He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Monday, May 05, 2008

The Great Rot

Socialism is self righteousness institutionalized! Socialism denies the existence of the sovereign individual. It views mankind through the "group" because we are "all victims" according to this group think. In same fashion, this rationale is extended to all of society in that we "are all guilty" and assume responsibility for anything and everything society does both good and bad. Socialism therefore is antithetical to Christianity because the individual reigns supreme in the Bible. Socialism is also by default antithetical to America as we value individual liberty over societal safety.

Europe fell from the pinnacle of civilization into the barbarity of socialism during the 20th Century. It was socialism above all else that caused the downfall of the British Empire and the collapse of Western Civilization between 1914 and 1991. Between WWI and the Cold War socialism was de riguer amongst the nations of the world and yet those nations that embraced its elixir of evil, economically, politically, militarily and even spiritually have fallen below the civilization standard that we in America have come to enjoy. This is why America today is considered a "Hyper" power because of our singular polarity on the world stage in all facets of power that distinguishes a nation as a superpower. We are the only Western Industrial nation to reject socialism, or at least only sipped while others gulped from its alleged holy grail, and yet in spite of Democrats and Republicans attempts to embrace it since FDR we have risen above all other nations in the world today. No one can match the United States in industrial, political, military and I might add, spiritual capacity as we here in the USA.

Yet there are those we really want us to jump over the edge and embrace it like the Europeans, Asians and Africans before us. Obama, Clinton and even McCain would like us to convert our individual righteousness into national good deeds through the power of the federal government. This is the meaning of Nationalized Healthcare, Global Warming Initiatives, Carbon Offsets, CAFE standards, helmet laws, seatbelt laws, the banning of every conceivable habit from smoking in bars to talking on cell phones in cars! The micromanagement of the people is self righteousness writ large and is the paving stones used on the road to hell! Lawlessness at every level from municipal to federal locales is a dividend of the predominance of socialism. Lawlessness is the lifeblood of this evil creature for it gorges itself on the corpses of nations and grows more powerful at our expense. Through lawlessness socialist principles are embraced and enacted to solve the crisis real or alleged that it itself has created.

Europe in the 19th Century far surpassed the United States of America in terms of military, political, economic and cultural power until the advent of the 20th Century. In the latter 1800's Germany's Bismark embraced a socialistic system of healthcare upon the German peoples that sadly was embraced wholeheartedly. Germany hasn't been the same since. The European peoples had been up to that point been the most advanced civilization on the planet and yet it was socialism that forced their descent below American standards and not necessarily the technological progress that elevated the USA above everyone else. Technology is not a monopoly as evidenced by the fact that Europeans were way ahead of America in the early 20th Century in terms of creating and perfecting the airplane, automobile, submarine, agricultural methods, industrial production and so forth. If anything, it was America that copied the Europeans that allowed us to move "up" in the world. And yet, it was Europeans that went one step further by embracing centralized bureaucracy in government and everything went down hill from there! The heavy hand of government began to make itself felt in every facet of European life and it's that "invisible hand" that actually stunted and reversed European power and ultimately contributed to 3 European wars: World War I, World War II and the Cold War.

The very essence of socialism is anti-God contrary to the boastful pretensions of its adherents who demand we accept their "good works" at the local, state and even federal level while they use our tax dollars to build up their self righteousness. The last commandment states "Thou shall not covet thy neighbors goods" and yet socialism manifests itself amongst the people when they see the riches of others and demand to take it away "for the good of the people". Christ did say to give to the poor however he did note that the poor would always be with us. Hence, His injunction to "give" instead of "appropriate" for the sake of helping others. To use the tax collecting arm of the State as a means to "give" to the people is a complete violation of free-will and is the polar opposite of what our Lord and Master taught us nearly 2000 years ago.

Its interesting to see the trajectory that America is taking in the 21st Century by embracing nationalized healthcare and every other form of institutionalized self righteousness that Europe has already shown in history and yet America will not "advance" but actually "lower" herself to their level. As America increases its domestic budgets to swallow this eternal lie hook, line and sinker then we will see an America on the run from her worldwide obligations that we inherited from the British Empire after World War II. As the socialist rot takes hold of American minds then our spiritual and moral muscle atrophies to the point that we can no longer maintain our armies and navies overseas. The concomitant repercussion of political will to fight the worlds dictatorships will thusly give way to apathy and callousness in regards to who lives in the "free world" and who does not. The people in the middle of this titanic struggle will be the casualities of this surrender mentality and the killing fields of Pol Pot will be the standard by which we measure the fall of other nations to the barbarian.

The solution to America's woes really comes down to Christianity and more specifically "Protestant" Christianity. Bible doctrine is what distinguishes the Protestant from the other houses of Christianity in the world today. It is no mistake of history that America is where its at today due to its Protestant Christian orientation. If Protestant Christians had taken up residence in South America then it would be to Brazil or Argentina that the entire world looked to for salvation in political affairs. Instead, we Protestants took up residence in the North and the rest is history. All nations of the world have the resources and know-how to be "super" powers but its Protestant Christianity with its most pure doctrines of Christ enshrined in their minds that has taken us as far as it has and what it did for us can certainly apply to them. And yes, that includes both the Christian at peace as well as the Christian at war! The Christian today is but a shell of its former self with only the most basic doctrines still alive in its soul. America is coasting on the vapors of its Christian heritage and yet it doesn't have to coast but accelarate further with Bible Doctrine as the renewable resource of its spiritual ardor.

The trends of decay can be reversed but only with the return to Protestant Christianity fully inculcated in the minds of men and women which in its turn saturates our thinking including but not limited to civil rule such as the legislature, the courts, academia, business and so forth. This is a generational solution and will take time. Pray for America.


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