He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Former President Gerald R. Ford lies in repose at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Palm Desert, Calif., Dec. 29, 2006, as the Guard of Honor stands watch. DoD personnel are helping to honor Ford, the 38th president of the United States, who passed away on Dec. 26th. Ford's remains will be flown to Washington, D.C., for a state funeral in the Capitol Rotunda and a funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral, followed by burial services at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Members of the Presidential Salute Gun Platoon, 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment perform a 21-gun salute honor the arrival of the casket carrying former President Gerald R. Ford as he arrives at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Dec. 30, 2006, during a national farewell funeral procession honoring the former commander in chief.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff prepare for the arrival of the casket containing the body of former U.S. President Gerald Ford at the bottom of the East Steps to the U.S. House of Representatives, at the U.S. Capitol, for a memorial service. Ford died at his home in Rancho Mirage, California, Dec. 26 at the age of 93. A private internment service is scheduled for Jan. 2 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential museum in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Vice President Richard Cheney along with members of the Senate and the House of Representatives honor former President Gerald R. Ford during national farewell funeral ceremonies in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Dec. 30, 2006. Ford's remains were flown to Washington, D.C., for a state funeral in the Capitol Rotunda and a funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral, followed by burial services at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Apocalyptic Visions Part II
God is silent today. There are those who say they hear God but really they must be questioned as to whom it is that speaketh to them. Is it God or something else masquarading as God? Our understanding of the future rests entirely with the written canon of scripture. Some day we will see God and we will hear God and we will touch God but it isn't today.
Jesus Christ spoke of a parable about a rich land owner who goes "far away for a long time" and leaves his estate with his tenents. However, over a period of time the land owner sends servants to inquire about the estate and receive its production. However, the Lord's servants are beaten and leave empty-handed. The Lord then sends his son as the heir-representative of his estate, for surely the tenents will recognize him for who he is. When he arrives, however the tenents think to themselves that they can murder the son to inherit the Lord's estate. They cast him off the estate and murder him. The Lord returns to the estate and destroys the tenents who have usurped his authority, stolen his property and murdered his son. This parable spoke of the Jewish rejection of the Messiah and its consequences for Israel, however, this same story is easily applied to all of mankind for all have come short of the "glory of God".
The Book of Revelation is the grand central station of eschatology and just as all roads lead to Rome so all prophecies in the Old Testatment lead to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. We must remember that when it comes to prophecy its all about Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament the predictions given by the prophets was primarily in regards to our Lords FIRST advent in which he came as a lamb to the "slaughter". The cross was the first objective of Jesus Christ which is spiritual in nature and invisible. His second objective is the crown which is political in nature and quite visible. There are numerous passages in the Old Testament regarding the second objective which the desparate Jew by the time Christ had arrived in 30 A.D. had so much yearned for and this was the expectation from them who did not understand or refused to understand his stated "first" objective as the sin-bearer for humanity. We must remember there were many Jews who believed in Christ and many Jews who did not. So it is with the rest of us. Man is divided by those whose allegiance is with the "estate holder" or whose alligence is with the "tenents". To whom do you give your fealty?
The second objective of Jesus Christ will be violent and unforgiving, open warfare between angelic and human characters and massed armies with multiple campaigns both strategic and tactical. It will be open and plain for all to see just as the lightening flashes before the skies and the resultant thunder is heard by all. Many things will occur that will seem otherworldly to say the least, men with superhuman abilities able to wreak havoc with fire and weather control, angelic visitations both elect and fallen, ancient creatures used as warhorses that should have died out with the dinosaurs, stellar destruction of the earth's surface the likes of which haven't been seen by mankind. Earthquakes, famine, destruction of whole cities, wars and of course, the return of Christ. Billions will perish.
Is this the end of the world? No, it is not. The return of Christ is the restoration of the Garden of Eden but on a global scale, a Pax Christi Mundi if you will. An era of peace, prosperity and cooperation will be imposed upon the world at the Second Advent by the armies of God, Angelic and Human. Indeed the saying shall come to pass that swords will be turned into plowshares. But that time has not arrived, obviously. Ironically but it should not come as any surpise, after a long time man will revolt against the Christ seated upon his throne in Jerusalem. Mankind will be able to commissurate with the God-Man during his future earthly reign and yet we know from prophecy that seeing is not believing! Doubts will remain and these doubts will be the ground by which Satan will plant and ultimately cultivate his last great revolution once he is paroled after a 1000 year prison sentence. Once again, even in "perfect" environment, the "tenents" will seek to usurp the throne. Lucifer as he was once called, ever the master of his own destiny, will once again present to the world the knowledge of good and evil. And he will have a receptive audience to those who have quietly neglected the injuction to believe in Jesus Christ.
