He who studies history shall know the future for all things come full circle.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A SH-60 Seahawk helicopter prepares to land on the flight deck of the guided missile frigate USS Ingraham (FFG 61) as Coalition naval vessels move into formation in the Mediterranean Sea. The Ingraham leads the way as it prepares for an aerial photo exercise in the Mediterranean Sea. The following vessels are in formation, Egyptian frigates ENS Sharmal Seikh and ENS Mubarak, the Pakistan ship PNS Tariq, the Italian ship IT Commondante Bettica and the dock landing ship USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52). All ships are participating in Bright Star 2005, a multinational exercise held every two years in Egypt. Bright Star is the largest and most significant coalition military exercise conducted by U.S. Central Command. www.navy.mil
Thursday, September 22, 2005

GOES-12 Satellite infrared image provided by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, Calif., showing the status of Hurricane Rita at 3:30 am EST. Rita, currently 490 miles Southeast of Galveston, Texas, was upgraded to a Category 5 storm late Wednesday with 170 mph winds, sparking an order for mandatory evacuations in New Orleans and Galveston, Texas. www.navy.mil
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Wrath of God

GOES-12 Satellite image provided by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, Calif., showing the status of Hurricane Rita at approximately 4:45 am EST. Rita was upgraded to a Category 3 storm early Wednesday with 120 mph winds and forecasters said it could further intensify, sparking an order for mandatory evacuations in New Orleans and Galveston, Texas. Rita is expected to become a category four hurricane later today. The Military Sealift Command (MSC) hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) and other ships involved in Hurricane Katrina relief operations have been ordered to sortie in advance of Ritas arrival. www.navy.mil

United Kingdom Army Regiment's Red Devils present the Union Jack, during the opening ceremonies of the 2005 Naval Air Station Oceana Air Show. The air show, held Sept. 16-18th, showcased civilian and military aircraft from the Nation's armed forces, which provided many flight demonstrations and static displays. www.navy.mil
Germany's Al Gore
It was so close, wasn't it? I know, the press said Angela Merkel and her Christian Democrat Union would sweep Gerhard Shroeder's Social Democrat Party out of office but much like in America, the Old Media got it wrong. And much like the election of 2000 in America pitted between George W. Bush and Albert Gore Jr., the German election in which the incumbent had all the advantages is too close to call. Or is it?
Not really, when we consider Angela Merkel and her Party beat out Shroeder's party by just a mere 3 seats in the Bundestag clearly the Chancellory belongs to Ms. Merkel. But I know, with the Left, power is difficult to give up even when it is won fair and square by your opponents.
From the Christian Science Monitor:
Europe's largest economy is momentarily rudderless as both incumbent Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his challenger Angela Merkel claimed Germany's top office the morning after one of the biggest election surprises in the country's recent history.
The chancellor, emboldened by the SPD's strong showing in the election's final spurt, declared that he planned to stay on as chancellor, whether at the head of a so-called grand coalition with the CDU/CSU or in another party constellation.
The confusion over who will take over at the helm of Europe's economic motor, has unsettled financial markets and business leaders and surprised European politicians. The German capital was abuzz Monday with the political fallout of a tight race which saw the pro-business Free Democrats claim a surprising 9.9 percent share of the vote, followed tightly by the Left Party, their polar opposites in the reform discussion. The Green Party finished a disappointing fifth.
My oh my, I believe the real story here is how disaffected the Germans are with the so called "Green" Party which really was very communistic in their political approach to things. As a coalition member of Shroeder's Social Democrats their influence might explain why the Chancellor was so anti-American. Ooops...So sorry, lets keep it in the realm of economics, shall we?
After seven years of rule, voters had had enough of Schröder's coalition with the Green Party, the so-called red-green government. The government's popularity has been at rock bottom after welfare, health, and labor market reforms it introduced in 2003 cut significant benefits but failed to create jobs for the more than 4.7 million out of work.
"It's a very mixed message from the voters," says Uwe Andersen, political scientist at Ruhr University. "The majority of the population is still not ready to go through with a harder reform course. On the other hand, they know that things can't go any further with the red-green coalition government."
In the coming week, Merkel, whose party still won the largest share of the vote at 35.2 percent, will begin meeting with the Greens and Schröder's SPD to decide how to proceed. The likely coalition outcome remains a so-called grand coalition, which would put the SPD and the CDU together and Merkel as Germany's next chancellor.
But wait one moment! Remember Al Gore? Gosh darn it! Shroeder should demand a recount!
But Schröder doesn't see it that way. The Chancellor appeared visibly smug during a television talk show Sunday night, and his party pointed out that the CDU only has more votes than the SPD if the performance of its sister party, Bavaria's CSU is counted. Such logic would indicate that Schröder, not Merkel, should stay on as Chancellor.
Where's a Florida Supreme Court when you need one?
"I think the Germans have responded in a way that will certainly not allow a totally liberal [economic] model to be put in place," French Defense Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie told Europe1 radio. And it's unclear how much power Merkel will wield after leading her party to one of its worst federal electoral showings in German postwar history. Political analyst Mathias Micus said the confusion surrounding who will govern the country plays perfectly into the hands of Schröder.
"Times like this need a power player like Schröder," said Mr. Micus, at the University of Mainz. "He is someone who knows how to play with all his cards, who isn't held up by party dogma and who is Machiavellian."
