Revelation Redux Again
This age only has 7 years left before it too is retired however the last seven years of this age is the worst of times that mankind has ever experienced and is known as simply the "Tribulation". The Tribulation itself is bifurcated with each half lasting 3 1/2 years and the last half designated as the "Great Tribulation". The first half of Tribulation is characterized by the absence of the true Church as well as the fact that it starts off with a world without the saints. However, as the world recovers by the instant removal of millions of people in the Rapture, a slow realization by unbelievers that indeed this was the Rapture event will bring these people to the Lord and they will become the new righteous in God. Every dispensation has a body of believers known as the saints and this last seven years will be no different.
The first half of Tribulation starts off rather benign in that all of the action takes place regionally in Western Europe. In Europe we will see the consolidation of 10 nations into a confederacy and the establishment of an ecumenical religion based in Rome to give this 10 nation confederacy the legitimacy that it needs to become embraced by the peoples of Europe. The creation of a weak federal head in the form of the Emperor will be the capstone of the confederacy but ultimately this will be undoing of this rather short lived organization.
The Hour The Earth Stood Still
As the first half of Tribulation comes to a close the Emperor will sense that it will be time to make his greatest push to become absolute ruler of Europe. He will slowly agitate against the religious authorities in Rome perhaps setting them up as a threat to his plans of expansion not only as the leader of Europe but leader of the entire world. He summons the 10 European kings together in a counsel of war to decide the fate of Rome. He convinces them of the need to eliminate his rival and to take what is rightfully theirs. For 1 hour the Kings of the 10 nation confederacy give the Emperor their power and authority to execute his will as he pleases. Once they relinquish their power the Emperor never gives it back to them. He uses the complete and total executive power handed to him to eliminate his rivals one by one. First, the False Church. Second, three kings of the 10 Nation Confederation. Third, the Confederacy itself. All this is done before the middle of the Tribulation. Once he establishes his rulership in Europe then the Emperor can be offered the "kingdoms of this world" by his Satanic majesty after he is defeated in the heavens and when the Emperor in the West accepts the position as the vessel of Satan and allows his diabolical majesty to possess his body and mind then Satan can fully consolidate his command of fallen humans, fallen angels and the fallen inhuman forces that he will wield in the next three and a half years against Jesus Christ. The Emperor becomes the Anti-Christ.
In that 1 hour (not a literal hour but more like the hands of the Atomic Clock inching ever so closer to midnight of a nuclear holocaust so this hour represents but a short space of time during the first half of tribulation) the Emperor moves against the Harlot in Rome (Religious Babylon) and destroys her with fire to pave the way for the eventual Caesar worship of himself towards the end of the first half of tribulation. The destruction of this one world religion headquartered in Rome is the defining moment of the Tribulation because once the False Church is eliminated then the Man of Sin may now be worshipped as the "god" that he believes he is and in turn initiates a chain reaction of events that culminates with the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. John records in Revelation the lamentations of the kings and merchants of the world at the loss of Religious Babylon located in Rome. Kings because they lose their political power established through religion and merchants because they lose their wealth from the money that is made through this one world religion.
