He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
As I previously stated since the mid-term election beating the Republicans took a couple of months ago it appears that the War On Terror has run its course. Contrary to what leftists are saying these political developments cannot be a good thing for the world in general and the United States in particular. These indeed are history changing times that we live in that will forever alter man's "progressive" pace towards universal "peace and harmony". Wars are the catalysts of political changes on the historical landscape since time immemorial for both good and evil and the 21st century will be no different.
War brought the United States into existence and war tore it asunder and sewed it back together again, abeit in a different form, during the nations tumultuous Civil War. World War One shined the light on the American Shore as a new power to behold amongst the nations. Just 20 years later, America would become the light as we inherited what was left of the British Empire and became the Hessians for our English overlords in the ossified Anglosphere and periphery. Now, England is moving away from the New World and embracing Rome once more after a 1500 year absence thus leaving the United States to stew in its own juices. And stew we will.
America's political elites have betrayed the Republic. Both Republican and Democrat politicans as a whole have been completely compromised since America became England's Hessian after World War II. The political elites eschew military service and when they do serve they almost always betray our nation by the time they reach Washington DC by their traitorous actions and comments. They have embraced Commerical, Religious and Political Babylon. For them, the peasants deserve to be saddled with NAFTA, NATO and the United Nations beauacracy so the American people will accept servitude over sovereignty. American politicians have usurped OUR power and are way out of their jurisdiction.
Republican In Name Only. This half of the political coin says they are for "free markets" but clearly they mean GLOBAL free markets not AMERICAN free markets. They believe we should rip down the border so as to let trade flow freely hence their neglect of our borders with Mexico and Canada. They are primarily socialists as far as government spending is concerned. RINOs want to pay for this socialism by "deficit spending" or by borrowing for any programs that exceed revenues. And there is no program they will say "no" too! They are for tax cuts but not for the reasons you and I may think because a RINO understands that "tax cuts" is not congruent with "spending cuts" since they will simply borrow against the deficit that will result from their socialist program. A RINO will often say "I'm a social liberal but a fiscal conservative" which of course is a oxymoron considering that no socialist can be a fiscal conservative as defined by small government acolytes. And history shows this to be true as the Republican controlled congress spent their way into indebtedness hell over the last 12 years. A RINO typically ignores the Constitution if it interferes with Commerical Babylon (WTO) and perhaps even Religious Babylon (Ecumenical Religion). They cannot defend the Constitution which they believe to be anachronistic and economically nativist.
Democrat In Name Only. On the other side of the coin, as the acronym implies, DINOs are big, lumbering, monsters on the verge of extinction. Unfortunately for us, the haven't been wiped out by a meteor strike as yet. DINOs masquerade as the saviors of the "people" or the little man which of course is a lie. They serve corporate interests just as much if not more than their compatriots in the RINO camp. In fact, they serve the biggest corporation out there today: the Federal Government. They love state control and will do everything the can to rob the people of the means of production. They are socialist as well but they wish to RAISE taxes to pay for their socialist programs. Thus, in their minds if they raise taxes to pay for their skyrocketing spending then there will be no deficits and thus they think they have met their fiduciary responsiblities to the people or the Federal Reserve whichever comes first. But these beasts go even further in their treachery than the RINOs in that they want to saddle the United States with Political Babylon (world government). DINOs love the United Nations and all kinds of European multilaterist approaches to alleged problems that only "they" can solve such as global warming, poverty, war, health insurance and on and on and on. RINOs may be macro-managers but DINOs are micro-managers, the worst kind of management in most cases par none. DINOs have no problems crapping on America because we are too nativist and not European enough to their tastebuds. Europe in general and Sweden in particular leads the way as far as they are concerned in all areas of life. America has been left behind and its up to the DINO to bring us "forward" into the 21st European Century.
Not all politicians fit this taxonomical definition and yes there are true Republicans and Democrats who love their country more than they love Babylon. However, they are few and far between these days. I propose that all true Republicans and Democrats join forces to overthrow the RINO/DINO agenda. It may not seem possible but I believe it can work if we agree to let the States decide the future of this country and not the federal government. In other words, some states will embrace the Democrat way of life ie socialist government while other states will be allowed to embrace a Republican way of life ie capitalist government. The federal government however will remove itself from the States as per the Constitution so that those states who want a socialist government will not feel threatened by Commercial Babylon and those states that embrace Republican government will not feel threatened by Political or Religious Babylon. That would be the great compromise that can unite all true Republicans and Democrats to fight the tyranical dictates of Babylon in whatever form it takes either commercial, political or religious.
If however we fail in the legislative sphere then my friends the last great institution that can save our Republic is the Army. And even then there are no guarantees that liberty will be the modus vivendi of this great nation. The Army was the mid-wife when this nation was born in 1789 and it was the doctor when it nearly died in 1861. Now, more than ever, it may be our last great hope before this magnificent nation sinks below the abyss of commercial, religious and political Babylon. Will the Army cross the Rubicon? That fate is unknown at this time.
