He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Friday, June 30, 2006

PTL Club Strikes Again

This has been a rough week at least as far as the war on the homefront is concerned regarding Operation WARTS (War Against Rogue & Terror States). Once again the Press, the Terrorists and the Left (PTL Club) have triangulated their activities in their attempt at breaking the will of the American people to continue supporting the War-On-Terror.

The Press struck back in the form of the New York Times coverage of the SWIFT program to nab international terrorists by following their money trail(s) clandestinely. Naturally, the Press felt it their duty to commit treason by aiding and abetting the enemy during a time of war. Now, Belgium has declared they may indeed back out of this very important and lucrative anti-terror program. Such are the reprecussions of the Press hatred of President Bush. The New York Times specifically would rather attempt a "Watergate" moment in their attempt to dethrone GW at the expense of New York City. I wonder how many buildings must fall at the hands of International Islamic Terrorists before they realize that Bush only has 2 years left to serve out his Presidency anyway?

The Terrorists struck back last week with the savage and inhuman murder of three army men from the 101st Airborne who were laid upon while at their posts. These three beautful young men gave their lives defending liberty for America in the deserts and rat-infested cities of Iraq. We don't know exactly how two of the three men at their posts were "kidnapped" but in the end their bodies were found beheaded and boobytrapped to kill more Americans. Their deaths will be avenged make no mistake about it. But their deaths illustrates the savagery of our Islamic enemies for indeed they take no prisoners. And if they do take prisoners, then their only motive is for torture and brutality. The only end for Islamic terrorists is death. There can be no negotiation, no reasoning and no mercy.

The Left struck back when all of the leftwing Supreme Court Justices de-balled the President's ability to wage war with their ruling on the efficacy of Guantanomo Bay. These scumbags holed up in "Club GTMO" in Cuba are neither American citizens nor captured soldiers of an enemy nation. And yet, they cannot be freed for their will is the destruction of all things western or American. They cannot be "reformed". Either they need to be jailed or they need to be executed for their crimes not just against America but against humanity as well. The Left however, seems to think we are back in a 9/10 modus operandi or their own hatred of President Bush has so clouded their common sense they can't see the forest for the trees.

The PTL Club is on the march for this is an election year and they smell blood in the water. As America dithers over Iran, the PTL Club views this as weakness and are clearly taking advantage of President Bush and the War On Terror to gain ground on the fields of public opinion and on the battlefields of Dar Al Islam. Will America suffer another 9/11 scale of attack under the Republicans? Perhaps. Will it occur under a Democrat controlled White House and Congress? Most definately. In this titanic struggle for the minds of America only one side will emerge victorious. Choose wisely.


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