He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I find it rather ironic that in America liberals lament the Patriot Act. This federal government is now a rapacious 2.7 TRILLION dollar leviathan and you liberals wonder why you are losing "civil rights"? Morons! You created this monster and now it flies and breathes fire. What are you going to do now? Idiots. There is no silver bullet or "safety" harness that will prevent it from harming you and when you vote-in Democrats that only want to EXPAND this government at the expense of individual liberty you have the gall to say "what happened"?

Yes, I know, you will say those nasty Republicans want to take away a "womans choice" for aborting fetuses. Is that all you got left in your quiver? One arrow? The abortion arrow? The Republican Party in many ways is no different than the Democrat Party at least as far as expanding this federal government goes. However, it does have something the Democrat Party lacks: Patriots. The Republican Party is willing to defend this nation by force of arms which leaves the Democrat Party defending abortion which is their last insane and insular stand while America is threatened from without.

How many buildings must fall and how many Americans must die at the hands of International Islamic Terrorism? The Democrat Party is a haven of thieves and traitors who lack even the most fundamental virtue of respecting the dead, most recently the wife of a renown civil rights leader. Your adherence to socialism has destroyed your sense of "Americaness". You indeed are European in thought and action. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not found in you. You are dead to America.

Like Nebecannezer's son, will the Republican Party be able to "read the writing on the wall" and reorient this nation back to its independent past or resume where the Democrat Party left off and continue partying like there is no tomorrow? Like a yoke upon our shoulders, the size of the federal budget is a warning that we no longer enjoy the freedom of movement we once partook. We pull the state along and its only getting heavier. Who shall rise to the occasion and set us free?


Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

My dearest friend, Bryon, there are three elements here: the budget, the deficit and the debt. I'm writing about the FEDERAL BUDGET whereas;the deficit which currently runs I believe several hundred million simply shows we are SPENDING more than what we are taking in and thus are BORROWING to pay for our immediate needs. Note: we are not raising taxes. The DEBT on the other hand represents years of accumulated deficits and debts that equals somewhere between 5-7 trillion dollars at this moment.

I know that liberals/progressives want Bill Clinton to take "credit", pun not intended, for fiscal conservation but it simply is not in his rather liberal democrat bones to be this way. The explanation for the budget "surplus" in the 90's is directly tied to the economy which was "managed" by a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS. If "HilaryCare" had passed in '94 as the dems so desparately wanted, then no, I repreat, NO budget surpluses would have existed by the time Clinton left office in 2000, that I assure you as surely as the sun rises in the east.

So, in the end of this equation, I do agree with you that "Republicans" must take more fiduciary resposibility if the ship of state is to stay afloat.

This problem we have today is indeed made by Democrats. It all began under FDR in the 1930's with Social Security and the monster has grown ever since. Republican's read the tea leaves and stuck their finger in the air and decided to continue feeding the monster rather than slaying it as they should have done when Eisenhower and Republicans regained the White House and Congress in 1952. They have had their chance now, but the MANDATORY spending mechanisms are still in place with no republican in sight to break us free from its servitude.

History has shown, that once socialism creeps in then there apparently is no turning back. It only gets worse, spending and its comcomitant tax burden, that usually sees the state collapsing before these policies are changed. Most unfortunate.

Well as for the "partisanship" I'm not sure where to go on that one as it is the Democrats along with the Old Media and libs in Academia that are so extreme in their mud throwing and baseless accusations.

We have been attacked and yet very few democrats support the United States efforts in this war. Its not a matter of tactical considerations but an outright disregard of American security that has led me to call them traitors. Thus my question, "how many buildings must fall" before they actually get out of the way and start waging war?

VietNam has warped their minds. Its a shame considering that they too were the ones for that POLITICAL debacle as well from beginning to end.

Bryon, why even associate with them? They are such losers and morons. They ignore history and knowledge for the sake of what? "Peace"? Please, they are cowards. They ran from Hitler, Stalin and now Bin laden. Pathetic creatures.

4:33 PM  

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