Ah yes, a Left-winger through and through. How delicious.
Not really, when we consider Angela Merkel and her Party beat out Shroeder's party by just a mere 3 seats in the Bundestag clearly the Chancellory belongs to Ms. Merkel. But I know, with the Left, power is difficult to give up even when it is won fair and square by your opponents.
From the Christian Science Monitor:
Europe's largest economy is momentarily rudderless as both incumbent Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his challenger Angela Merkel claimed Germany's top office the morning after one of the biggest election surprises in the country's recent history.
The chancellor, emboldened by the SPD's strong showing in the election's final spurt, declared that he planned to stay on as chancellor, whether at the head of a so-called grand coalition with the CDU/CSU or in another party constellation.
The confusion over who will take over at the helm of Europe's economic motor, has unsettled financial markets and business leaders and surprised European politicians. The German capital was abuzz Monday with the political fallout of a tight race which saw the pro-business Free Democrats claim a surprising 9.9 percent share of the vote, followed tightly by the Left Party, their polar opposites in the reform discussion. The Green Party finished a disappointing fifth.
My oh my, I believe the real story here is how disaffected the Germans are with the so called "Green" Party which really was very communistic in their political approach to things. As a coalition member of Shroeder's Social Democrats their influence might explain why the Chancellor was so anti-American. Ooops...So sorry, lets keep it in the realm of economics, shall we?
After seven years of rule, voters had had enough of Schröder's coalition with the Green Party, the so-called red-green government. The government's popularity has been at rock bottom after welfare, health, and labor market reforms it introduced in 2003 cut significant benefits but failed to create jobs for the more than 4.7 million out of work.
"It's a very mixed message from the voters," says Uwe Andersen, political scientist at Ruhr University. "The majority of the population is still not ready to go through with a harder reform course. On the other hand, they know that things can't go any further with the red-green coalition government."
In the coming week, Merkel, whose party still won the largest share of the vote at 35.2 percent, will begin meeting with the Greens and Schröder's SPD to decide how to proceed. The likely coalition outcome remains a so-called grand coalition, which would put the SPD and the CDU together and Merkel as Germany's next chancellor.
But wait one moment! Remember Al Gore? Gosh darn it! Shroeder should demand a recount!
But Schröder doesn't see it that way. The Chancellor appeared visibly smug during a television talk show Sunday night, and his party pointed out that the CDU only has more votes than the SPD if the performance of its sister party, Bavaria's CSU is counted. Such logic would indicate that Schröder, not Merkel, should stay on as Chancellor.
Where's a Florida Supreme Court when you need one?
"I think the Germans have responded in a way that will certainly not allow a totally liberal [economic] model to be put in place," French Defense Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie told Europe1 radio. And it's unclear how much power Merkel will wield after leading her party to one of its worst federal electoral showings in German postwar history. Political analyst Mathias Micus said the confusion surrounding who will govern the country plays perfectly into the hands of Schröder.
"Times like this need a power player like Schröder," said Mr. Micus, at the University of Mainz. "He is someone who knows how to play with all his cards, who isn't held up by party dogma and who is Machiavellian."
Ah yes, a Left-winger through and through. How delicious.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

U.S. Marines assigned to the Expeditionary Strike Group One, 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) disembark a Landing Craft Utility (LCU) from the amphibious assault ship USS Tarawa (LHA 1). The Marines are preparing for the upcoming amphibious assault landing demonstration for "Bright Star", a multinational exercise held every two years in Egypt. Bright Star is the largest and most significant coalition military exercise conducted by U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM). www.navy.mil
A Sharpening of Swords
What are we to make of reports that Russia may have clandestinely sold "nuclear suitcases" to Islamic militants in Chechnya at the end of the Cold War? Is it true or false? Are these "suitcases" a viable weapon of mass destruction that can be used by our enemies on an unsuspecting America with porous borders both on the Canadian and Mexican horizons?
Is Russia perhaps engaging in international brinkmanship covertly by arming International Islamic Terrorists with the most lethal of all weapons in a mad bid at empire building or perhaps even simple vengeance for loss of prestige? Or does Russia have longer range goals to seize the most valuable real estate on the planet: the Middle East? By secretly arming the Islamic Jihad with nuclear weapons, has Russia thrown the dice by giving our enemies a nuclear edge over us? Thus laying the groundwork for America to be incapacitated by nuclear warfare against an intractable enemy? And thus removing the only thing keeping Russia out of the Middle East: American Military Superiority? I cannot accept that Moscow would allow nuclear weapons accidentally to fall in the hands of the Islamic fanatic. But I could be wrong.
Whatever the Russians may have done whether intentionally or accidentally, the United States has put the world on notice by releasing a defense department draft that should not go unnoticed by our adversaries.
From the Australian:
A new draft US defense paper calls for preventive nuclear strikes against state and non-state adversaries in order to deter them from using weapons of mass destruction and urges US troops to "prepare to use nuclear weapons effectively.
"The document, titled "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations" and dated March 15, was put together by the Pentagon's Joint Staff in at attempt to adapt current procedures to the fast-changing world after the September 11, 2001, attacks, said a defense official.
