Armageddon is not the "end of the world" nor will it be the end of man but it will be the end of Anti-Christ and the old order established after mankind was exiled from the Garden of Eden. In addition, it will be the end of the "Silence of God". There are many Christians that claim that God speaks to them "in spirit" or in the mind however, we must rely on Scripture as the final arbiter of the reality of God. The last time God spoke to man, that is our ability to hear God, see God, feel God, in other words to perceive God with our bodily senses was at the First Advent of Christ when God "became flesh" and dwelt among men 2000 years ago. Before that there were times when God did manifest himself as the "Angel of the Lord" or in other forms in times past albeit only to a select few who were entrusted to bare the responsibility of divine protocol as the heirs and beneficiaries of a heavenly union in the form of Israel. Before that we have to look back all the way to the beginning of time to the Garden of Eden when God "walked with Adam in the cool of the evening". Since his fall or excommunication from God's presence in the garden, mankind has not enjoyed the benefit and honor of being in "God's presence" at least not in bodily form. The Second Advent of Christ completely reverses this divine paradigm imposed on us by God when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. The Second Advent is the restitution of the Edenic Ideal on a global scale. It too is the vanquishing of Christ's enemies in the heavens, on earth and in the earth.
Not many prophetical accounts of scripture describe the forces involved at the Second Advent of Christ. Indeed, it is difficult to discern the makeup of forces involved in the "Last World War" as scripture does not entirely make clear in one book or chapter who fights whom. The reason for this is that in sundry times and in diverse places men, specifically Jews, who were endowed with the Spirit revealed to us in parts what is to come. One need only to piece the parts together
correctly to reveal the true picture before us. This is the great challenge. I believe it can be done. When we consider too the expanse of time involved that they were able to see into the future thousands of years ahead of their own time and see things that simply were unexplainable and yet put their experience down on paper is an amazing and wonderful achievement. Mechanical things as well as animal and intelligent lifeforms that simply were not known in their own day are laid down as plainly as they could see them and explained in their own words.
The Book of Revelation is the key in lifting the prophetical fog revealing a landscape of the future that only now is beginning to form before our eyes. And what lies before us is almost unbelievable. Indeed, seeing is
not believing. Perhaps the destruction is too great to look upon or the enemy is so alien that it is impossible to bare the burden to confront them that men will disavow such a report from God and will wallow in unbelief refusing to accept the truth. Whether or not you believe the prophetic future as described in the Old and New Testaments will not alter the outcome of the future other than
delay its occurrence. The Church Age has been one huge "delay", however
this age of historical trends is coming to a close and thus will usher in a time where prophetical events will be fulfilled one by one in a very short space of time. When this occurs, there will be no "educated guessing" as to their veracity but will be recognized by all who are willing to see and to hear. Even so, mankind will
not change their minds even when they do see God or the events as described in Biblical Prophecy as this rebelliousness and rejection of truth also has been foreseen by our Lord.
Order Of BattleThere are two sides to this great war: Satan and Christ. Satan represents the "Rebel" faction in that as a very influential and powerful Angel he led the Angelic Rebellion before mankind was created sometime in eternity past. Christ represents the "Royal" faction as the express image of God he has led the establishment forces of Angels in preserving the "ancient regime'" of Heaven. After the creation of man in general and after the Fall of Adam and Eve specifically, the progeny of man has been enlisted on both sides of this epic struggle. A third and final force are Angelic created species that is neither Angelic nor mankind. Thus each side has three main forces that operate on different battlefields at different times throughout Tribulation which is the last seven years of the
dispensation of Israel once the Church Age has closed.
Rebel FactionSatan = Commander-in-Chief of all Rebel Forces aka Lucifer. Fallen Angel of Light who can inhabit corporal bodies. Also known as the "Dragon" for doctrinal reasons as he is the originator of rebellion against everything that God stands for since time immemorial. Brilliant tactician and strategist, prone to delusions of grandeur. Codenamed "God of this World" after seducing the first humans to sin against God in the garden of Eden thus scoring his first strategic victory for the rebel faction in
human history and usurping the throne of Christ in this world.