Long live the Republic.
War brought the United States into existence and war tore it asunder and sewed it back together again, abeit in a different form, during the nations tumultuous Civil War. World War One shined the light on the American Shore as a new power to behold amongst the nations. Just 20 years later, America would become the light as we inherited what was left of the British Empire and became the Hessians for our English overlords in the ossified Anglosphere and periphery. Now, England is moving away from the New World and embracing Rome once more after a 1500 year absence thus leaving the United States to stew in its own juices. And stew we will.
America's political elites have betrayed the Republic. Both Republican and Democrat politicans as a whole have been completely compromised since America became England's Hessian after World War II. The political elites eschew military service and when they do serve they almost always betray our nation by the time they reach Washington DC by their traitorous actions and comments. They have embraced Commerical, Religious and Political Babylon. For them, the peasants deserve to be saddled with NAFTA, NATO and the United Nations beauacracy so the American people will accept servitude over sovereignty. American politicians have usurped OUR power and are way out of their jurisdiction.
Republican In Name Only. This half of the political coin says they are for "free markets" but clearly they mean GLOBAL free markets not AMERICAN free markets. They believe we should rip down the border so as to let trade flow freely hence their neglect of our borders with Mexico and Canada. They are primarily socialists as far as government spending is concerned. RINOs want to pay for this socialism by "deficit spending" or by borrowing for any programs that exceed revenues. And there is no program they will say "no" too! They are for tax cuts but not for the reasons you and I may think because a RINO understands that "tax cuts" is not congruent with "spending cuts" since they will simply borrow against the deficit that will result from their socialist program. A RINO will often say "I'm a social liberal but a fiscal conservative" which of course is a oxymoron considering that no socialist can be a fiscal conservative as defined by small government acolytes. And history shows this to be true as the Republican controlled congress spent their way into indebtedness hell over the last 12 years. A RINO typically ignores the Constitution if it interferes with Commerical Babylon (WTO) and perhaps even Religious Babylon (Ecumenical Religion). They cannot defend the Constitution which they believe to be anachronistic and economically nativist.
Democrat In Name Only. On the other side of the coin, as the acronym implies, DINOs are big, lumbering, monsters on the verge of extinction. Unfortunately for us, the haven't been wiped out by a meteor strike as yet. DINOs masquerade as the saviors of the "people" or the little man which of course is a lie. They serve corporate interests just as much if not more than their compatriots in the RINO camp. In fact, they serve the biggest corporation out there today: the Federal Government. They love state control and will do everything the can to rob the people of the means of production. They are socialist as well but they wish to RAISE taxes to pay for their socialist programs. Thus, in their minds if they raise taxes to pay for their skyrocketing spending then there will be no deficits and thus they think they have met their fiduciary responsiblities to the people or the Federal Reserve whichever comes first. But these beasts go even further in their treachery than the RINOs in that they want to saddle the United States with Political Babylon (world government). DINOs love the United Nations and all kinds of European multilaterist approaches to alleged problems that only "they" can solve such as global warming, poverty, war, health insurance and on and on and on. RINOs may be macro-managers but DINOs are micro-managers, the worst kind of management in most cases par none. DINOs have no problems crapping on America because we are too nativist and not European enough to their tastebuds. Europe in general and Sweden in particular leads the way as far as they are concerned in all areas of life. America has been left behind and its up to the DINO to bring us "forward" into the 21st European Century.
Not all politicians fit this taxonomical definition and yes there are true Republicans and Democrats who love their country more than they love Babylon. However, they are few and far between these days. I propose that all true Republicans and Democrats join forces to overthrow the RINO/DINO agenda. It may not seem possible but I believe it can work if we agree to let the States decide the future of this country and not the federal government. In other words, some states will embrace the Democrat way of life ie socialist government while other states will be allowed to embrace a Republican way of life ie capitalist government. The federal government however will remove itself from the States as per the Constitution so that those states who want a socialist government will not feel threatened by Commercial Babylon and those states that embrace Republican government will not feel threatened by Political or Religious Babylon. That would be the great compromise that can unite all true Republicans and Democrats to fight the tyranical dictates of Babylon in whatever form it takes either commercial, political or religious.
If however we fail in the legislative sphere then my friends the last great institution that can save our Republic is the Army. And even then there are no guarantees that liberty will be the modus vivendi of this great nation. The Army was the mid-wife when this nation was born in 1789 and it was the doctor when it nearly died in 1861. Now, more than ever, it may be our last great hope before this magnificent nation sinks below the abyss of commercial, religious and political Babylon. Will the Army cross the Rubicon? That fate is unknown at this time.
Long live the Republic.