Once the masses of people, revolutionaries if you will, converge upon Israel and the world capitol in Jerusalem they will attempt a palace coup and install their own enlightened and glorious leader, the man who would be king, his diabolical majesty, Satan the Devil. A being of intense beauty and oratory skill, an angel of God. The masses will prefer the creature over the Creator. One can only imagine how they will rush the gates and pound the doors open into the old city and take what is not theirs. It will be a sight to behold. The hatred and jealousies exposed for all to see and manifested with fits of violence befitting a revolution. They will hate the Man seated upon the throne. And the response by God?
Fire from heaven. The revolution will be consumed in the flames of God's wrath leaving behind the charred bodies of its fanatical adherents in a funeral pyre deserving of a lost people who have embraced a rebel without a cause.
Behold, the future!
Jesus Christ spoke of a parable about a rich land owner who goes "far away for a long time" and leaves his estate with his tenents. However, over a period of time the land owner sends servants to inquire about the estate and receive its production. However, the Lord's servants are beaten and leave empty-handed. The Lord then sends his son as the heir-representative of his estate, for surely the tenents will recognize him for who he is. When he arrives, however the tenents think to themselves that they can murder the son to inherit the Lord's estate. They cast him off the estate and murder him. The Lord returns to the estate and destroys the tenents who have usurped his authority, stolen his property and murdered his son. This parable spoke of the Jewish rejection of the Messiah and its consequences for Israel, however, this same story is easily applied to all of mankind for all have come short of the "glory of God".
The Book of Revelation is the grand central station of eschatology and just as all roads lead to Rome so all prophecies in the Old Testatment lead to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. We must remember that when it comes to prophecy its all about Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament the predictions given by the prophets was primarily in regards to our Lords FIRST advent in which he came as a lamb to the "slaughter". The cross was the first objective of Jesus Christ which is spiritual in nature and invisible. His second objective is the crown which is political in nature and quite visible. There are numerous passages in the Old Testament regarding the second objective which the desparate Jew by the time Christ had arrived in 30 A.D. had so much yearned for and this was the expectation from them who did not understand or refused to understand his stated "first" objective as the sin-bearer for humanity. We must remember there were many Jews who believed in Christ and many Jews who did not. So it is with the rest of us. Man is divided by those whose allegiance is with the "estate holder" or whose alligence is with the "tenents". To whom do you give your fealty?
The second objective of Jesus Christ will be violent and unforgiving, open warfare between angelic and human characters and massed armies with multiple campaigns both strategic and tactical. It will be open and plain for all to see just as the lightening flashes before the skies and the resultant thunder is heard by all. Many things will occur that will seem otherworldly to say the least, men with superhuman abilities able to wreak havoc with fire and weather control, angelic visitations both elect and fallen, ancient creatures used as warhorses that should have died out with the dinosaurs, stellar destruction of the earth's surface the likes of which haven't been seen by mankind. Earthquakes, famine, destruction of whole cities, wars and of course, the return of Christ. Billions will perish.
Is this the end of the world? No, it is not. The return of Christ is the restoration of the Garden of Eden but on a global scale, a Pax Christi Mundi if you will. An era of peace, prosperity and cooperation will be imposed upon the world at the Second Advent by the armies of God, Angelic and Human. Indeed the saying shall come to pass that swords will be turned into plowshares. But that time has not arrived, obviously. Ironically but it should not come as any surpise, after a long time man will revolt against the Christ seated upon his throne in Jerusalem. Mankind will be able to commissurate with the God-Man during his future earthly reign and yet we know from prophecy that seeing is not believing! Doubts will remain and these doubts will be the ground by which Satan will plant and ultimately cultivate his last great revolution once he is paroled after a 1000 year prison sentence. Once again, even in "perfect" environment, the "tenents" will seek to usurp the throne. Lucifer as he was once called, ever the master of his own destiny, will once again present to the world the knowledge of good and evil. And he will have a receptive audience to those who have quietly neglected the injuction to believe in Jesus Christ.
Once the masses of people, revolutionaries if you will, converge upon Israel and the world capitol in Jerusalem they will attempt a palace coup and install their own enlightened and glorious leader, the man who would be king, his diabolical majesty, Satan the Devil. A being of intense beauty and oratory skill, an angel of God. The masses will prefer the creature over the Creator. One can only imagine how they will rush the gates and pound the doors open into the old city and take what is not theirs. It will be a sight to behold. The hatred and jealousies exposed for all to see and manifested with fits of violence befitting a revolution. They will hate the Man seated upon the throne. And the response by God?
