He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Focus of this blog

The primary focus of this blog is to win the minds of my readers to the efficacy for our "crusade" against the Terror-States of the world that threaten American sovereignty. This is the seminal event of our time, at least for the United States it is. I usually include pictures to break up the "monotony" of my blogs and nearly 99% of my pictures involve the US military with special thanks to http://www.dod.mil/ for all their exceptional pictures.

I really do believe that history repeats itself more than we may care to believe. Yes, not all history has repeated itself and we do push the envelope of "new" history with new faces, places, and events that truly have never happened before. However, we can see through the annals of time how man really does not change. We simply have to look at the cycles of human activity to gauge where we are in the present. These cycles involve, more or less going forward or going reverse, from peace to war, from proverty to wealth, from local politics to Imperial policy, and the rise and fall of nations.

Some may ask when it would be the best time to be alive and I would answer "right now!". I think its a wonderful time to be alive considering the technological advancements but also to be able witness the ebb and flow of history as mankind has never had the priviledge to see it all unfold at the same time. This is due in large part because of the internet. I believe the internet is having such a huge effect on dictatorships and oppressed peoples around the world that they have no choice but bend with the wind or cut their people off from the outside for "fear" of other ideas. Incidentally, the latter is becoming increasingly impossible as people find ways of "viewing" what life is like beyond their borders via the internet.

So, when the average joe comes along my blog, be they from Jerusalem or Sacramento, then I hope to persuade him of the rightousness of our cause. Enjoy your stay.


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