Angelic Armies = Rebel Angels of Light in the service of Satan aka Demons or fallen angels. Powerful beings that serve in the heavens as well as on earth and can indwell corporal bodies. Additionally, they can phase in and out of the visual spectrum. They chose to bow their knee to Satan in eternity past when he attempted a coup d'etat against Christ. They battle for control of the heavens, basically the universe, and serve both as generals as well as subalterns and non-rates in the upper and lower ranks of Satan's Angelic Armies. Are critical in maintaining his command and control structure on earth and in heaven because Satan, like his fallen Angels, are not omnipresent nor omniscient.
Human Armies = Rebel men and women who refuse to bow their knee to Christ. Born condemned from the beginning, hence their fallen state they owe their fealty to Satan and seek to do his will throughout time. Often, these humans are completely left in the dark as to who they serve so as to keep operational security intact from Satan's vantage point and to maintain their fanatical support to the bitter end. As Satan's human component of his vast armed forces, they engage the human armies of God on a earthly level and are completely loathed by Satan as humans in general are ultimately the evidence that Christ presents in the Supreme Court of Heaven to condemn Satan and his fallen angels to the LOF (Lake of Fire). Nevertheless, Satan still utilizes whatever available manpower he can get his hands on during the Last World War.
Inhuman Armies = Fallen angelic-created beings prepositioned
in the earth designed for total war on earth. They do not become operational until the end of Tribulation. There are two groups that serve two purposes: to stun and to kill. They are neither Angelic nor Human but have capacity to serve their Dark Lord with discipline and fanaticism. They are professional armies, albeit, on a more primitive level as far as Satan is concerned. However, their ability to search and to destroy far exceeds any human capability at that time and will be unstoppable as far as humanity is concerned. Not encumbered by the logistical demands of a modern human army they are autonomous and completely self-reliant.
Royal FactionJesus Christ = Commander-in-Chief of all Royal Forces. Second member of the Trinity, King of David, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Archon of Rulers aka the Word of God. He is the "express image" of the invisible God and became Deity and Humanity in one person at the First Advent 2000 years ago. Often confused for an Angel before his First Advent, he has appeared in many forms as the executor of the First member of the Trinity. An Officer and a Gentlemen with the highest of integrity both omnipotent and omniscient and is able to defy the physical laws of the universe. Will personally destroy the armies of the West and the East on the plains of Megiddo in Israel at the Second Advent.
Angelic Armies = Royal Angels of Light in the service of Christ aka elect Angels. Powerful beings of light able to phase in or out of the visual spectrum. Fought on the side of God during the Satanic coup d'etat sometime in eternity past and owe their fealty to Christ. They are the primary military force used for reconnaissance, signals, guards, command and control, and infantry. They also serve as the Praetorian Guard of Jesus Christ. Some of the highest order of Elect Angels do have wings as a designation of rank known as Seraphim (6 wings) and Cherubim (4 wings). The rest of the Angelic Host are wingless. An important note: they
do not possess human bodies as this is considered a form of beastiality.
Human Armies = Primarily the righteous of the nation of Israel who owe their fealty to the "King of David" which is Christ. Includes a special corps of Israelites known simply as the "144,000". In addition, two Israelites will be revived from the dead by God and will be deployed to Israel. Will at once be recognizable by all Israel, both righteous and unrighteous, they are Moses and Elijah. They are "endowed" with superhuman ability to alter the weather, cause plague and able to expel fire from their mouths as a self defense weapon. Christ's human armies engage Satan's human armies and destroy Magog and her allies before the Second Advent of Christ.
Superhuman Armies = Resurrected Royal Family of God, humans consisting of both men and women who have bowed their knee to Christ all throughout the Church Age dispensation. Have been sealed by the Holy Spirit throughout the Church Age until the future Day of Redemption known as the Rapture which is the demarcation between the present Church Age and the last 7 years of the age of Israel. They receive a resurrection body fashioned after the likeness of Christ as his body was the prototype human form designed to be impervious to death and invincible in life and will be replicated in the hundreds of millions as the main body of troops to fight Satan's
organic forces on earth. This army is primarily a
dragoon force of infantry/cavalrymen that are discharged by Christ to counter and defeat Satan's
inhuman armies unleashed at the end of tribulation.