Three nations of the 10 Nation Confederacy rebel against this seminal event which I believe to be Italy, Spain and Portugal since these nations of Europe have benefited the most from her rule since the Church Age. Their defeat by this arrogant King paves the way for the Emperor of of the 10 Nation Confederacy to become the Emperor of Europe! However, just as Lord Acton so famously said "a little power corrupts a little but absolute power corrupts absolutely", his fantastic victory over these kings isn't enough to satiate his lust for power and indeed he seeks more than just mere regional dominance but instead he seeks global rulership as the FEDERAL head of mankind! Satan thus is the creature than can fulfill his wishes. With Satan's power eliminated in the heavens in the middle of the tribulation Satan gains what little time he has left by possessing the one man who can influence the world like no other. The Emperor also gains additional power and prestige because through Satanic possession he can consolidate his rule not simply throughout Europe but the entire world. For both of them its a "win-win" situation as far as they are concerned. And not only this but Satan guarantees the Emperor a great ally who will roll out the red carpet if you will to the Emperors rulership in the man known in the Bible as the False Prophet who is the future dictator of Israel and ally of the European Emperor.In summary, the war in Europe precedes the Last World War that it spawns as the Fourth Kingdom becomes a reality. The Fourth Kingdom as revealed by God to Daniel displaces the 10 Nation Confederacy and the Emperor arrogantly assumes not only the mantle of the Emperor of Europe but assumes the title of Emporer of the World. Once the War In Heaven is executed (Operation Archangel) and completed by the middle of tribulation Satan and his fallen Angels fall back to their last bastion on earth and from there wage their war against Christ on the fields and plains of this world. When Satan possesses the Emperor then as the Anti-Christ the defense pact is broken between Europe and Israel that once ensured Israel's safety in an inhospitable land and unwittingly exposes Israel to the King of the South who now takes advantage of the now defunct relations between Israel and Europa. I suspect however that this defense pact that is broken is not done so in anger to Israel. Since the 10 Nation Confederacy of Europe will essentially cease to exist and the Fourth Kingdom established in its place then a new charter must be drawn up by the administration of the Anti-Christ for the defense of Israel and this would have to occur for any bilateral agreement established between all governments around the world not just with Israel per se. Also, since the False Prophet after all is his ally and erects statues in his honor right in the Temple of God in Jerusalem then we must assume the Anti-Christ would have if given enough time establish another defense treaty with Israel with the False Prophet supinely agreeing to whatever terms that would have applied. However the King of the South circumvents this diplomatic formality when Al-Arabia directly attacks Israel during her weakest and most feeble moment. Without an operational defense pact in place Israel is left in limbo and thus exposed to her enemies. The King of the South thus takes advantage of this diplomatic disruption and attacks Israel head on in one last attempt to push the Jew into the sea.
Russia however, has other plans. With all the eyes of the world on the war between Israel and Al-Arabia it is at this time that Russia with her allies including Persia springs their trap and invades Al-Arabia to both eliminate the King of the South and hold the West and East hostage by occupying the most prized lands in the world for its petroleum reserves. Russia and her allies realize that it is at this moment that they too must seize the initiative if they are to remain sovereign from this beast that now calls himself emperor of the world. By eliminating the King of the South and occupying the land that greases and fuels the economies of both the West and the East then perhaps Moscow and her allies can negotiate their political, economic and religious independence from a position of strength, or so they think. If past history is any indication of the future conduct of this mighty people of the North then we should not be surprised that the Old Testament prophets foresaw these events transpire exactly as they should. Russia has always made its greatest gains in the world by secret pacts and surprise invasions from the seventeenth century to World War I and World War II including from the Cold War to the present. This future event by Magog, as the King of the North is known in the book of Ezekiel, then will not differ from her historical tradition of surprise and attack on a geopolitical plane.

Tribulation begins with the 10 nation confederation in the West but then is dismembered by the advent of the Anti-Christ and one world government is born by the time we get to the middle of tribulation. The entire world will worship the King of the West as Emperor of the World. The Emperor of the 10 nation confederacy is weak at first hence he comes to power "peaceably". The Emperor is the "wounded head" of the 7 headed beast as described in Revelation. Once the 10 Nation confederacy is created this political entity becomes "Rome Revived" and with it a revived head of the 10 nation confederacy, the Emperor of Rome.
The Fourth Kingdom was the kingdom that Daniel saw at the end of days and it is synonymous with One World Government. Three other kingdoms have already preceded it and have been Israel's master and the most powerful on earth at their time. The First Kingdom was ruled by the Caldeans who first enslaved Israel. The Second Kingdom was the Medo-Persians who under their rule allowed Israel to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem. The Third Kingdom was the Greek Empire of Alexander the Great. The last kingdom that Israel was a slave to was the Roman Empire and this fourth Kingdom of the future is an extension of Roman power and glory however in a much weaker form that it was nearly 2000 years ago. Even though it may be a One World Government there are still other nations that will not allow themselves to be swallowed up by this "beast". Although the Kings of the East do bow their knee to the Emperor however, the King of the South and of the North will wage war against the West to stave off this all encompassing and heretical governmental system.