Fire from heaven. The revolution will be consumed in the flames of God's wrath leaving behind the charred bodies of its fanatical adherents in a funeral pyre deserving of a lost people who have embraced a rebel without a cause.
Behold, the future!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Bivouac Iraq
The news today of Saddam Hussein's ultimate demise by the hangman should comfort all lovers of freedom and liberty throughout the world. A big fat socialist dictator has been brought before the law and made culpable for his murderous regime that brought misery to his fellow countrymen as well as war to his neighbors near and far. Yes, Saddam Hussein was indeed not just a threat and a menace to his fellow neighbors in the Middle East but was an instigator of terror against American interests throughout the world. After 9/11, his domicile became unacceptable and he was overthrown by force thanks to the United States Army and Marine Corps after the United Nations showed their impotence in the international arena.
Iraq was and is but one of many fronts that the United States has plotted to combat both physical and spiritual the fall of International Islamic Terrorism. We have not "lost" in Iraq in spite of the terrorist campaign to undermine American resistance in Mesopotamia. The Islamic Terrorists have their supporters both active and passive in the Western World that seek to undermine the War On Terror through propaganda and outright seditious activities in the hopes that the United States of America will break camp and come home. However, there is no home to come to as the destruction of the World Trade Center Complex proved so overwhelmingly obvious to those who will see and believe.
For the Left, the War On Terror that began under President George W. Bush is in fact worse than the War Of Terror being waged by the Sunni and Shite Moslems begun I would say with the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 because the Left feels that warfare conducted by the West only propels the Western World to dominance and glory over the non-Western peoples of the earth which in turn propels the concepts of Constitution, Commerce and Christianity at the expense of the third-world modus vivendi. The Left, though of the West is like a child who hates his parents for begating them and giving everything they possibly could want and yet is not enough. For the Left, Iraq more so than Afghanistan represents a dangerous precedent that if not checked in Baghdad could become the modus operandi of American Foreign Policy for decades to come. The Left in regards to Operation Iraqi Freedom has as much at stake in its outcome as does the Mullah's in Iran or the Baathists in Syria and any victory there by America or the West can only be viewed as bad as far as the Left is concerned. The Left wants America to lose in Iraq and will continue to propagandize their position through the Networks and Newspapers until the American people believe that we have lost.
You do realize that America is not the only nation that is in Iraq? Iran and Syria as well Islamic mercinaries from Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia are also there intent on killing Iraqi Sunni's, Shia and Kurds as well as American armed forces stationed in that desert wasteland. American's are still fighting Islamic terrorists in Iraq and thus we still suffer casaulties albeit one drop at a time. The Networks and Newpapers that belong to the Left idealogically have made great hay out of the fact that military combat deaths has exceeded the deathtoll from 9/11. Well so what? America suffered HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DEAD at the end of WWI with the Spanish Influenza which far exceeded anything that the Army and Marines encountered by Germans in France. However, if you realize that the Networks and Newspapers are appendages of the Left then you understand why they would make such pointless and meaningless comparisons. The Left is trying and perhaps succeeding in wearing you down with their leftwing bromides on the War On Terror that you will support a retreat in the face of the enemy for fear of losing more men in Iraq.
If you support the War On Terror then you should support the war/occupation in Iraq. The War On Terror is global in scope and will involve multiple theaters of war. It's not just Afghanistan or Osama Bin Laden but a far more complex range of characters and organizations that the Left would sooner have you forget. The Left is simplistic and must couch their arguments in a simplistic manner such as "Bush Lied, People Died" in order to contain the common sense of the American people. The War must continue until the American flag flys over the captitals of Iran and Syria and perhaps even Pakistan or until the Moslem regimes in the world beg for forgiveness. We have not reached that "event horizon" just yet. Your support for the War On Terror will determine if the outcome throughout the Umma or Moslem world will benefit America or not.
You will decide the fate of millions. Choose wisely.
Iraq was and is but one of many fronts that the United States has plotted to combat both physical and spiritual the fall of International Islamic Terrorism. We have not "lost" in Iraq in spite of the terrorist campaign to undermine American resistance in Mesopotamia. The Islamic Terrorists have their supporters both active and passive in the Western World that seek to undermine the War On Terror through propaganda and outright seditious activities in the hopes that the United States of America will break camp and come home. However, there is no home to come to as the destruction of the World Trade Center Complex proved so overwhelmingly obvious to those who will see and believe.
