the president to choose a nominee that they think has views as extreme as their own," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.).
Reid, who had encouraged Bush to pick Miers, said the Senate would have to investigate whether Alito "is too radical for the American people" and complained of another white male nominee. "President Bush would leave the Supreme Court looking less like America and more like an old boys club," Reid said.
So basically, the qualified and eminent Judge Alito cannot sit on the highest court of the land because he is "white", "far-right", and "Italian". But wait there is more, did I mention he is Catholic?
If confirmed as the nation's 110th justice, Alito would join a nine-member court that has one woman and one black justice. Alito would be the second Italian American, after Scalia, and its fifth Catholic, joining two Jews, a Protestant and an Episcopalian.
In some ways, Alito, 55, appears to be everything Miers was not. She was a corporate lawyer who studied at Southern Methodist University and broke gender barriers in Texas; Alito earned degrees from Princeton and Yale universities and served in President Ronald Reagan's Justice Department and as U.S. attorney in New Jersey.
The hearings for his nomination have been pushed back to January of '06. Just enough time to rev up the leftwing propaganda machine and cut him up like any good ole Italian mobster might do in a Hollywood movie. By the way, I approve of President Bush's choice just in case you wanted to know.