He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Red-Star Mother

The sedition of Cindy Sheehan. What are we to make of it? The Old Media are at it again, trying to demoralize the nation in a time of war. This time, they have a fanatical left-wing activist who lost her son, Casey Sheehan, while serving in uniform in Iraq as their scud-missle of propaganda. The anti-American crowd have dubbed her a "Gold-Star Mother", a title for a mother whose son has died in combat, however in this case, Cindy has used the untimely demise of her son as a means and vehicle for her exploitation of the Left's anti-American, anti-War and anti-Bush tirades. This in turn has flowered, if I may be so bold, into something more sinister.

Cindy has used her position and willingly given her time and effort to support the global aim of Islamic Terrorism: to defeat America. Her left-wing diatribes harken back to the heady days of the 60's where their generation was called to fight another terror, that is, International Communism. Then, the Left were the willing dupes for Moscow's designs and completely supported the defeat of the United States in South-East Asia. The rebellious and seditious activities then emboldened the communists from Moscow to Beijing to Hanoi. By the efforts of the American Left, communism prevailed against South Vietnam and ultimately led to this current state of affairs we find ourselves in. When the Mohammedans saw that we were politically weak and divided, in spite of our military strength, they themselves were emboldened for their own war against us. As a result, the first shot across our bow was the Arab-Oil Embargo against the United States in October of '73 in conjuction with the Yom Kippur War waged against Israel, not but 8 months after we left Saigon with our tails between our legs. Less than 30 years later, 9/11 was the culmination of their terror-war against us.

Cindy Sheehan is a loser. Nothing more and nothing less. She has lost everything, her son, her marriage and her mind. Her son proudly served in the glorious armed forces of the United States and did not die in-vain for a soldier never dies needlessly when defending the USA. Someone must defend us, and someone must don the uniform of the American GI and fight under the banner of Liberty. Clearly, the American Left has seen fit to throw a snare in our path to victory that someday will come to be seen as a liablity that the American People will no longer suffer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a sick, sick person. Address what the woman is saying, but don't dismiss her by using the same redscare tactics you use with college kids and beatniks.

Whether or not Bush meets with her is not the issue. The contrast is clear...what George stands for and what Cindy stands for. Cindy sacrificed her son along with the thousands of other families who have sacrificed both the lives and health of loved ones for this war. You probably wouldn't muster the same ire for someone who sends back a sandwich at a restaurant because the cook forgot the mayo. I think Cindy has a bit more of a right to complain about the bill of goods she was sold.

What has Bush sacrificed? What thousand dollar plate lunch or vacation day can Bush not tear himself away from to give this woman who's son died in this war a half an hour of his time?

But again, the meeting is not the issue. The contrast is clear.

Really, what is your problem? Unlike a lot of these political phonies in your party of choice, I admire that you say in public exactly what you most likely think in private. I love it. You think your kind is going to get rid of the "scurge" of liberalism? You NEED liberalism. We're the only thing keeping you from becoming the facist you would so love to become. We are keeping America worth fighting for and in many cases, as with Casey Sheehan, we are dying for this country.

As Bill O'reilly did with Jeremy Glick, the Right has once again savagely assaulted a family member of a casualty of war for political reasons. Sick.

11:35 PM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

Well, Mr. Anonymous, I must have touched a raw nerve. That's the problem with the Left, you guys are so touchy, self-righteous and everyone has to walk on egg-shells around you.

Why must the President, any President, "sacrifice" his son or daughter to wage war? I don't recall Lincoln or Wilson or Roosevelt or Truman or Kennedy or Johnson having to "sacrifice" his family to wage war against our enemies?! Now, you want President Bush to do what? Have one of his daughters put to death to appease your wacky, leftwing, and grossly ignorant self-defeating mentality? Just weird.

Fascism, if you have studied it all, is no different than National Socialsm or Communism. The "revolution" is imposed upon the people by the Party and then the Party becomes the government. If you don't join the Party, then there is no hope for you. Fascism, National Socialism and Communism was the modus operandi by which the Party Secretary becomes the Dictator of the Government and hence the country. All of it is Left-wing and all of it is a lie.

So, Mr. Anonymous, as Christopher Hitchens once said of Cindy Sheehan "she is a flake and a fantacist", I really don't think I'm the one with the "problem" here.

The history of America is the history of Christianity, Constitution and Commerce and clearly Cindy despises all three institutions so really she is the Fascist.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. You are a really fantastic. I hope you never develop a filter and this stuff keeps coming, because (much like Eddie Murphy) you are RAW!

From Wikipedia:

"The term fascism has come to mean any system of government resembling Mussolini's, that in various combinations:

Exalts the state, above the individual, with the state apparatus being supreme.

Stresses loyalty to a single leader, and submission to a single culture.

Engages in economic totalitarianism through the creation of a Corporatist State, where the divergent economic and social interests of different races and classes are combined with the interests of the State."

Mull that over a bit.

And yes, Jenna and Barbara should at least go do a USO show or two to raise the morale. The less homely one can do the old Marilyn Monroe bit. It'll be good times for all.

I don't think I ever advocated anybody sacrificing their children for this war. Never have. Never would.

Excuse the non-sequitor, but why are you so scared of "liberals"? We're really quite nice. This preoccupation with smiting enemies is not healthy. We, as Americans, face challenges and very legitimate threats, militarily, economically, socially, environmentally, and otherwise. Your rhetoric poisons the well.

Really, in the best of all possible worlds, what do things look like for Xmarine?

-Mr. Anonymous

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. - Lay off Cindy already.

12:33 AM  
Blogger Bruce R. McConnell said...

Well, Mr. Anonymous, perhaps you would do well to start up your own blog?

From Wikipedia:

"Etymologically, the use of the word Fascism in modern Italian political history stretches back to the 1890s in the form of fasci, which were radical left-wing political factions that proliferated in the decades before World War I.

One of the first of these groups were the Fasci Siciliani who were part of the first movement that consisted of the Italian working-class peasants that made real progress. The Fasci Siciliani dei lavoratori, were revolutionary socialists that were led by Giuseppe De Felice Giuffrida.

Today, very few groups proclaim themselves as fascist, and the term is almost universally used for groups for whom the speaker has little regard, often with minimal understanding of what the term actually means."

Sounds like Mr. Anonymous.

I'm really not "afraid" of liberals as you can see from my writings. I'm simply showing how simple-minded liberals have become today as result of their outright hatred of President George W. Bush.

You have completely ignored history and indeed it is you who have embraced Fascism and all its forms by expanding Federal Government and denuding the Constitution in your vain attempt at concentrating all powers to the State.

Go back to your sex, drugs and rock & roll and leave those more sober to stand watch and yes, fight for not against America.

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. Post removed? And that was shaping up to being such a nice discussion.

8:29 AM  

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