A copy of the draft obtained by AFP urges US theatre force commanders operating around the world to prepare specific plans for using nuclear weapons in their regions -- and outlines scenarios, under which it would be justified to seek presidential approval for a nuclear strike.
They include an adversary using or planning to use weapons of mass destruction against US or allied forces as well as civilian populations. Preventive nuclear strikes could also be employed to destroy a biological weapons arsenal belonging to an enemy, if there is no possibility to take it out with conventional weapons and it is determined the enemy is poised for a biological attack, according to the draft.
What is interesting about this draft paper is the apparent willingness to use the doomsday weapon in American arsenals if the enemy is too entrenched or perhaps militarily too difficult to invade such as Iran with our current troop deployments. Will our enemies be so arrogant as to second-guess our intentions in a post-9/11 world?
In the context of the US-led "war on terror", the draft explicitly warns that any attempt by a hostile power to hand over weapons of mass destruction to militant groups to enable them to strike a devastating blow against the United States will likely trigger a US nuclear response against the culprit.
Regional US commanders may request presidential approval to go nuclear "to respond to adversary-supplied WMD use by surrogates against US and multinational forces or civilian populations," the draft says.
"To maximize deterrence of WMD use, it is essential US forces prepare to use nuclear weapons effectively and that US forces are determined to employ nuclear weapons if necessary to prevent or retaliate against WMD use," the document states.
Let there be no mistake about it. Petty threats from Islamic dictators about nuclear terrorism will be met with a swift and fiery retribution the nations of the earth have not witnessed since the Second World War.
The doctrine reminds that while first use of nuclear weapons may draw condemnation, "no customary or conventional international law prohibits nations from employing nuclear weapons in armed conflict."
Now mind you, America has always had contingency plans on the Pentagon shelves that outlined what we should do in case of a Nuclear Attack by the once formidable Soviet Union. Plans that outlined the complete destruction of cities throughout Russia can become operational, however, it is a propitious moment in these last days to remind our enemies that we will not hesitate to use our own weapons of mass destruction against them and countries that harbor Islamic terrorists who utilize them for politics or war by other means.
Is Russia perhaps engaging in international brinkmanship covertly by arming International Islamic Terrorists with the most lethal of all weapons in a mad bid at empire building or perhaps even simple vengeance for loss of prestige? Or does Russia have longer range goals to seize the most valuable real estate on the planet: the Middle East? By secretly arming the Islamic Jihad with nuclear weapons, has Russia thrown the dice by giving our enemies a nuclear edge over us? Thus laying the groundwork for America to be incapacitated by nuclear warfare against an intractable enemy? And thus removing the only thing keeping Russia out of the Middle East: American Military Superiority? I cannot accept that Moscow would allow nuclear weapons accidentally to fall in the hands of the Islamic fanatic. But I could be wrong.
Whatever the Russians may have done whether intentionally or accidentally, the United States has put the world on notice by releasing a defense department draft that should not go unnoticed by our adversaries.
From the Australian:
A new draft US defense paper calls for preventive nuclear strikes against state and non-state adversaries in order to deter them from using weapons of mass destruction and urges US troops to "prepare to use nuclear weapons effectively.
"The document, titled "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations" and dated March 15, was put together by the Pentagon's Joint Staff in at attempt to adapt current procedures to the fast-changing world after the September 11, 2001, attacks, said a defense official.
A copy of the draft obtained by AFP urges US theatre force commanders operating around the world to prepare specific plans for using nuclear weapons in their regions -- and outlines scenarios, under which it would be justified to seek presidential approval for a nuclear strike.
They include an adversary using or planning to use weapons of mass destruction against US or allied forces as well as civilian populations. Preventive nuclear strikes could also be employed to destroy a biological weapons arsenal belonging to an enemy, if there is no possibility to take it out with conventional weapons and it is determined the enemy is poised for a biological attack, according to the draft.
What is interesting about this draft paper is the apparent willingness to use the doomsday weapon in American arsenals if the enemy is too entrenched or perhaps militarily too difficult to invade such as Iran with our current troop deployments. Will our enemies be so arrogant as to second-guess our intentions in a post-9/11 world?
In the context of the US-led "war on terror", the draft explicitly warns that any attempt by a hostile power to hand over weapons of mass destruction to militant groups to enable them to strike a devastating blow against the United States will likely trigger a US nuclear response against the culprit.
Regional US commanders may request presidential approval to go nuclear "to respond to adversary-supplied WMD use by surrogates against US and multinational forces or civilian populations," the draft says.
"To maximize deterrence of WMD use, it is essential US forces prepare to use nuclear weapons effectively and that US forces are determined to employ nuclear weapons if necessary to prevent or retaliate against WMD use," the document states.
Let there be no mistake about it. Petty threats from Islamic dictators about nuclear terrorism will be met with a swift and fiery retribution the nations of the earth have not witnessed since the Second World War.
The doctrine reminds that while first use of nuclear weapons may draw condemnation, "no customary or conventional international law prohibits nations from employing nuclear weapons in armed conflict."
Now mind you, America has always had contingency plans on the Pentagon shelves that outlined what we should do in case of a Nuclear Attack by the once formidable Soviet Union. Plans that outlined the complete destruction of cities throughout Russia can become operational, however, it is a propitious moment in these last days to remind our enemies that we will not hesitate to use our own weapons of mass destruction against them and countries that harbor Islamic terrorists who utilize them for politics or war by other means.