The forces involved on both sides are specifically designed to counter one another on their own plane of battle. Just as the navy today is commissioned to fight other navies, the air force fights other air forces and the army fights other armies, this division of military labor is also seen in both the heavens and on earth during tribulation. Angels fight Angels, humans fight humans, and
inhuman fights
superhuman. Light can only counter light and organic can only counter organic. The Angels will fight throughout the universe among each other, human armies will fight other human armies on the earth, and the
inhuman armies of Satan that ascend
out of the earth will clash with the
superhuman armies of Christ who descend from
above the earth at the Second Advent. Hence, the multiple types of armies that are deployed by both Satan and Christ across all types of terrain and locales during this epic struggle during the tribulation.
Operations Activated During Tribulation
The following is a list of military operations initiated by God, Angels, and Mankind during the last half of Tribulation. The first operation carried out in this epic struggle begins with God in the heavens or universe which is where the main battles take place. This is the strategic defeat of Satan and his Angelic Rebels before they fall back to their prepared positions on earth. Hence, Satan knows he has a "short time" left before the D-Day operation of the Second Advent of Christ is initiated. I have assigned the operations their names for ease of remembrance. The order of the operations are also chronologically correct and are executed within a 3 1/2 year period:
Operation Archangel - The last war in heaven begun by God to end the Angelic Rebellion. Christ's Royal Angelic Forces defeat Satan's Rebel Angelic Forces in the heavens. Satan and his defeated Angels fall back to their bastion on Earth and prepare for their last stand against Christ. Rev 12:7-12
Operation Kristallnacht - After being routed from the heavens, Satan personally possesses his human counterpart on earth known as the anti-Christ to unify his command over all rebel human, angelic and inhuman forces that he will wield in the coming months. His first act is to abrogate the European-Israeli Defense Pact established just a mere 3 1/2 years earlier. This leaves Israel completely vulnerable to her enemies and sets up the conditions for the last world war on earth. In addition, the religion of anti-Christ, which is the worship of Satan, is imposed on Israel in that a statue representing the European Emporer is erected on the grounds of the Jewish Temple by the Israeli False Prophet. Known as the "Abomination Of Desolation", this statue stands for the complete rejection of the promises of God to Israel. The Temple rituals are abolished and the Temple grounds desecrated. Dan 8:8-14 Dan 9:27 Mat 24:15-22 Rev 12:12
Operation Magog - The invasion of the Middle East by Russia and her allies. After the King of the West betrays Israel and breaks their bilateral military defense pact, this is the green light for the King of the South of Al Arabia to attack Israel, their Semitic cousins. The King of the South also attacks their age old enemy, Mother Russia. This in turn is countered by the Russians and their allies to attack the King of the South and in turn completely sweeps their southern enemies before them. The Crimean Fleet pours through the Bosporus while Russian armies pour through Turkey and the Levant with Egypt as the ultimate goal. Persia also joins Russia in this grand assault. Egypt, the capital of the King of the South, is completely destroyed and her wealth captured. The King of the South and her armies are utterly decimated. Dan 11:40-43 Eze 38:1-14
Operation Wormwood - The
opening salvo of God's wrath against mankind in general and against the kingdom of anti-Christ in particular for their anti-semitism which has reached a crescendo against world Jewry with the breaking of the European-Israeli Defense Pact. Western Hemisphere of the American continental system targeted by God to destroy the engine of economic power supplying the armies of humanity against Israel. The means of destruction are meteors, an asteroid and a comet strike on the Western Hemisphere and Pacific Ocean. All of the nations of the Pacific Rim that are the locomotives of global commerce will be devastated from this divine celestial strike: America, Mexico, Canada, Japan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. Also, the Western Hemisphere is targeted due to the proximity of Israel to Europe thus the strategic strike on the "other side" of the world protects Israel from being destroyed by that very attack while inflicting a devastating super-nuclear strike against the heart of Satan's commercial and governmental world system. Joel 2:30-31 Matt 24:29 Rev 8:7-12