Once one world government is established at the middle of Tribulation then Magog (Russia) and the King of the South (Al-Arabia) make their moves against the West by attacking the only western ally in the Middle East, Israel. Thus the Tribulation is bifurcated with general peace (until the outbreak of war in Europe that destroys the 10 Nation confederacy and the religious power in Rome) in the latter half of the first 3 1/2 years of this 7 year period with the 10 Nation Confederacy residing with a weak executive and the second 3 1/2 years giving way to worldwide war under the Fourth Kingdom of one world government and a superhuman endowed executive in the latter half of Tribulation. This latter half is considered the "Great" Tribulation because of the advent of Satan on earth which acts as a force multiplier in terms of human ability to wage war against Christ. Once again war in Europe gives way to war throughout the world!
We should also consider one last point: the amazing parallel between Daniels vision of the "fourth kingdom" and establishment in the West of the Fourth Reich. Rome fell to the German barbarians and Western Roman Europe would become peopled by Germanic stock. These people have established since 476 A.D. three different Germanic kingdoms or "Reichs" in their own native tongue since the fall of the last "Roman Caesar" in Western Europe. The first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire which lasted from roughly 916 A.D. to 1806 A.D. when it fell to Napoleon's armies. The Second Reich operated from the unification of Germany from 1870 to 1919 and would cease to exist when Germany accepted the terms of surrender at Versailles. The Third Reich operated from 1933 to 1945 during the reign of the Nazi's and ended in total capitulation to the Allies at the end of World War II. Could it be that the Fourth Kingdom of Daniel is perhaps the future "Fourth Reich" that will arise in the West? Only speculation but certainly worth entertaining considering the political and economic conditions that so befuddles the West today.
So to recap - the 10 Nation Confederacy is broken up by the Emperor when he defeats three kings to establish his hegemony. The Confederacy gives way to the Fourth Kingdom and this Kingdom is One World Government as its power is global in scale. It will last not for a thousand years as anticipated and proclaimed in much the same way by Hitler's vaunted Third Reich but similarly and strikingly lasts much shorter - a mere three and a half years. Though men today wish to establish this kingdom even now however it will take the sinister power of Satan possessing the Emperor himself to make it a reality. Once it becomes a reality then we see the world worshipping the Emperor and enforcing his will throughout the entire globe with the exception of two key international players: Al-Arabia and Mother Russia.
Both Russia and Arabia cannot accept servitude to the Fourth Kingdom. They rebel by attacking and invading key positions in the Middle East. For Arabia, they refuse to join the Fourth Kingdom and attack Israel to finally "cleanse" the lands of Islam of the horrid Jew because militarily they are weak and in a position of weakness that they find themselves in this is their only option other than accepting servitude to the Anti-Christ ensconced in the West. Islam is by its very nature anti-Western culturally, economically, and of course religiously. Al-Arabia cannot bow to Rome as this would mean giving up on maintaining their Sunni Caliphate which no doubt will rise once more before the Fourth Kingdom comes to power. Nor can they accept a western outpost in "their" lands that is also ruled by the False Prophet of Israel which no doubt insults the sensibilities of the Mohammedans. Al-Arabia thus attempts another invasion of Israel to eliminate this eternal irritant from its midst. With the pact between Europa and Israel broken the King of the South of Al-Arabia is given a free hand to eliminate their Jewish nemesis once and for all or so they think.
Russia for different reasons also cannot abide by the Fourth Kingdom but will not attack the West so overtly. The power of the West cannot be so openly defied. Russia has always wanted the things of the West but never has it bowed its knee to Western traditions. Their culture and religion as well as their history prevent them from accepting a servile position to the West just as Byzantium could never accept the Western Pope of Rome as their Archbishop and Shepherd of the Eastern Orthodox Church so many centuries ago. This same Church now resides in Moscow. Thus, by deceit and surprise while the world is looking at Israel and Arabia, Russia makes her move into the Middle East. Their only option in checkmating the West is by holding hostage the massive reserves of petroleum that fuels the Fourth Kingdom. By holding nearly all of the commodities of importance in the industrial world Moscow thinks it can prevent the Fourth Kingdom from coalescing into something more powerful than they can resist. This is all or nothing for Russia. Surprisingly, they are successful at first but then again they are fighting Moslems and we all know what a paper tiger they have become. By seizing the Levant and occupying Egypt they eliminate the King of the South (Arabia) and would continue on into Africa if necessary per the Book of Ezekiel. However, Operation Wormword stops Russia and her allies in their tracks. The approach of Western Navies in the eastern Mediterranean also threatens their lines of communication and thus Russia retreats out of Egypt and before leaving the Levant entirely makes one last attempt at eliminating their other Semitic enemy, the Jew, but are completely wiped out in the mountains of Israel. Russia and her allies as well as Al-Arabia fail in their attempt to destroy Israel and occupy the Middle East as a way to change the course of history. After their defeat then the Fourth Kingdom ruled by the Anti-Christ and supported by the False Prophet in Israel is able to muster the remaining kings of the world through their demonic emissaries to march the world's remaining armies to Jerusalem to eliminate all of righteous Israel and prevent the enthroning of Christ as the King of David at the Second Advent.