Friday, September 09, 2005

Commanding Officer, USS Bataan (LHD 5), Capt. Nora Tyson, left, speaks with the commanding officer of the Dutch Navy frigate Van Amstel (F 831) about where the Dutch Sailors can assist along the Gulf Coast. Van Amstel is currently conducting operations off the coast of Biloxi, Miss. to assist with Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. www.navy.mil

U.S. Navy divers conduct salvage and diving operations in a channel near Mobile, Ala., as part of the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The divers, assigned to the rescue and salvage ship USS Grapple (ARS 53), have been tasked with removing a sunken channel marker that is blocking commercial traffic within the Alabama port channel. www.navy.mil
Well, its been nearly a week since Katrina hit and Caesar has asked one of his centurions to fall upon the sword. Michael Brown, head of FEMA, has been sent packing back to Washington DC and to an uncertain future. After one week of mass hysteria from the Left, we now know that the Mayor and Governor are completely culpable for the "loss" of New Orleans. The mayor allowed several hundred schools buses to sit unused while the Astrodome filled with people with nowhere to go. The governor herself we now know, refused to allow aid to be sent to the Astrodome so the people would not get used to staying there, in effect, she starved them to get them to leave.
President Bush on the other hand has been stellar. We now know it was his administration that declared the Gulf States a disaster area way before the storm came ashore and the only thing left was for the governor's of each state to request aid. We now know that it was President Bush that actually compelled the reluctant and ineffectual governor of Louisiana to order a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans on Sunday, a day before the storm hit.
Lt. General Honore, Commanding General of Task Force Katrina, heading the military response to the worst ever natural disaster to affect the United States has been completely infectious with his optimistic outlook regarding the future of New Orleans. He sees trees, he sees buildings, he sees people and yes he sees water but the city will rebuild.
The broadcast media, the Democrats and the Hollywood glitterati, however, have completely sunken to a new low. They are naysayers that have nothing good to say and are bitter that no one takes them seriously. The constant bitching and whining from this group of Jacobites has completely alienated America from them. The fact that George Bush has not been hurt politically in the polls after a week of despicable and insane comments and commentary simply enrages them all the more.
A week of political assisination by the media in which nearly every Republican was misquoted or taken out of context from House Speaker Hastert to President Bush to Secretary of State Condi Rice shows us that the Left is indeed playing hardball and that no tragedy will be left to its own devices if it can be politically manipulated for an election victory.
The Democrats had their chance to "show us" how they would handle a regional crisis and boy they blew it. They are an embarrassment and more seriously, a liability. They will suffer miserably at the polls come 2006 for this debacle.
President Bush on the other hand has been stellar. We now know it was his administration that declared the Gulf States a disaster area way before the storm came ashore and the only thing left was for the governor's of each state to request aid. We now know that it was President Bush that actually compelled the reluctant and ineffectual governor of Louisiana to order a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans on Sunday, a day before the storm hit.
Lt. General Honore, Commanding General of Task Force Katrina, heading the military response to the worst ever natural disaster to affect the United States has been completely infectious with his optimistic outlook regarding the future of New Orleans. He sees trees, he sees buildings, he sees people and yes he sees water but the city will rebuild.
The broadcast media, the Democrats and the Hollywood glitterati, however, have completely sunken to a new low. They are naysayers that have nothing good to say and are bitter that no one takes them seriously. The constant bitching and whining from this group of Jacobites has completely alienated America from them. The fact that George Bush has not been hurt politically in the polls after a week of despicable and insane comments and commentary simply enrages them all the more.
A week of political assisination by the media in which nearly every Republican was misquoted or taken out of context from House Speaker Hastert to President Bush to Secretary of State Condi Rice shows us that the Left is indeed playing hardball and that no tragedy will be left to its own devices if it can be politically manipulated for an election victory.
The Democrats had their chance to "show us" how they would handle a regional crisis and boy they blew it. They are an embarrassment and more seriously, a liability. They will suffer miserably at the polls come 2006 for this debacle.
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Lance Cpl. Robert A. Belaire, an infantryman with 2nd Combined Anti-Armor Team, Weapons Company, 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, looks out at the horizon while manning a temporary observation post along Route Mobile here Aug. 28. The 20-year-old Lafayette, La. native and his Weapons Company teammates routinely observe this frequently transited supply route, which connects Baghdad and Fallujah, for insurgents emplacing roadside bombs. www.usmc.mil

A U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier lands on the flight deck aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Tarawa (LHA 1) while underway in the Red Sea. Tarawa is in route to the Mediterranean Sea to participate in exercise �Bright Star�, a multinational exercise held every two years in Egypt. Bright Star is the largest and most significant coalition military exercise conducted by U.S. Central Command. www.navy.mil
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Katrina: Wrath of God Revisited
We are in the Church Age. This is the dispensation of historical trends in which the Church, the body of Christ, matures and develops over time until the Rapture. Some churches walk with Christ while others are said to walk against Christ. The Book of Revelation begins in the Church Age and by chapter 5, becomes the last week of Daniel's 70 weeks of God's Judgment of Israel's apostasy. Each week of the 70 weeks is 7 years long. 69 weeks have come and gone with the last week yet to begin. The Church Age is the Mystery Age that Israel could not forsee in the Old Testament. The Church Age stands in-between the 69th and 70th week.