Operation Hamon-Gog - The defeat and destruction of Russia and her allies in the mountains of Israel. With the Russian Army and her Persian Allies completely invested in Egypt, nothing appears to stand in their way. However, the destruction of the Western Hemisphere stops the Magog invasion cold in its tracks. In addition, naval vessels from the King of the West approach the ships of the North in the Mediterranian to cut off their interior lines of communication thus threatening their operations in Egypt and ultimately in Africa. Also, "Tidings out of the North and out of the East" is the after effects of Operation Wormwood on the environment of Mother Russia. The Arctic region apparently is effected with massive melting of the polar ice cap from an overheated atmosphere from Wormwood. Also, the eastern seaboard of Russia has been lain waste from massive tsunamis from an asteroid strike in the Pacific. Therefore, Russian armies are ordered to withdraw from Egypt and head north back to the Fatherland. However, on its way back Russian armies will attempt to finally resolve the "Jewish Question". Being successful against one Semitic enemy, they will decide to destroy their Jewish nemesis in Jerusalem in a rear guard action as they retreat back to the north. Here, Russia and Persia meet their fate and are destroyed by Israel before they are able to complete their genocidal mission. Eze 38:17-22 Eze 39:1-6 Eze 39:11 Dan 11:44-45 Joel 2:20
Operation Afterglow - Satan, the European Anti-Christ and Israeli False Prophet deploy fallen angels to woo the Kings of the East to march west to Jerusalem after the defeat of Russia and Persia in Israel to counter the Second Advent of Christ which is fast approaching. The power of this demonic embassy is their ability to impress the Asian Kings with their miracles and lieing wonders. So convinced by their fallen Angelic overlords and their sorcery, the Kings of the East order their Asiatic armies to march west. The river Euphrates has dried up from the atmospheric conditions of
Operation Wormwood and thus the huge Asiatic armies may now cross this Mesopotamian plateau unencumbered and head westward directly for Israel to rendezvous with the armies of the West on the plains of Megiddo. The purpose of the alliance between East and West will be the complete genocide of the Jewish race. Rev 16:12-14
Operation Scorpio - The first demonic invasion from within the bowels of the earth to search out and destroy mankind. These are the first of the second of
inhuman forces prepositioned in the earth by Satan that he unleashes on mankind in a desperate attempt to wipe out the rest of humanity as the dark lord of Angels betrays the earth to its doom. Currently, his demonic army is kept under lock and key by God, however, Satan has exclusive rights to that key, the nuclear codes if you will, when the Last World War erupts. The Scorpion troops are housed in a earthly chamber or deep shaft within the earth with the door to this chamber sealed shut. The door is unlocked, then opened and all hell breaks loose. They exit this chamber like a "swarm of locusts". They are led or commanded by a fallen Angel known as Apollyon, the Destroyer. These hominid scorpion beings are grotesque to look upon and bring terror wherever they roam. They have tails to sting and wings to fly. Their "power" is in their tails and have the ability to stun their prey. Their victims, i.e. humans, are apparently unable to move after the venom from their tails enters their blood stream. Mankind will "seek death but death will flee from them", hence mankind's inability to move after they are stung by their tails. The purpose of this operation is to render mankind immobile and prevent them from fleeing before Satan's next great inhuman force that will actually do the killing. This operation is the "search" part of the "search and destroy" mission of these inhuman demonic armies. Additionally, the Divine Rules of Engagement prevent them from attacking God's righteous corps of Israelites, the 144,000, which in turn robs the Scorpion troops of their reconnaissance value in regards to Israel as the Righteous Corps of Israelites are the leaders who guide
righteous Israel into retreating into the desert wilderness unseen by the dark forces of Satan. They remain hidden from view until the Second Advent of Christ. The Two Witnesses of Moses and Elijah remain in Israel where they are confronted by the commanding officer of Operation Scorpio, Apollyon the Destroyer. Furious that his troops are unable to identify and locate the retreating Israelites, the Angelic Overlord takes out his wrath on both of these superhuman-endowed men by directly attacking them in a dual of the ages. Apollyon, being a fallen Angel of light, outmanuevers them and they are killed in battle. Victorious, he moves on and leaves their bodies to rot in the sun. However, after 3 1/2 days, God ressurects them from the dead and they rapidly ascend to Heaven in full view of the astonished crowds leaving behind a vapor cloud and sonic boom in their wake. Rev 9:1-11 Rev 7:1-8 Rev 12:6, 13-17 Joel 2:5-9, 10 Rev 11:7-13
Operation Draco - The second demonic invasion to finally destroy all of mankind once and for all. This is a cavalry force of