Additionally, the distinguishing characteristic of the Fourth Kingdom is the number 666. This number is utilized as an oath of fealty to the Emperor by the superhuman endowed False Prophet of Israel. Whosoever does not take this number is committing treason as far as the Emperor is concerned. No one may buy or sell without the number and due to the advent of the computer the ability to verify ones fealty is easily and totally enforceable. No person may just plead "neutral" for this is not the purpose of the number. All must accept the Emperor as their savior or else! By accepting the number of the Emperor you are in essence bowing your knee to the "Man of Sin" instead of the "Son of Man" who is Christ Jesus our Lord. The world at this time will gladly bow their knee to the Emperor and thus enter into a state of war with Heaven. The citizens of Heaven will wage war with the citizens of Earth and just as the Fourth Kingdom will execute those who do not bow their knee to the anti-Christ so shall the Everlasting Kingdom of Christ execute those who accept the number of the Emperor. If the Saints cannot enter the Fourth Kingdom of Anti-Christ at the middle of Tribulation then neither can the citizens of earth enter the Everlasting Kingdom of Jesus Christ at the end of the Tribulation.
No amount of scrubbing will remove the number of the anti-Christ once the King of Kings and Lord of Lords returns with his superhuman armies. The number of the anti-Christ is to be fused into the skin of the right hand or forehead. The number will now be a mark of doom to them that bow their knee to Satan. This leaves very few options open to them that survive the devasting destruction of the Tribulation and when the Great White Calvary begins the mopping up operation (Iron Sceptor) to rid the world of them who are in league with the Anti-Christ. Those who are marked with his number will be eliminated by Christ's victorious armies. Once again this "massacre of the seditious" is directed to them that make a free-will decision to give their fealty to the Anti-Christ. I believe this mark is given only to adults because only they are allowed to "buy and sell" and thus the children of rebellious man would not be in a position to complete commercial transactions and therefore would be left unharmed by the conquering armies of Christ as they would not need the mark of 666 since their parents are representing them in the market place and political square. I say this because it must be reiterated here that 666 is a free-will decision that only adults are in a position to make.
Death and Hades

This phrase is a metaphor for both Operation Scorpio and Draco. The only horseman of the "four horseman of the Apocalypse" that is so aptly named. The fact that "hades" is mentioned at all in first four scrolls tells us the geographic location of this massive force (in the earth) and exits the earth once God allows them this opportunity towards the end of the Great Tribluation which apparently Hades has the ability to destroy billions of human beings.
In addition, in Revelation 1, Christ himself states that he owns the key to "death and hades". We know that when the 5th Trumpet is sounded in Rev 9, an angel falls to earth with "the key" to the Abyss. From here, we see that once the gate to the Abyss is unlocked then Operation Scorpio is initiated. So, in heaven the key is held by God and cannot be accessed until Christ himself breaks the seals of the doomsday book and thus allows the key to the Abyss to be utilized by Satan at the appointed time towards the end of Tribulation.
Furthermore, we know in Rev 20 that God will open "the books" and the "dead" will be judged which is the Great White Throne judgement at the end of Millenial reign of Christ. Here, we see something very interesting: the dead both small and great are judged (humans) then the sea gave up the dead in them (nephalim - half-humans) and then "death and hades"(inhumans) gives up their dead in them! Clearly, we see that this metaphor means much more than people realize. We know that the half-human race of angelic/humans that were spawned by Angels to thwart the coming First Advent of Christ were destroyed by God in the now famous Noah's flood. However though the Nephalim are dead they have yet to be officially judged by God. They are ressurected at the Great White Throne for their rejection of Jesus Christ during their time on earth in ancient history. Finally, the last group of "humans", the inhuman force of Scorpio and Draco, are raised for their judgement as well for their rejection of the Christ. I believe this proves that these forces have free-will and that they could have accepted Christ as their savior but chose not to for their own reasons. None of these classes of "humans" are in the Book of Life due to their rejection of Christ and thus are condemned to the Lake of Fire: the Humans (Homo-Sapiens), the Half-Humans (Nephalim) and the Inhumans (Scorpio & Draco).
