He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Mexico or Bust!

With the sudden emergence of a foreign people marching in the streets of Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas and Washington DC among others, clamoring for "citizenship" and all that it entails, a new turn has been made in the road away from utopian abstract internationalism towards pragmatic endearing and enduring nationalism. Are these days the "best of times" or the "worst of times", one cannot say as yet, but certainly the most "interesting of times".

Many institutions in America are demanding amnesty for illegal Mexican aliens or at least something akin to such an agreement. The Presidency, the Senate, political parties including Republican, Democrat and Liberterian, the media in general and finally the Catholic Church all have come out in support of illegal aliens to the detriment of the law itself. All these institutions have their reasons and rationales for embracing illegal alien amnesty, however, the bottom line is the American citizenry have been completely ignored and in fact have been denied their due process and say in this matter.

This "debate" about so called illegal immigration is not about "immigration" whatsoever. It's really about the law. Does someone, be they citizen or not, have the right to violate the law? And if so, does this person receive damnation or justification for violating said name law? Do the rulers who have been elected by law-abiding citizens to enforce the law have the right to arbitrarily ignore their oath of office and make a mockery of the Consitution that they allegedly have sworn to protect by embracing the lawless? Has a deal with the devil been made unbenownest to us who go to work daily supporting their local, state and federal government that allows squatters and usurpers more say over those who quietly and diligently uphold their civic duty as lawful citizens?

The ramifications of amnesty for the lawless will strike down this nation as a great power like no other event in its history. The putrefaction of lawlessness has seeped into every crack and oriface of American society and blackens the concept of the "good of society" since clearly it is not the greater society that benefits from this "immigration" debate. Man is inherently corrupt and the United States Consitution was designed with that in mind to keep a check on power-mad men and now women from destroying conservative, peaceful, law and order. Life, liberty and property can only exist if the law is obeyed. Disobediance to the law threatens this order and that is why criminals who violate this order must receive their due reward: death. And yet, we see how the Left has completely castrated government by nearly abolishing the death penalty and made prison time more of a purgatory than a final resting place. This "soft on crime" mentality as espoused by the Left has finally made its face known to the public on an international scale and has matasticized into the cancer of "illegal immigration".

How will the electorate respond? Is their no institution that will speak for us? Are we citizens to sit idly by and WATCH our country sink beneath the abyss of lawlessness without taking action? What action do we take? Is it the most effective response needed in these "interesting times"? My friends, there is one institution that has always been the shieldmaiden of America: the United States Military. Through her our country fought to victory and overcame the punishing hand of Great Britain. Through her we overcame the narcissism of civil war that engulfed our land. Through her, we have beat back the forces of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. And through her and the menace she had shown to thuggish communist governments from Moscow to Hanoi in the efficacy and virtue of her glorious arms we overcame even the medieval marxist conspiracy that theatened the entire world. And yet, she could not live by bread alone, but by the invigorating and life-giving doctrines of Christianity.

These are perilous times and dangers mount from without and from within. You, my Christian friend, will turn the tide. Or the tide will take you out to sea. You decide.


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