The Press, Terrorists and the Left are at it again. When one acts the others respond triangulating their energies to achieve maximum effect. Between these three "musketeers" their viceral hatred of America apparently knows no boundaries and as this is an election year we can expect more from these bedfellows on their way to "utopia". Their hope is to unseat President Bush either by press propaganda, acts of terrorism and/or by seditious leftwing activities.
The Press: This week saw the story released by ABC News that had a Pakistani General explaining the ins and outs of their new policy
regarding a remote region on the Afghan/Pakistan border. Apparently, a certain General Sultan stated that if Osama was a "good citizen" in Waziristan then the Pakistani Army would "allow" him to stay unmolested and would not arrest him, according to ABC News. However, when one looks at the transcript you can see how the General was referring to "normal" and "peaceful" Pakistanis not to notorious criminals such as Osama Bin Laden in regards to their policy. The fact that ABC News would immediately run with the idea that Pakistan would harbor OBL only shows us how low the Press will go in indicting the Bush Policy regarding Pakistan. I myself have doubts as to their true friendship regarding the War On Terror, however I have no evidence to the contrary to confute my suspicions on this matter and yet the Press would love nothing more than to "prove" GW wrong about our ally, Pakistan. In other words a knee-jerk reaction by the Press to sow discord amongst our allies.
The Terrorists: This week featured the likes of Adam Gadahn aka Azzam al-Amriki. This American cum moslem terrorist propaganda mouthpiece is betting the Islamic Jihad will bring America down in the world and elevate a new caliphate in its place. Adam has so graciously "invited" us to embrace the religion of peace. He's such a nice kid, you know. Naturally, he condemned all America to hell if we didn't accept his offer of "peace". We might laugh at such a spectacle from such small fry but he is speaking for Al Zawahiri, Al Qaida's second in command. As we near the 5th anniversary of 9/11 should we take him seriously? Well, one thing is for sure - he is a traitor. We have traitors in every war from the War of Independence to the War On Terror. He has staked his livelihood on the Islamic Jihad and shall receive his due reward: death. He is now the "Tokyo Rose" of the first war in the 21st Century.
The Left: This week has brought an alleged "reformer" from one of the greatest sponsors of international terrorism to ground zero in New York City. The unknown sponsor of his trip still remains a mystery but the fact that Mohammed Khatami of Iran met up with the dhimmi and notoriously whacked-out Jimmy Carter only shows us that the left has their paw prints all over this embarrassing and blasphemous visit on the eve of the anniversary of the greatest terrorist attack in America. Have they no shame? Have they no morals or standards worthy of respect? Can we fault Khatami for making this trip when its the Left that opens the door and allows his anti-American propaganda to grow on fertile ground during a time of war? What does the Left seek to gain by this visit by an ambassador of a terror state and whom do they think it will embarrass most? The Left's hatred of President George W. Bush has compelled them to sleep with the enemy and for this America will not forget especially the families of the 9/11 victims.
The PTL Club is acting in concert to thrwart President Bush, America and the West and may yet succeed. Between the Press, Terrorists and the Left their combined activities shows us a pattern we can readily identify against the backdrop of the War On Terror and being able to see this triangulation we can avoid being entrapped in its mental snare.
The Press: This week saw the story released by ABC News that had a Pakistani General explaining the ins and outs of their new policy

The Terrorists: This week featured the likes of Adam Gadahn aka Azzam al-Amriki. This American cum moslem terrorist propaganda mouthpiece is betting the Islamic Jihad will bring America down in the world and elevate a new caliphate in its place. Adam has so graciously "invited" us to embrace the religion of peace. He's such a nice kid, you know. Naturally, he condemned all America to hell if we didn't accept his offer of "peace". We might laugh at such a spectacle from such small fry but he is speaking for Al Zawahiri, Al Qaida's second in command. As we near the 5th anniversary of 9/11 should we take him seriously? Well, one thing is for sure - he is a traitor. We have traitors in every war from the War of Independence to the War On Terror. He has staked his livelihood on the Islamic Jihad and shall receive his due reward: death. He is now the "Tokyo Rose" of the first war in the 21st Century.

The PTL Club is acting in concert to thrwart President Bush, America and the West and may yet succeed. Between the Press, Terrorists and the Left their combined activities shows us a pattern we can readily identify against the backdrop of the War On Terror and being able to see this triangulation we can avoid being entrapped in its mental snare.
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