When Christ returns to meet the body of Christ "In the clouds" then the Church Age ends and the 70th week begins. God judges mankind during this last 7 year period known as the Tribulation and the primary reason of God's Judgement of mankind during this period is due to anti-semitism. Man judges Israel and God judges man. God has always protected the Jew during every dispensation since Abraham however, during the time known as the Tribulation, man's attitude towards the Jew has so hardened his mind, that God literally pours out judgment against all of mankind.
I've wondered to myself why we suffered THE WORST EVER NATURAL DISASTER to hit the United States at this time and place in history? I do not believe it was because of "immorality" as some might want to believe because there have always been immoral people around for thousands of years without God judging them with "natural" disasters. No, it's not Global Warming either nor was it because we didn't sign the Kyoto Treaty. The most logical explanation for Hurricane Katrina I would have to conclude is anti-semitism on the part of the United States.
From World Net Daily:
While most religious authorities seem to agree one cannot discern the intentions of God, there has been talk in some circles here and on the Internet the storm that turned parts of the Gulf Coast into a disaster zone, prompting hundreds of thousands to evacuate their homes and possibly causing upwards of 10,000 deaths, was thrust upon the U.S. for its support of the Gaza evacuation.
Abraham, the biblical father of the Jews, received this promise from God in the book of Genesis: "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
One week before Katrina made landfall, Israel carried out the evacuation of 9,500 residents from Gush Katif and four Samaria communities. Residents were forced from their homes by Israeli troops, some dragged away kicking and screaming and placed on buses that took them from the area. The majority of former Katif residents are currently homeless while the Israeli government struggles to find permanent housing solutions.
Is there a connection here between the United States and Israel?
The Gaza withdrawal was backed by the U.S. government. Some Middle East analysts and senior Israeli politicians entirely attributed the evacuation plan to pressure coming from the American establishment.
"I welcome the disengagement plan," stated Bush immediately following the announcement of the Gaza evacuation. "These steps will mark real progress toward realizing the vision I set forth in June 2002 of two states living side by side in peace and security."
Anti-Semitism is always punished by God on both a national and personal level. I'm sure President Bush feels he has made the right decision regarding the "Palenstinian" conflict, however, we in the Church must continue to pray for the President that he may be wisely guided and in the end he will make the proper decision in defence of the Jew. I believe it is the best explanation for the catastrophe that has befallen America in New Orleans.
When Christ returns to meet the body of Christ "In the clouds" then the Church Age ends and the 70th week begins. God judges mankind during this last 7 year period known as the Tribulation and the primary reason of God's Judgement of mankind during this period is due to anti-semitism. Man judges Israel and God judges man. God has always protected the Jew during every dispensation since Abraham however, during the time known as the Tribulation, man's attitude towards the Jew has so hardened his mind, that God literally pours out judgment against all of mankind.
I've wondered to myself why we suffered THE WORST EVER NATURAL DISASTER to hit the United States at this time and place in history? I do not believe it was because of "immorality" as some might want to believe because there have always been immoral people around for thousands of years without God judging them with "natural" disasters. No, it's not Global Warming either nor was it because we didn't sign the Kyoto Treaty. The most logical explanation for Hurricane Katrina I would have to conclude is anti-semitism on the part of the United States.
From World Net Daily:
While most religious authorities seem to agree one cannot discern the intentions of God, there has been talk in some circles here and on the Internet the storm that turned parts of the Gulf Coast into a disaster zone, prompting hundreds of thousands to evacuate their homes and possibly causing upwards of 10,000 deaths, was thrust upon the U.S. for its support of the Gaza evacuation.
Abraham, the biblical father of the Jews, received this promise from God in the book of Genesis: "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
One week before Katrina made landfall, Israel carried out the evacuation of 9,500 residents from Gush Katif and four Samaria communities. Residents were forced from their homes by Israeli troops, some dragged away kicking and screaming and placed on buses that took them from the area. The majority of former Katif residents are currently homeless while the Israeli government struggles to find permanent housing solutions.
Is there a connection here between the United States and Israel?
The Gaza withdrawal was backed by the U.S. government. Some Middle East analysts and senior Israeli politicians entirely attributed the evacuation plan to pressure coming from the American establishment.
"I welcome the disengagement plan," stated Bush immediately following the announcement of the Gaza evacuation. "These steps will mark real progress toward realizing the vision I set forth in June 2002 of two states living side by side in peace and security."
Anti-Semitism is always punished by God on both a national and personal level. I'm sure President Bush feels he has made the right decision regarding the "Palenstinian" conflict, however, we in the Church must continue to pray for the President that he may be wisely guided and in the end he will make the proper decision in defence of the Jew. I believe it is the best explanation for the catastrophe that has befallen America in New Orleans.