Saturday, January 06, 2007

U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III aircraft participate in a large formation exercise over the coast of Charleston, S.C., Dec. 21, 2006. Twenty C-17s, assigned to the 437th and 315th Airlift Wings, Charleston Air Force Base, S.C., took part in the largest formation in history from a single base while demonstrating strategic airdrop capabilities of the U.S. Air Force.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
A Must Read
A fantastic and mind-bending article by J.R. Dunn on the sick and deleterious movement by the Left in America and indeed in the West is a must read for all those who love their country and want to take it back for their posterity. Here is a few paragraphs to get you going:
Hegemonism is the doctrine holding that every American action on the international stage should be examined under suspicion of evil intent. And what does it foresee occurring in Iraq - and the Middle East at large - after the United States pulls out?
This is no trivial question. Hegemonist doctrine is a major factor in the rush toward abandonment of American responsibilities in the Persian Gulf. The hegemonist worldview is today dominant in American culture. With the effective collapse of the conservative consensus over the past half-decade, there is nothing to stand against it. It is the controlling ideology in the media, in the entertainment world, in the schools, and in the Democratic Party scheduled to take over the Congress next month. If asked to bet on the fate of American Middle East policy in the near future, the safe move would be to put money on general withdrawal before the 2008 election. The only thing opposing this outcome is the boldness and determination of George W. Bush himself - not a good situation in a democracy.
So how does hegemonism portray the near future?
This is not a speculative question either. The current situation is a carbon copy of that facing the U.S. in the spring of 1975, when this country ran out on our Southeast Asian allies in general, and South Vietnam in particular. In mid-April 1975 (I believe the date was the 15th, but I'm not absolutely certain) Sydney Schanberg, the New York Times' Cambodia correspondent, published an op-ed giving a seasoned reporter's view as to what would happen in the region now that the U.S. was out. Simply put, a blanket of peace not witnessed since Eden would descend across Southeast Asia. With the U.S. gone, all hostilities and violence would cease. The locals, peaceful folk all, would pick up the threads of their lives and, unmolested by arrogant Yankees, would create a society that would act as a shining example to the world at large, Americans in particular.
This is hegemonist doctrine in almost chemically pure form. The U.S. as a demon among nations, violence and depravity the sole results of its policies. The only such actor on the world stage, with all other nations serving as victims, with no course open to them beyond reacting to American provocations. With the U.S. removed from the equation, the world will then immediately right itself and roll on with not a single problem, conundrum, or challenge - at least not that any American need pay attention to. This was the doctrine as it stood in 1975, and if Nancy Pelosi's recent remark that, "If we leave Iraq, then the insurgents will leave Iraq, the terrorists will leave Iraq," is any indication, it has not changed in a single particular in the thirty years since.....
Read it all!
Hegemonism is the doctrine holding that every American action on the international stage should be examined under suspicion of evil intent. And what does it foresee occurring in Iraq - and the Middle East at large - after the United States pulls out?
This is no trivial question. Hegemonist doctrine is a major factor in the rush toward abandonment of American responsibilities in the Persian Gulf. The hegemonist worldview is today dominant in American culture. With the effective collapse of the conservative consensus over the past half-decade, there is nothing to stand against it. It is the controlling ideology in the media, in the entertainment world, in the schools, and in the Democratic Party scheduled to take over the Congress next month. If asked to bet on the fate of American Middle East policy in the near future, the safe move would be to put money on general withdrawal before the 2008 election. The only thing opposing this outcome is the boldness and determination of George W. Bush himself - not a good situation in a democracy.
So how does hegemonism portray the near future?
This is not a speculative question either. The current situation is a carbon copy of that facing the U.S. in the spring of 1975, when this country ran out on our Southeast Asian allies in general, and South Vietnam in particular. In mid-April 1975 (I believe the date was the 15th, but I'm not absolutely certain) Sydney Schanberg, the New York Times' Cambodia correspondent, published an op-ed giving a seasoned reporter's view as to what would happen in the region now that the U.S. was out. Simply put, a blanket of peace not witnessed since Eden would descend across Southeast Asia. With the U.S. gone, all hostilities and violence would cease. The locals, peaceful folk all, would pick up the threads of their lives and, unmolested by arrogant Yankees, would create a society that would act as a shining example to the world at large, Americans in particular.
This is hegemonist doctrine in almost chemically pure form. The U.S. as a demon among nations, violence and depravity the sole results of its policies. The only such actor on the world stage, with all other nations serving as victims, with no course open to them beyond reacting to American provocations. With the U.S. removed from the equation, the world will then immediately right itself and roll on with not a single problem, conundrum, or challenge - at least not that any American need pay attention to. This was the doctrine as it stood in 1975, and if Nancy Pelosi's recent remark that, "If we leave Iraq, then the insurgents will leave Iraq, the terrorists will leave Iraq," is any indication, it has not changed in a single particular in the thirty years since.....
Read it all!