For the Left, the War On Terror that began under President George W. Bush is in fact worse than the War Of Terror being waged by the Sunni and Shite Moslems begun I would say with the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 because the Left feels that warfare conducted by the West only propels the Western World to dominance and glory over the non-Western peoples of the earth which in turn propels the concepts of Constitution, Commerce and Christianity at the expense of the third-world modus vivendi. The Left, though of the West is like a child who hates his parents for begating them and giving everything they possibly could want and yet is not enough. For the Left, Iraq more so than Afghanistan represents a dangerous precedent that if not checked in Baghdad could become the modus operandi of American Foreign Policy for decades to come. The Left in regards to Operation Iraqi Freedom has as much at stake in its outcome as does the Mullah's in Iran or the Baathists in Syria and any victory there by America or the West can only be viewed as bad as far as the Left is concerned. The Left wants America to lose in Iraq and will continue to propagandize their position through the Networks and Newspapers until the American people believe that we have lost.
You do realize that America is not the only nation that is in Iraq? Iran and Syria as well Islamic mercinaries from Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia are also there intent on killing Iraqi Sunni's, Shia and Kurds as well as American armed forces stationed in that desert wasteland. American's are still fighting Islamic terrorists in Iraq and thus we still suffer casaulties albeit one drop at a time. The Networks and Newpapers that belong to the Left idealogically have made great hay out of the fact that military combat deaths has exceeded the deathtoll from 9/11. Well so what? America suffered HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DEAD at the end of WWI with the Spanish Influenza which far exceeded anything that the Army and Marines encountered by Germans in France. However, if you realize that the Networks and Newspapers are appendages of the Left then you understand why they would make such pointless and meaningless comparisons. The Left is trying and perhaps succeeding in wearing you down with their leftwing bromides on the War On Terror that you will support a retreat in the face of the enemy for fear of losing more men in Iraq.
If you support the War On Terror then you should support the war/occupation in Iraq. The War On Terror is global in scope and will involve multiple theaters of war. It's not just Afghanistan or Osama Bin Laden but a far more complex range of characters and organizations that the Left would sooner have you forget. The Left is simplistic and must couch their arguments in a simplistic manner such as "Bush Lied, People Died" in order to contain the common sense of the American people. The War must continue until the American flag flys over the captitals of Iran and Syria and perhaps even Pakistan or until the Moslem regimes in the world beg for forgiveness. We have not reached that "event horizon" just yet. Your support for the War On Terror will determine if the outcome throughout the Umma or Moslem world will benefit America or not.
You will decide the fate of millions. Choose wisely.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
“For the past six years, I have had the opportunity and, I would say the privilege, to serve with the greatest military on the face of the Earth,” Rumsfeld said. “I leave understanding that the true strength of the United States military is not in Washington, it’s not in the Pentagon, it’s not in the weapons. It’s in the hearts of the men and women who serve. It’s your patriotism, it’s your professionalism and indeed your determination.”
He spoke about a young man he met at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington. The young man, who was recovering from wounds suffered in Iraq, told the secretary, “If the American people will only give us the time, we can do it. We’re getting the job done.”
“I believe him. I know he’s right,” Rumsfeld said. “We feel great urgency to protect the American people from another 9/11 or a 9/11 times two or three. At the same time, we need to have the patience to see this task through to success. The consequences of failure are unacceptable.”
He spoke about a young man he met at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington. The young man, who was recovering from wounds suffered in Iraq, told the secretary, “If the American people will only give us the time, we can do it. We’re getting the job done.”
“I believe him. I know he’s right,” Rumsfeld said. “We feel great urgency to protect the American people from another 9/11 or a 9/11 times two or three. At the same time, we need to have the patience to see this task through to success. The consequences of failure are unacceptable.”
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Not A Wit
Amazing how things can change overnight. Last year at this time the War On Terror was operational with Iran in the cross-hairs of our military, Republicans controlled both House and Senate, the President was enjoying a rebound after the hype over Hurricane Katrina by the Press and the Left and Donald Rumsfeld was in full control as Secretary of War. But all good things must come to an end as they say.
The American response to President Bush in the mid-term elections last November was an overwhelming business as usual attitude by the voters throughout this great land. However, that is the worst possible outcome we could deliver to our enemies both domestic and foreign. For business as usual means we don't want to wage war. Is the enemy wrong to decipher the mid-term elections that way? The answer is sadly, no. The President himself has clearly interpreted the American reaction as a resounding "no" to his War On Terror.