Monday, September 05, 2005

Crew members of a German Air Force A-310 aircraft offload Meals Ready-to-Eat (MRE) on board Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla., in support of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Donated by the German Government, 30-tons of MREs will be distributed trough the Gulf Coast region to feed the victims of Hurricane Katrina. www.navy.mil
Lamentations of the Left
Why is the Left so exorcised over Hurricane Katrina? The constant hand-wringing and incessant carping from left-wingers about the real and imagined failures of hurricane relief has reached a new level of hysteria that I have never seen before. From Senator Landrieu to Celine Dion, the pantheon of liberals who are wailing over the "loss" of New Orleans (nevermind Mississippi) and throwing ash upon themselves in some vain attempt at sincerity has truly reached new heights that even Zeus could be proud of. The Left went so far as to send two hypocritical Christians, Reverands Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, as part of their "relief" efforts in New Orleans who naturally bitched and moaned that the President was going too slow on the Federal side of things. Yawn.
My friends, what are your expections of government? Have you been to the Department of Motor Vehicles lately? Does the IRS come to mind? Have you walked into a Welfare Office with its thick plate glass and armed guard(s) so they can spend several hours of your time just to tell you that the government considers you too "rich" and thus not qualified for their measley handout anyway? And the Left has the gall to tell us we "need" healthcare as run by the Federal government! The Federal budget is already 2.3 TRILLION dollars and that's only for this year, I wonder what next year brings?
Hurricane Katrina has denuded the Left's justification for big government and has shown to the entire world how pathetic government is to responding to the people's true needs. The only good thing that came out of New Orleans was the military response to the disaster which only the Federal government truly can perform well as dictated by the Constitution. The Left's worship of government-control from cradle to coffin is a false god. With liberals throwing themselves to the ground and nearly speaking-in-tongues over Katrina then indeed they have out-done themselves this time around. But then again, there is always the Supreme Court to wail over. :)
My friends, what are your expections of government? Have you been to the Department of Motor Vehicles lately? Does the IRS come to mind? Have you walked into a Welfare Office with its thick plate glass and armed guard(s) so they can spend several hours of your time just to tell you that the government considers you too "rich" and thus not qualified for their measley handout anyway? And the Left has the gall to tell us we "need" healthcare as run by the Federal government! The Federal budget is already 2.3 TRILLION dollars and that's only for this year, I wonder what next year brings?
Hurricane Katrina has denuded the Left's justification for big government and has shown to the entire world how pathetic government is to responding to the people's true needs. The only good thing that came out of New Orleans was the military response to the disaster which only the Federal government truly can perform well as dictated by the Constitution. The Left's worship of government-control from cradle to coffin is a false god. With liberals throwing themselves to the ground and nearly speaking-in-tongues over Katrina then indeed they have out-done themselves this time around. But then again, there is always the Supreme Court to wail over. :)
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Ankaran Sunset
As I have written in the past, I believe that Turkey will not be accepted into the European Union. Christian Europe cannot abide by a Moslem country no matter how "secular" it may appear on its facade within the Hellenistic world of the West. This month, Germany will go to the polls to elect either a new Chancellor or re-elect the old one. Which one becomes the leader of Germany at this point in time will change the course of Turkish history and may very well spell the end of Ankara's attempts at European integration.
From the Guardian Unlimited:
Germany's conservative challenger Angela Merkel last night scored a decisive victory over chancellor Gerhard Schröder in the only live debate of the German election campaign. In a gripping 90-minute TV duel, Mrs Merkel repeatedly got the better of a stumbling Schröder - telling Germans that the only way to get the country out of its present mess was to vote for her Christian Democrat party. "You can't be satisfied with the situation in this country," she told the chancellor bluntly. "I don't see anything in your programme to address this."
In the event, though, Mrs Merkel appeared both quicker and more confident. She even made a joke. Asked whether it was thanks to Mr Schröder's liberal red-green government that it was now possible for a woman to become German chancellor, she replied: "No." Referring to the fact she was born in West Germany but grew up in the communist east, she added: "I'm a product of German reunification and I'm a product of my parents. I'm proud of both."
The rise of Angela Merkel as the Chancellor of Germany will doom Turkey's bid of joining a new Roman Empire being forged in Western Europe as this development will no doubt expose Turkey's own prejudices against women, liberal culture and "human" rights which are all anti-thetical to the world of Islam.
During last night's debate a tired-looking Mr Schröder tried to regain the initiative by reminding the German public that he had opposed the war in Iraq, unlike Mrs Merkel. He also criticised his opponent for her opposition to Turkish membership of the European Union. He declared: "You are making a major foreign policy mistake. You do not understand what geopolitical significance linking Turkey to the EU has."
Looking relaxed in a black suit with white buttons, Mrs Merkel said that she and an increasing number of voters believed in a Europe with clear boundaries. This didn't include Turkey, she said. In a closing address to the cameras, she said that if voters were happy with Mr Schröder's record on jobs, growth and pensions over the past seven years they should vote for him. If they thought Germany could do better, however, they should vote for her.
Turkey itself has weighed-in regarding the coming election and they don't much like Merkel.
From the BBC:
Suggestions for some kind of partnership status, rather than full membership, have been led by German opposition leader Angela Merkel - expected to win a general election later this month. She has argued that a "privileged partnership" status should be among the options put under discussion when the talks start in Luxembourg on 3 October.
He (Turkish Foreign Minister Gul) had previously warned against imposing any new conditions, or trying to shift the goalposts to a partnership status.
"Should they (the EU) propose anything short of full membership, or any new conditions, we will walk away, and this time it will be for good," he told the Economist magazine.
