He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Bivouac Iraq

The news today of Saddam Hussein's ultimate demise by the hangman should comfort all lovers of freedom and liberty throughout the world. A big fat socialist dictator has been brought before the law and made culpable for his murderous regime that brought misery to his fellow countrymen as well as war to his neighbors near and far. Yes, Saddam Hussein was indeed not just a threat and a menace to his fellow neighbors in the Middle East but was an instigator of terror against American interests throughout the world. After 9/11, his domicile became unacceptable and he was overthrown by force thanks to the United States Army and Marine Corps after the United Nations showed their impotence in the international arena.

Iraq was and is but one of many fronts that the United States has plotted to combat both physical and spiritual the fall of International Islamic Terrorism. We have not "lost" in Iraq in spite of the terrorist campaign to undermine American resistance in Mesopotamia. The Islamic Terrorists have their supporters both active and passive in the Western World that seek to undermine the War On Terror through propaganda and outright seditious activities in the hopes that the United States of America will break camp and come home. However, there is no home to come to as the destruction of the World Trade Center Complex proved so overwhelmingly obvious to those who will see and believe.

For the Left, the War On Terror that began under President George W. Bush is in fact worse than the War Of Terror being waged by the Sunni and Shite Moslems begun I would say with the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 because the Left feels that warfare conducted by the West only propels the Western World to dominance and glory over the non-Western peoples of the earth which in turn propels the concepts of Constitution, Commerce and Christianity at the expense of the third-world modus vivendi. The Left, though of the West is like a child who hates his parents for begating them and giving everything they possibly could want and yet is not enough. For the Left, Iraq more so than Afghanistan represents a dangerous precedent that if not checked in Baghdad could become the modus operandi of American Foreign Policy for decades to come. The Left in regards to Operation Iraqi Freedom has as much at stake in its outcome as does the Mullah's in Iran or the Baathists in Syria and any victory there by America or the West can only be viewed as bad as far as the Left is concerned. The Left wants America to lose in Iraq and will continue to propagandize their position through the Networks and Newspapers until the American people believe that we have lost.

You do realize that America is not the only nation that is in Iraq? Iran and Syria as well Islamic mercinaries from Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia are also there intent on killing Iraqi Sunni's, Shia and Kurds as well as American armed forces stationed in that desert wasteland. American's are still fighting Islamic terrorists in Iraq and thus we still suffer casaulties albeit one drop at a time. The Networks and Newpapers that belong to the Left idealogically have made great hay out of the fact that military combat deaths has exceeded the deathtoll from 9/11. Well so what? America suffered HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DEAD at the end of WWI with the Spanish Influenza which far exceeded anything that the Army and Marines encountered by Germans in France. However, if you realize that the Networks and Newspapers are appendages of the Left then you understand why they would make such pointless and meaningless comparisons. The Left is trying and perhaps succeeding in wearing you down with their leftwing bromides on the War On Terror that you will support a retreat in the face of the enemy for fear of losing more men in Iraq.

If you support the War On Terror then you should support the war/occupation in Iraq. The War On Terror is global in scope and will involve multiple theaters of war. It's not just Afghanistan or Osama Bin Laden but a far more complex range of characters and organizations that the Left would sooner have you forget. The Left is simplistic and must couch their arguments in a simplistic manner such as "Bush Lied, People Died" in order to contain the common sense of the American people. The War must continue until the American flag flys over the captitals of Iran and Syria and perhaps even Pakistan or until the Moslem regimes in the world beg for forgiveness. We have not reached that "event horizon" just yet. Your support for the War On Terror will determine if the outcome throughout the Umma or Moslem world will benefit America or not.

You will decide the fate of millions. Choose wisely.


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