How could the armies of Scorpio and Draco have been created? How is it that they remain a mystery to us in particular and mankind in general for so long? Perhaps the plan to thwart the First Advent of Christ by Satan by "creating" the Nephalim of half man/half angels actually had an earlier precendent? Perhaps the troops of Scorpio and Draco are half animal/half angels in their genetic makeup but retain human characteristics from their "angelic" side? We know from John's description of them in Revelaton chapter 9 that they have animalistic and humanoid characteristics and yet these creatures are able to operate in military fashion showing the world their own ability to obey orders and thus they too have free-will! And just as the angels who conspired to thwart the First Advent of Christ are now inprisoned in Tartarus awaiting judgement at the end of Millienium perhaps then this is the reason we see a fallen angel currently residing in the Abyss (Apollyon) and four fallen angels residing with the "Army of the Euphrates" of 200 million inhuman calvary troops which in a way is their own prison just as it is for the Tartarus angels of Noah's Flood! If angels are incarcerated for their crime to prevent the First Advent of Christ at the time of Noah then certainly we might see angels incarcerated yet awaiting "parole" for their eventual crime in preventing the Second Advent of Christ yet to come in the future.
What is further interesting is John's description of the Scorpion troops of Revelation 9 concerning the matter of their golden "crowns". Perhaps these crowns are simply decorations of the most powerful of their "kind" given by the fallen angels for their loyalty, ability and understanding to the greater cause of Satan. Just speculation of course but certainly we see parallels between "them" and mankind as well in regards to rewards given to the most honoerable and enterprising among us. Which once against points to the fact that these creatures do have free-will and thus held accountable for their actions not only in their relation with man but with God as well.
Finally, we know that by the time of the First Advent of Christ the great army of our Lord, the Church, had yet to be recruited by God. And thus Christ announces to Peter directly but indirectly to Satan himself at the dawn of the Church Age, that upon "this Rock I will build my Church and the 'gates of hades' will not prevail against it" thus establishing the prophetic and future event of the Second Advent when the completed army of God, the Church, follows him at the Second Advent and are thereby I believe tasked by God to destroy Satan's secret armies now held in abeyance in both the Abyss and Euphrates. The superhuman armies of Christ that descend from Heaven will destroy the inhuman armies of Satan that ascend from the earth at the Second Advent. Just as Christ predicted the strategic defeat of Satan in the Garden of Eden regarding the first advent so we see here that Christ predicts the strategic and tactical defeat of Satan's glorious inhuman armies at the Second Advent by none other than the Church itself before Christ was crucified at Golgotha. The superhumans eliminate the inhumans as humanity itself is incapable of dispatching this great and mighty foe. This must have been a stunning development in the Angelic World, both fallen and elect, nearly 2000 years ago when this was announced by our Lord to the Apostles. And since the Angelic Conflict has largely been invisible to us then we should not be surprised that this development (creation of the Church to destroy the inhumans among many reasons for its purpose) might appear unknown and invisible to us as well.
We must understand from Satan's point of view that by the time Christ became "flesh among us" at his first advent nearly 2000 years ago he, Satan, was pretty much successful at thwarting God's plan for mankind: Satan had dethroned the first perfect human, Adam in the Garden, by seducing him to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - God's response was to cast man out of the Garden and perfect environment; Satan had initiated a plan to prevent the first advent of Christ by infecting all of humanity with a genetic angelic strain in human DNA when Angels looked upon the "daughters of men" and the two became one when fallen Angels procreated with mankind thus producing "mighty men of renown- God's response was to destroy all of humanity save 8 souls (Noah and his family) with the flood to rid humanity of this angelic/human hybrid; After the flood Satan convinced mankind to settle together instead of spreading out far and wide under his evil plan to unite humanity under one flag - God dispelled this attempt by imputing humanity with mulitple languages when the tower of Babel was being built; Satan had completely disrupted the first Royal Family of God, Israel, from completing her mission to spread the eternal gospel of Christ by embroiling Israel in the worship of the pantheon of false gods that was so pervasive in the Middle East at that time - God's First Royal Family thus was no use to him and they were ripe for judgement as God gave them over to slavery in form of conquering world powers. Everywhere in the Old Testament Satan is successful in thwarting God at every critical point in history. Finally, Satan still had his inhuman armies to unleash and God had no army of his own to stop this menace in the future by the time Christ appears at the First Advent.