Turkey can only wait so long as the Moslem world unites once more, perhaps its last unification, behind a new Caliphate that most Islamic terrorists feel is long overdue. Who shall lead the Islamic peoples into the 21st Century? Egypt, Pakistan or Turkey? Only time will tell.
From the Guardian Unlimited:
Germany's conservative challenger Angela Merkel last night scored a decisive victory over chancellor Gerhard Schröder in the only live debate of the German election campaign. In a gripping 90-minute TV duel, Mrs Merkel repeatedly got the better of a stumbling Schröder - telling Germans that the only way to get the country out of its present mess was to vote for her Christian Democrat party. "You can't be satisfied with the situation in this country," she told the chancellor bluntly. "I don't see anything in your programme to address this."
In the event, though, Mrs Merkel appeared both quicker and more confident. She even made a joke. Asked whether it was thanks to Mr Schröder's liberal red-green government that it was now possible for a woman to become German chancellor, she replied: "No." Referring to the fact she was born in West Germany but grew up in the communist east, she added: "I'm a product of German reunification and I'm a product of my parents. I'm proud of both."
The rise of Angela Merkel as the Chancellor of Germany will doom Turkey's bid of joining a new Roman Empire being forged in Western Europe as this development will no doubt expose Turkey's own prejudices against women, liberal culture and "human" rights which are all anti-thetical to the world of Islam.
During last night's debate a tired-looking Mr Schröder tried to regain the initiative by reminding the German public that he had opposed the war in Iraq, unlike Mrs Merkel. He also criticised his opponent for her opposition to Turkish membership of the European Union. He declared: "You are making a major foreign policy mistake. You do not understand what geopolitical significance linking Turkey to the EU has."
Looking relaxed in a black suit with white buttons, Mrs Merkel said that she and an increasing number of voters believed in a Europe with clear boundaries. This didn't include Turkey, she said. In a closing address to the cameras, she said that if voters were happy with Mr Schröder's record on jobs, growth and pensions over the past seven years they should vote for him. If they thought Germany could do better, however, they should vote for her.
Turkey itself has weighed-in regarding the coming election and they don't much like Merkel.
From the BBC:
Suggestions for some kind of partnership status, rather than full membership, have been led by German opposition leader Angela Merkel - expected to win a general election later this month. She has argued that a "privileged partnership" status should be among the options put under discussion when the talks start in Luxembourg on 3 October.
He (Turkish Foreign Minister Gul) had previously warned against imposing any new conditions, or trying to shift the goalposts to a partnership status.
"Should they (the EU) propose anything short of full membership, or any new conditions, we will walk away, and this time it will be for good," he told the Economist magazine.
Turkey can only wait so long as the Moslem world unites once more, perhaps its last unification, behind a new Caliphate that most Islamic terrorists feel is long overdue. Who shall lead the Islamic peoples into the 21st Century? Egypt, Pakistan or Turkey? Only time will tell.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
White Knights
With the Left on an all out assault on President Bush for "not doing enough" and with the pitiful performance of both local and state government, it now has been incumbent on the United States Military to bring law and order to New Orleans.
From the Army Times:
“This place is going to look like Little Somalia,” Brig. Gen. Gary Jones, commander of the Louisiana National Guard’s Joint Task Force told Army Times Friday as hundreds of armed troops under his charge prepared to launch a massive citywide security mission from a staging area outside the Louisiana Superdome. “We’re going to go out and take this city back. This will be a combat operation to get this city under control.”
Jones said the military first needs to establish security throughout the city. Military and police officials have said there are several large areas of the city are in a full state of anarchy.
When the New Orleans police refused to fire on looters earlier this week a total breakdown of civil order ensued. Gangs and ruffians, as in all cities, naturally have taken advantage of the weak city government and taken upon themselves to rule where the city will not. Tonight the anarchy will cease.
Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and police helicopters filled the city sky Friday morning. Most had armed soldiers manning the doors.
“I never thought that at a National Guardsman I would be shot at by other Americans,” said Spc. Philip Baccus of the 527th Engineer Battalion. “And I never thought I’d have to carry a rifle when on a hurricane relief mission. This is a disgrace.”
For God, Country and Corps. This is the devil's world and man is inherently corrupt. Let us not fool ourselves.
“We’re here to do whatever they need us to do,” Sgt. 1st Class Ron Dixon, of the Oklahoma National Guard’s 1345th Transportation Company. “We packed to stay as long as it takes.”
From the Army Times:
“This place is going to look like Little Somalia,” Brig. Gen. Gary Jones, commander of the Louisiana National Guard’s Joint Task Force told Army Times Friday as hundreds of armed troops under his charge prepared to launch a massive citywide security mission from a staging area outside the Louisiana Superdome. “We’re going to go out and take this city back. This will be a combat operation to get this city under control.”
Jones said the military first needs to establish security throughout the city. Military and police officials have said there are several large areas of the city are in a full state of anarchy.
When the New Orleans police refused to fire on looters earlier this week a total breakdown of civil order ensued. Gangs and ruffians, as in all cities, naturally have taken advantage of the weak city government and taken upon themselves to rule where the city will not. Tonight the anarchy will cease.
Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and police helicopters filled the city sky Friday morning. Most had armed soldiers manning the doors.
