He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Other Side

Why is the Left so bent on hatred of authority? Why won't they fight the Global War on Terror? Didn't they witness the destruction of the World Trade Center and weren't they just as outraged as us on the right by this fool-hardy and arrogant attempt at international brinkmanship? Why have they focused their anger on one man, President George W. Bush? It pains me to see the divisive nature of the Left and how poisonous their attitude and condescension for this country and for our allies in this war. How many more New Yorkers and other Americans must die from Islamic Terrorism before they change their stance on this war?

This war is not Viet Nam. Everything about it so much more different and the stakes so much higher that to invoke the war in Southeast Asia is simplistic at best and reckless at worst. The only similarity to Viet Nam would be the media coverage of the war. The Democrat Party is trying to revive an anti-war feeling by calling this "George Bush's Vietnam War" in a sick attempt at taking back the Legislative and Executive branches of this government at the expense of our troops in the field. Now, Jane Fonda and Martin Sheen are in on the act.

The Left says they are against "war" as if they live in a vaccuum with no external enemies. How tragic that the Left who has given us such giants as Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt would exchange common sense for a fool's hope in someone like Cindy Sheehan. What shall we do if attacked? Lie still and not move? Maybe the bear will just sniff us and move on? Who shall defend America?

The Left by in large are socialists. They love socialism and they love men who are dedicated Marxists that enable government to control the lives of people from the cradle to the coffin. But most of all, they love socialists that are anti-American. Hence, the Left embraces a Castro or a Chavez or a Shroeder and will reject a Blair or a Koizumi. The hatred eminating from the Left has destroyed their sense of history and instead of embracing the ideals of America they have become inconoclastic to all things traditionally American and in so doing have chosen to be the dim-witted stooges of Al Qaida and the Axis of Evil.


Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

"They" who Floyd?

I rest my case.

11:01 PM  

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