Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Now that we have dispensed with the pleasantries, shall we get down to business? As you can tell I'm none too happy about the Democrat victory in the House and Senate a couple of weeks ago. The whining and crowing voices of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Teddy Kennedy, Charlie Rangel, Charles Shumer, Joe Biden and the rest of that corrupt bunch of old hypocrites and liars is just a bit much for me to wither. But I shall march on, nevertheless, with a revolting sense of disgust at the pace of the War I must confess I feel we Americans are headed into a very dark period in the next couple of years.
I believe the War On Terror has been successfully petrified in its tracks by the Democrat win in this last mid-term election and as a result has all the hallmarks for very serious national, international and dare I say
historical repercussions? But before I go any further we must acknowledge that the traitorous Press have much to be blamed for our current demise. These college-educated idiots pretend to have no political motive but are in reality the direct appendage of the Democrat Party. These snakes deserve nothing but death as befitting all traitors as their irresponsible and blind devotion to vaulting leftwing politicians to power at the expense of our fighting men in Afghanistan and Iraq will actually plunge the world into more terrorism and war and thus set the stage for future conflicts that will make it harder and bloodier for America to overcome.
With Democrats winning both House and Senate the Culture of Corruption as espoused by Nancy Pelosi is indeed in overdrive. The next two years will be slavishly devoted to crowning Hillary Clinton the next President of the United States and how befitting when we consider the depth of her corruption from Arkansas to Washington D.C. to New York and back again. Wouldn't that be ironic that when Bill was President from 93-2000 we had the evolution of terrorism spring forth while he was on watch? Then as he returns to power, albeit as the "shadow" President with Hilary's face up front and personal, Bill can maneuver in the background doing only God knows what while promoting himself at the expense of the American modus vivendi in the Free World thus causing a devolution of America from the international scene. Up with Terrorists, down with America. For indeed he hates and loathes America. All leftwingers do. Democrats will use the War
Of Terror to their full advantage to break the last vestiges of "small" government in the United States. If you thought the Patriot Act was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
With America withering on the vine as the International force stabilizer, Democrats will seize every opportunity to enslave its citizens with more socialism the likes of which we haven't seen since 1932. As American troops vacate Europe, Asia, and the Middle East the world will spin out of control until another force comes upon the scene for good or for ill to bring stability. But perhaps there is no such force. Much like Rome in its sunset years, if we retreat from the international scene its quite possible nothing will rise to replace our standard. Perhaps the barbarians will rule the day. We shall see.
Which leads me to my final thought regarding Great Britain. All that's left of this once great nation is England. Britain was beaten down in both world wars that resulted in the United States inheriting her sphere of influence throughout the earth after World War II. Now, in the 21st Century, as Scotland and Wales are on the precipice of complete sovereignty from her erstwhile usurpers, England stands alone between America and Europa. Will she depend on America for her life force or will she give her allegiance to Europe? Indeed the Anglosphere is now gutted by the tide of the non-English speaking hordes that have crested the walls of Western Civilization. Australia finds herself choosing between an aggressive China to kowtow before or a fickle United States that can't stomach wars of liberation any longer. Canada is on the verge of disintegration as Quebec demands not only autonomy but liberty from the Queen of England. South Africa is completely gutted of the Anglo Saxon as the African now takes charge in Pretoria. India is a nuclear power in its own right. So whats left? Nothing. Nothing except England itself and thus naked and spoiled she will choose Europa to find shelter and clothing. Rome shall rule London once more.
Behold the future!