“I never thought that at a National Guardsman I would be shot at by other Americans,” said Spc. Philip Baccus of the 527th Engineer Battalion. “And I never thought I’d have to carry a rifle when on a hurricane relief mission. This is a disgrace.”
For God, Country and Corps. This is the devil's world and man is inherently corrupt. Let us not fool ourselves.
“We’re here to do whatever they need us to do,” Sgt. 1st Class Ron Dixon, of the Oklahoma National Guard’s 1345th Transportation Company. “We packed to stay as long as it takes.”

Commander, Joint Task Force Katrina, U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, salutes as he walks through rainbow sideboys on the flight deck aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5). Lt. Gen. Honore visited Bataan to get a first-hand look at the ship's disaster relief operations capabilities. Bataan's involvement in the humanitarian assistance operations led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in conjunction with the Department of Defense. Bataan has been tasked to be the Maritime Disaster Relief Coordinator for the Navy's role in the relief efforts. www.navy.mil
Friday, September 02, 2005

U.S. Navy air crewmen, assigned to Helicopter Support Unit Pensacola, survey the damage from hurricane Katrina en route to Stennis Space Center, Miss., after leaving Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla., to provide support and relief to victims of the hurricane. The Navy's involvement in the humanitarian assistance operations is led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction with the Department of Defense. www.navy.mil
Arm Chair General
Who says that the relief effort is incompetent? The hysterical Old Media? We know why they would say that because the 2006 elections are around the corner. President Bush will take his lashings from the media and the Left in general but the Democrats will take their lashings at the polls. Just as Pearl Harbor destroyed the careers of Generals and Admirals who "let it happen" so too the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana will suffer for their ineptitude come election day, rightly or wrongly.
America will rebuild and America has responded to these victims with open arms and open wallets. I pray that the Left will cease and desist with their hand-wringing and mindless carping until more propitious times so that we can focus on saving lives and unifying behind the effort to save New Orleans.
The enemy is constantly watching for weakness. Sadly, I believe the tragedy unfolding in New Orleans has only encouraged the Islamic Terrorists stationed within the nations of the Middle East that if they hit us hard enough then we too will crumble under the hurricane of terrorism.
America will rebuild and America has responded to these victims with open arms and open wallets. I pray that the Left will cease and desist with their hand-wringing and mindless carping until more propitious times so that we can focus on saving lives and unifying behind the effort to save New Orleans.
The enemy is constantly watching for weakness. Sadly, I believe the tragedy unfolding in New Orleans has only encouraged the Islamic Terrorists stationed within the nations of the Middle East that if they hit us hard enough then we too will crumble under the hurricane of terrorism.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Mass Media Hysteria
It has come to my attention that the Old Media has taken it upon themselves, not surprisingly, to be the mouthpiece of the Democrat Party. Hurricane Katrina has devastated 3 southern states and millions of Americans are affected by this disaster. Yet, the Democrats and their propaganda organs, Old Media, are attacking the President today for the worst storm to ravage the United States in recorded history.
The hysteria before, during and after the biggest storm in history hit the Gulf-States is almost mind-boggling and would be laughable were it not such a tragic situation as New Orleans has become completely unliveable. We know the Democrats have recently passed out their talking points that compared the War on Terror to the quagmire that was the Viet-Nam War. Now, we have the media actually useing references to the "Fall of Saigon" to describe the evacuation efforts going on in New Orleans.
Now, whenever a member of the Federal Government takes questions from Old Media, their questions convey a sense of hysteria that President Bush is somehow too little, too late with his efforts. Never mind that the Federal Government declared the Gulf-States a disaster area BEFORE the storm hit Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. What's Bush to do? Part the Sea and walk on water and raise the dead? I know they believe Clinton can do this but lets not lose ALL our senses, shall we?
I find it amazing that the Democrats would use this tragedy as a vehicle and a means to score cheap political points. But then again, they always take advantage of tragedy to further their leftwing agenda from the war-dead in the War on Terror to the storm-dead from Hurricane Katrina. The leftwing carping will be remembered for a long time to the detriment of the Democrat Party itself. The Democrat Party is a party of Asses! A pox upon their house.
The hysteria before, during and after the biggest storm in history hit the Gulf-States is almost mind-boggling and would be laughable were it not such a tragic situation as New Orleans has become completely unliveable. We know the Democrats have recently passed out their talking points that compared the War on Terror to the quagmire that was the Viet-Nam War. Now, we have the media actually useing references to the "Fall of Saigon" to describe the evacuation efforts going on in New Orleans.
Now, whenever a member of the Federal Government takes questions from Old Media, their questions convey a sense of hysteria that President Bush is somehow too little, too late with his efforts. Never mind that the Federal Government declared the Gulf-States a disaster area BEFORE the storm hit Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. What's Bush to do? Part the Sea and walk on water and raise the dead? I know they believe Clinton can do this but lets not lose ALL our senses, shall we?
I find it amazing that the Democrats would use this tragedy as a vehicle and a means to score cheap political points. But then again, they always take advantage of tragedy to further their leftwing agenda from the war-dead in the War on Terror to the storm-dead from Hurricane Katrina. The leftwing carping will be remembered for a long time to the detriment of the Democrat Party itself. The Democrat Party is a party of Asses! A pox upon their house.