Swimming with Sharks and Barracudas
Senator John McCain's pick for Vice President was announced a day after Obama Osama's nomination party and I have to say it was quite exciting. Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin on the ticket for Vice President was a complete stunner for the liberal media and especially for the Democrats. A brilliant tactical maneuver that now has broad strategic implications. I swear I could hear Democrats and leftists screaming in sheer panic and anger when it became apparent that she would be the shieldmaiden of the Republican Party. Vengeance is a dish best served cold, icy Alaskan cold, that is!
Oh, the pain and agony of the Democrats. Immediately they charged ahead with accusations that she has "no gravitas" which of course is straight out of the 2000 election year playbook against President George W. Bush. Well, I say to them if Governor Palin is a "zero" in terms of "experience" then what makes Obama? A negative? Oh, then I hear that you can't compare Palin to Obama because one is running for V.P. and the other for President. Well, I say to that again the Obama camp picked Biden as the Democrat V.P. to counter McCain's experience as President and yet no one is saying you "can't compare" the two, now are they? All is fair in love and war.
Furthermore, if one must speak of experience what kind of experience are we talking about here? The kind of experience that is a deeply corrupt and entrenched bureaucracy type that is clearly exhibited by a Joe Biden V.P. choice? The man is dripping and soaking in corruption considering the 30 plus years in federal government. What a waste of taxpayer money that is the person we know as Joe Biden. Whereas, Governor Palin is the type of person who eschews bureaucracy as the inert matter that it is to good government. Her very life is the epitome of small government in action - get it done and go home. Property tax cuts and an ethically sound body politic is what she expects and certainly is what she'll get or else! As far as Vice Presidential picks go if Palin is a Barracuda then certainly Biden is a shark! And a big fat one to boot, teeth and all.
McCain's decision to run with Palin was a brilliant tactical decision that gives way to strategic returns that even now is leaving the Left reeling and flailing in despair as the Hillary Clinton saga comes full circle to the benefit of Senator John McCain. How does that saying go~ "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"? The Hillary Holdouts now have an option that is more important than just merely "sitting out" this election to protest the Obama candidacy. They can now actually vote for someone that best suits their strategic agenda of womens rights in America. To have a female in an executive position in the White House is something they never have savored before and even though she may be "just" Vice President she would certainly be the President of the Senate much to the chagrin of a defeated Joe Biden, Senator from Rhode Island, come November. Oh, the bitter pain and agony of defeat. It isn't much for democrat feminist voters but it is better than nothing. And once the usurper Barack Obama is defeated in November then Hillary Clinton like some maniacal harpy can come back in 2012 to finally go mono a mono against an experienced Sarah Palin albeit in her capacity as the President of the Senate. Now wouldn't that just be delicious.
Oh, the pain and agony of the Democrats. Immediately they charged ahead with accusations that she has "no gravitas" which of course is straight out of the 2000 election year playbook against President George W. Bush. Well, I say to them if Governor Palin is a "zero" in terms of "experience" then what makes Obama? A negative? Oh, then I hear that you can't compare Palin to Obama because one is running for V.P. and the other for President. Well, I say to that again the Obama camp picked Biden as the Democrat V.P. to counter McCain's experience as President and yet no one is saying you "can't compare" the two, now are they? All is fair in love and war.
Furthermore, if one must speak of experience what kind of experience are we talking about here? The kind of experience that is a deeply corrupt and entrenched bureaucracy type that is clearly exhibited by a Joe Biden V.P. choice? The man is dripping and soaking in corruption considering the 30 plus years in federal government. What a waste of taxpayer money that is the person we know as Joe Biden. Whereas, Governor Palin is the type of person who eschews bureaucracy as the inert matter that it is to good government. Her very life is the epitome of small government in action - get it done and go home. Property tax cuts and an ethically sound body politic is what she expects and certainly is what she'll get or else! As far as Vice Presidential picks go if Palin is a Barracuda then certainly Biden is a shark! And a big fat one to boot, teeth and all.
McCain's decision to run with Palin was a brilliant tactical decision that gives way to strategic returns that even now is leaving the Left reeling and flailing in despair as the Hillary Clinton saga comes full circle to the benefit of Senator John McCain. How does that saying go~ "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"? The Hillary Holdouts now have an option that is more important than just merely "sitting out" this election to protest the Obama candidacy. They can now actually vote for someone that best suits their strategic agenda of womens rights in America. To have a female in an executive position in the White House is something they never have savored before and even though she may be "just" Vice President she would certainly be the President of the Senate much to the chagrin of a defeated Joe Biden, Senator from Rhode Island, come November. Oh, the bitter pain and agony of defeat. It isn't much for democrat feminist voters but it is better than nothing. And once the usurper Barack Obama is defeated in November then Hillary Clinton like some maniacal harpy can come back in 2012 to finally go mono a mono against an experienced Sarah Palin albeit in her capacity as the President of the Senate. Now wouldn't that just be delicious.