Additionally, Satan is quite successful in getting Israel to reject their Messiah and King and have our Lord eventually crucified as the "political usurper" that he was accused of being. It is always darkest before the dawn as the saying goes and after Christ rises from the dead a new age is born in which an army of superhumans can be slowly constructed over time in the form of God's Second Royal Family- the Church. This second family does not replace the first but does augment it and both figuratively and literally becomes the cavalry that saves the day for Israel and the Saints in the future. I believe The Church will be used be God to destroy Satan's inhuman armies and it is the muscle and sinews of Christ's words and agenda at his Second Advent. The Church becomes the physical embodiment of God and with that unity in Christ we will be invincible. So powerful we become that neither fallen man nor angel can stop the Second Royal Family of God so that even death will flee from us. Indeed, the Gates of Hades shall not prevail against us.
Death Defiant: Era of the Superhuman
The Era of the Superhuman begins at the moment the Church is raptured from the earth sometime in the future. The Rapture of the Church occurs at the end of the Church Age and with it everything we have come to know about ourselves as well as other beings, both angelic and inhuman, will now become known to all of mankind both fallen and elect. Just as the 20th Century ushered in the era that ended the horse and buggy so the Rapture fundamentally changes mankind forever. We will never return to an era where man believes they are "alone" in this world. We will see God, we will see Angels, we will see creatures beyond our imagination and of course we will see mankind able to defy death and perform "miracles" beyond anything we have possibly imagined. The Royal Family of God, the Church, are the first humans to receive their ressurection bodies fashioned after the likeness of Christ. Jesus Christ is the first human to defy death and we who have bowed our knee to him in fealty will be the first as beneficiaries of Christ's Glory to have an indestructible body like his own. No, there is no kryptonite that will be our Achilles Heel as there is none for them that believe in Christ. We may wade against the stream today but we will walk on water tomorrow and no one will be able to stop us.
After the second Advent the superhuman armies of Christ will mingle with "normal" human beings(born in the millinial reign of Christ but have not been resurrected) as well as ressurected humans (Saints) from ancient history not part of the Church Age. As days give way to weeks and months give way to years humans will reproduce at unprecedented levels and will fill the earth once again with a sea of humanity. At the beginning of Christ's reign all of humanity is regenerate however by the time we near the end of Christ's 1000-year reign as the King of Israel then we see on earth a return to times of old: unregenerate man. In other words, a world peopled with humans who have silently rejected Jesus Christ as their savior. You will note that ressurected humanity, The Church and the Saints, will not force man to "believe" in Christ. This is a free-will decision and mankind's independence to decide for or against Christ is respected even in the future. But with free-will comes culpalbility and responsiblity for one's own actions.
The Church is a new spiritual species created by and for God. We are the Citizens of Heaven and our home will always reside in the heavens throughout the glorious universe. For righteous Israel, if they have bowed their knee to the Lord then they are the "meek" that will inherit the earth. For righteious Israel, God has promised them an everlasting throne on earth, an everlasting kingdom and an everlasting King. Both Royal Families of God, Israel and the Church, will glorify God as we dispense with the royal duties of state on earth as well as in the heavens in the service of our Lord and Master. There is nothing the Church has done in the flesh that has given us this magnificent position but it has completely rested on the grace of God. It is Jesus Christ that has given us our power and it is because of him that we will become the masters of the universe. He is the head and we are the body and the two are one. The Trinity itself resides in the body of each individual person who bows their knee to Christ and our future is directly tied to God in general and to Jesus Christ in particular. For this we are eternally grateful for what he has done for us and indeed for the Church to live is for Christ and to die is for gain.
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