He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Reality Check

I believe we have entered a new phase on the War on Terror. As political and military forces realign themselves over Operation Iraqi Freedom, we see a new conflict approaching over the horizon. Like Alexander with a mere 40,000 Greek troops poised before the all encompassing forces of the Persian King, we must decide with the forces and assets available to us today where and when to attack tomorrow.

We tread carefully in the Middle East. This war is like no other war we have fought in our nations history. It bears similarities to other wars we have fought but is truly unique in its own right. No, its not like World War II because Hollywood has not marshalled their "forces" on the American side like they did during the Second World War. Nor have we bombed the crap out of our enemies like we did with Germany and Japan. Its not like Viet Nam because we have gone on the offensive and actually invaded the enemy strongholds with the queen of the battlefield, the infantry, and have occupied the capital of our enemies thus depriving them of their rulership and treasure.

The global economy is a major factor in the operational tempo of this war. We don't want to collapse the worldwide economy trying to destroy this implaccable enemy but yet, our enemy knows this and will try everything they can to push it over the edge and harm the West in the process. We have most to lose in this respect than the other nations. Our existence is based on commercial activity and when this is suppressed, such as in war and embargo, then we at home feel its paralyzing effect. This particular war does indeed have greater economic impact than all the other wars because we in America are so heavily invested with our savings not in bank accounts but in 401k's, stocks, online-trading, mutual funds and so forth. In other words, as the economy goes, so goes our pensions! This is the primary reason why we have not gone "all-out" with massed invasions and carpet-bombing of the Middle East. However, if they push the economy over the edge, then indeed that operational tempo can easily change that will reflect more of a "WWII" type of war.

Which leads me to the issue of a "all volunteer army". The President of the United States of America has the right to call up a draft in order to infuse the American military with a fresh new wave of recruits. We haven't done so, yet, because this current army fighting the War on Terror has been carefully developed, trained and indoctrinated since the end of the Viet Nam War with an es spirit de corps that was so devastated by the war in Southeast Asia. With the advent of Ronald Reagan and the massive budget increases to augment the higher morale, the American military was dramatically altered with new troops, equipment and war-fighting doctrine that suddenly became the envy of the world. Not only could we say we were "number one" but actually could carry out any mission given to us as demanded by Congress and the President. This "small" core of troops who now have weathered the fire of war in Iraq and Afghanistan will train the new troops that can easily be called up by the President at any time. For those of you who are of age to be drafted, you might want to reconsider your rather short-sighted anti-military position you have taken in regards to the "intelligence" and "fortitude" of our current fighting men. Pray that young men will volunteer in sufficient numbers or get ready to become Government Issue for all of you still in civilian clothes.


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