dragons ridden upon like horses to battle, they exit their underground labyrinth from the dried bed of the Euphrates river after the last asiatic armies have crossed this earthly threshold heading west. This demonic inhuman cavalry are led by four fallen angels, each commanding an army group of 50 million dragon troops each. The total number of riders and their "horses" is 200 million. Their sole purpose is the complete destruction of the rest of humanity by "fire, smoke and sulfur". They will break out of the Mesopotamian plain and head to the four winds of the Earth destroying all who cross their path. Its possible the army groups will break up and head towards Asia, Europe, Africa and India. They will be unstoppable. No human army will be able to resist their advance. Most of the active-duty human armies are engaged in and around Israel at this time so really there will be just second rate human armies such as interior ministry troops or "national guardsmen" to oppose them. When the dragon troops rear up before their enemy, they will strike fear in the hearts of men. Fire will spew forth from their mouths and consume plants, animals, buildings, and people. Their long tails will crush and break up buildings and structres and anyone who opposes them. Whole villages, towns and cities will be razed by their fiery breath. Each rider appears to be armored and are recognizable by three colors upon their torso representing the power of their weaponry: Red, Blue and Yellow for fire, smoke and sulfur. A third of mankind will perish at the head of this calvary force. Rev 9:13-20 Joel 2:1-4, 10 Job 40:15-19 Job 41:9-34
Operation Pegasus - The Second Advent of Jesus Christ, D-Day on Earth. Christ returns with the resurrected Church at the head of the greatest equestrian army ever assembled, the Great White Cavalry. His return saves not only Israel but the rest of humanity from Operations Afterglow, Scorpio and Draco. Jesus Christ himself will personally destroy the Western and Asiatic armies assembled around Israel and the Church will personally destroy the armies of Scorpio and Draco running amok throughout the Eurasian-African continental system. The resurrected Church rides on horses capable of flight and engage the enemy mounted as cavalry or dismounted as
dragoons to fight the inhuman hordes of Satan on foot with sabers of fire. Like Jesus Christ, the resurrected Church is impervious to the natural laws of warfare. They ride with uniforms of white fashioned by Angels their color piercing the utter darkness. They will serve as viceroys to the nations after the defeat of Satan and his forces. The European anti-Christ and the Israeli False Prophet are captured alive and Satan himself, now dispossessed of his human host, is captured by the Royal Angelic forces of Christ. The European anti-Christ and Israeli False Prophet are thrown alive head first into the divine correctional facility called the Lake Of Fire. The remaining fallen Angelic forces captured by the Elect Angels of Christ are thrown also into the Lake of Fire where they will remain for eternity. Satan himself is led in chains of light, since he himself is an Angel of light, to the Abyss from whence his Scorpion troops where esconced and placed inside after which the door is shut and resealed until he is
paroled a thousand years later. Joel 2:11,32 Dan 7:22-27 Matt 24:30-31 Rev 19:11-16, 19-21 Rev 20:1-3
Operation Banquet Garden - A carrion eaters delight as the corpses of human and inhuman armies lay slain and abandoned in the field. With the human armies of the West and East completely destroyed around Israel and in the plains of Megiddo, as well as the corpses of Scorpion and Dragon carcasses strewn throughout Eurasia and Africa, the carrian eaters of vultures, buzzards, jackals etc, are commanded by Christ to come and "eat". They gorge themselves on the flesh and are drunk on the blood of the dead in a Thanksgiving Day feast of unimaginable carnage. Rev 19:17-18 Ezek 39:17-20
Operation Iron Scepter - Consolidation of Christ's dominion as the King of David and Ruler over all of the earth. Reconstruction in Israel with the detritus of war used as fodder for heating and utilities. Huge mass graves dug for the remainder of dead around Israel and new town named for the battle- Hamonah. Every person who has taken the "mark" of the anti-Christ, 666, and is still alive at this point are rounded up by the
Dragoons of Christ and are executed. The ressurrected Church will be the viceroy's and adminstrative staff that governs the reconstituted gentile nations of the world. Israel becomes a superpower with Christ as her King in which the rest of the nations perform obessiance to Israel before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in Jerusalem. The borders of Israel are redrawn to include a very substantial portion of the Levant and borders the Nile River in the West and Euphrates River in the East. Divine aristocracy displaces manmade government and the concept of the rule of the masses by the masses will be thrown into the dustbin of history as the civic turpitude that it always was. The Millenial Reign of Christ ushers in a new era of peace, prosperity and long life not seen since the Garden of Eden. Joel 2:23-27, 32 Ezek 39:9-16 Rev 1:7-8 Rev 14:9-11 Rev 20:4-6