So, what does that leave us? Well, for starters the momentum has completely been lost and now the initiative is with the enemy. And don't we see this now? Yes, we do. In Lebanon, Hezbollah as the proxy for Iran is on the move to bring down the "pro-western" government of Sionora. In Iraq, the Shia-Sunni divide has only widened as both sides lock and load for the inevitable clash that will follow as America deconstructs its presence in Mesopotamia. Iran herself sees no reason to back down from their nuclear aspirations since clearly they called our "bluff" and the American people blinked. Afghanistan is seeing a resurgence of Taliban/Al Qaida attacks as they see a light at the end of their tunnel with the German and French contingents of NATO refusing to fight the enemy and will only do so as a "last resort". Once again America is the Atlas holding up the Western World.
And Atlas is tired. The Democrats are no longer the Wilsonian interventionists that they once were. The 60's generation has been completely gutted of courage and destiny as they see fit to waste their latter years away on Viagra, gambling and consuming prescription medication. Their whole world view is centered now on themselves and they are simply brain-dead. The years of sex, drugs and rock & roll have taken their toll and now they need the Federal Government to care for them before they are placed in their coffins, dead or alive!
As for the world, well, they can just go to hell as far as the Left is concerned. And so can America. Of course they'll never admit that to anyone but we do know them by their fruits, don't we? They are indeed a bunch of nuts and fruits hellbent on passing nationalized healthcare, reducing America, the lone Superpower, to a dhimmitude status before the world and embracing a Hellenized culture at the expense of Christianity.
Well my friends, the American Dispensation on the international scene is coming to a close. The key demarcation in history was the invitation to Buckingham Palace by the Queen of England signifying the importance of America as the Hessian of the British Empire. In fact, it is the Alpha and Omega of American dominance throughout the Anglosphere and the world beginning with Woodrow Wilson in WWI and ending with George W. Bush in the War On Terror. England no longer needs us and we no longer have a cassus belli to impose our Pax Americana upon the subject peoples of the earth.
Sic transit gloria mundi.
The American response to President Bush in the mid-term elections last November was an overwhelming business as usual attitude by the voters throughout this great land. However, that is the worst possible outcome we could deliver to our enemies both domestic and foreign. For business as usual means we don't want to wage war. Is the enemy wrong to decipher the mid-term elections that way? The answer is sadly, no. The President himself has clearly interpreted the American reaction as a resounding "no" to his War On Terror.
So, what does that leave us? Well, for starters the momentum has completely been lost and now the initiative is with the enemy. And don't we see this now? Yes, we do. In Lebanon, Hezbollah as the proxy for Iran is on the move to bring down the "pro-western" government of Sionora. In Iraq, the Shia-Sunni divide has only widened as both sides lock and load for the inevitable clash that will follow as America deconstructs its presence in Mesopotamia. Iran herself sees no reason to back down from their nuclear aspirations since clearly they called our "bluff" and the American people blinked. Afghanistan is seeing a resurgence of Taliban/Al Qaida attacks as they see a light at the end of their tunnel with the German and French contingents of NATO refusing to fight the enemy and will only do so as a "last resort". Once again America is the Atlas holding up the Western World.
And Atlas is tired. The Democrats are no longer the Wilsonian interventionists that they once were. The 60's generation has been completely gutted of courage and destiny as they see fit to waste their latter years away on Viagra, gambling and consuming prescription medication. Their whole world view is centered now on themselves and they are simply brain-dead. The years of sex, drugs and rock & roll have taken their toll and now they need the Federal Government to care for them before they are placed in their coffins, dead or alive!
As for the world, well, they can just go to hell as far as the Left is concerned. And so can America. Of course they'll never admit that to anyone but we do know them by their fruits, don't we? They are indeed a bunch of nuts and fruits hellbent on passing nationalized healthcare, reducing America, the lone Superpower, to a dhimmitude status before the world and embracing a Hellenized culture at the expense of Christianity.
Well my friends, the American Dispensation on the international scene is coming to a close. The key demarcation in history was the invitation to Buckingham Palace by the Queen of England signifying the importance of America as the Hessian of the British Empire. In fact, it is the Alpha and Omega of American dominance throughout the Anglosphere and the world beginning with Woodrow Wilson in WWI and ending with George W. Bush in the War On Terror. England no longer needs us and we no longer have a cassus belli to impose our Pax Americana upon the subject peoples of the earth.
Sic transit gloria mundi.