Oh, the agony of the Left! Squealing like stuck pigs over the selection of Governor Sarah
Palin just makes me smile from ear to ear. Honestly, the hypocrisy and evil gossip that so pervades the Left is a fire consuming their very souls as they attempt
character assasination after character
assasination on the Barracuda. This I'm quite
positive will boomerang back onto her political enemies a hundredfold and will no doubt fire her up in righteous white anger!
Let me remind my readers that Governor Sarah
Palin has more
executive experience than all three men combined running for office in this election. Senators McCain,
Biden and
Obama have nothing in the way of executive experience compared to the Governor of Alaska! That's right, my friends, NOTHING! These Senators are just mere legislators!! Nothing more and nothing less. They have sat on committees and simply asked for consensus regarding their legislative agenda. Really, a bunch of
mamby pamby weakkneed slackers to sit in our "august" Senate. Whereas, the Governor of Alaska has struck down the most powerful political figures in her state, crafted a budget that ended in black, commanded the Alaska National Guard which is on constant active duty due to her state's geographic location (Russia being 50 miles away) and like Athena, Goddess of War, she is
There is simply no comparing her to them. And yet we are told that she has no experience? What? Are you morons? All that
Obama is a mere
leftwing street agitator from Chicago! That's it. Now that's NO GRAVITAS!!!! Then you have
Biden, Archie Bunker of the Left, who gets hair plugs to cover up an obvious damaged ego!! Disgusting! At least McCain spent time in hell for over 5 years and paid for it dearly in broken bones and a wrecked body. Now
that's doing your duty unlike the other two Democrat Senators who have lived the good life while others where tortured or killed for their sake!
Woe to the enemies of the Barracuda! Woe to the enemies of John McCain!