He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


With the Dubai Port Deal now in total flames and the Democrats flaming mad that they can't bludgeon President Bush about "security" and the UAE threatening economic retaliation, we have come to the realization all across America how open our doors have been since 9/11. As I have stated before, Americans are going to demand an "Americanization" of our ports and borders. Who could ever have expected that this rather unknown seemingly innocuous business transaction could have become what occurred today? In a stinging rebuke to both Republican and Democrat parties, the American people overwhelmingly denounced a foreign entity, especially a corrupt Arab entity, owning and operating a critical part of our economic infastructre. This event does not bode well for President Bush and really doesn't bode well for the Wilsonian concepts that America has embraced since World War II.

I'm sure the liberals are dumbfounded that their Democrat Party decided to play "nationalistic" over the Dubai deal since they are so fond at giving away the American store i.e. funding illegal alien tuition for schools and providing drivers licences to "undocumented workers" so illegal aliens can drive "legally" in California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, but desperate times demand desperate measures as far the Democrat Party is concerned. Conservatives in turn are dumbfounded that their Republican Party could be so concerned about "internationalistic" conventions at the expense of American security whether superficial or real. However, the incredible rebuke by the House and Senate that even a Veto by the President of the United States couldn't overcome, has sent a massive tsunami like wave crashing upon the shores of globalist policy that we haven't seen since the days when the League of Nations was rejected by the United States Senate in 1920.

I've written before that America is the "Hessian" of the ossified British Empire, however, that there would come a time when we no longer would continue in that paradigm. I felt that it would be an additional generation or two before America would contract from the world scene as the International Policeman and resume our normal position as a "neutral" country in Europe, Africa and Asia. However, I could be wrong in regards to my "timetable". Our departure from the global scene may occur earlier than anticipated. The exception to this rule of course is the Western Hemisphere in terms of the antiquated but relevant Monroe Doctrine as far as American foreign policy is concerned. I have come to the conclusion that the more Islamic Terrorism visits our shores the more nationalistic we will become. Hence, the Democrats rather unusual embrace of nationalistic fervor over the Dubai Port deal. For better or for worse, nationalism is now the order of the day as far as advancing ones political agenda either for Democrats or Republicans. To ignore this new domestic shift will bring defeat to either party.

For most liberals, this will not be a good time to live in America. Multiculturalism, diversity, and basically crapping on America is no longer avant garde. Liberals today often lead the charge that America has become "fascist". They do so in complete ignorance of what the Fascists did under Mussolini in Italy but no matter, history really is to be ignored as far as they are concerned, nevertheless, America will appear fascist to them because their world of communistic/socialist policies as encapsulated in Affirmative Action, so called "civil rights", environmentalism, unions, gun control, abortion, sexual revolution, criminal rights etc, the whole rotten liberal scheme to destroy the greatness of America will be reversed and a new course will be set to return America back to its "Christian/constitutional/commercial" roots. Globalism has corrupted our values and brought war to our country. My friends, that is the strategic repercussions of September 11th, 2001.

Raise the gates to Fortress America! The armies of Isengard have arrived. To arms! To arms!


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