PTL Club V
The Press, the Terrorists and the Left are in collusion to sabotage America's War on Terror. Each player has their own motives that may overlap each other but in the end the PTL Club triangulates their message and actions to coincide at any given moment in the hopes that their collective will may act as a force-multiplyer in the arena of ideas. Just this week we have seen the PTL Club emerge from the shadows with their anti-American propaganda.
The Press: Once again the New York Times rides to the rescue of terrorists. They printed "all the 'top secret' news thats fit to print" in the form of an NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) report on the state of the War on Terror. Naturally, the Times only highlights certain segments for the audience to see that would suggest the War on Terror is actually emboldening terrorists in Iraq but more importantly acting as a catalyst for Jihad throughout the Islamic world. I'm starting to wonder if the New York Times is Al Jazeera in drag? Thankfully, President Bush checked the Times by releasing additional pages that the paper of ill-repute conveniently left out showing the opposite conclusion that the NIE had actually enumerated throughout its lengthy report. Unfortunately we have leaks coming from our intelligence agencies because they feel they can play politics with national security and until the United States starts actually jailing/executing traitors within our Intelligence communities then this sort of thing will continue. However, it would help if the NY Times would refuse to run with their leaks. How many more buildings must fall in New York City before the Times decides who is on their side?
The Terrorists: This week saw the release of another video from Al Qaida featuring everyone's favorite terrorist, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri. In it he excoriates the Pope, President Bush and the War on Terror that he calls the "Crusader Wars". Naturally he calls President Bush a liar and charlatan which is directly out of the pages of Michael Moore's leftwing propaganda films. Is this video a message to terror cells embedded within Western nations to act at a certain date? Perhaps. This particular video makes the "doctor" look more "presidential" in that it shows him in an office with flag, lamp and minature canon. How quaint. Perhaps his new office is located in
the recently vacated area of Waziristan that Pakistan left for the Taliban/Al Quaida fugitives? Now that Pakistan has reliquished control of this area to these thugs perhaps our American/Nato Forces can move in without Pakstani interference. Time will tell. Also, just yesterday we got a glimpse of the past with the actual video of the notorious and evil 9/11 conspirators who drove the planes into the Twin Towers. Amazing the timing of these video releases. Nothing worse than a smiling terrorist.
The Left: Hugo Chavez, need I say anymore? Last week the Left had fun at the expense of the United States by calling the most powerful man in the world "the devil" while in New York City at the United Nations. Hugo Chavez of Venezuela apparently thinks that President Bush has the ability to control the world. Now, the United States may be able to exert its influence diplomatically, politically, economically and militarily on a global scale but we certainly don't control the world. Gee, if only we could. However, the Left's conspiracy theories demand that "evil" capitalism, Christianity and the white man in general are indeed behind every evil in the universe like the plague, imperialism, wars, slavery, terrorism, etc. Hugo Chavez is a thug and nothing more. A typical leftist. I find it interesting that "the devil" President Bush vis-a-vis United States is funding his country with petro-dollars and if it weren't so then Hugo would be a no-nothing on the world stage. Does Hugo wish to don the uniform of Fidel Castro and continue communism's long march in America? Hmmm, perhaps we should ask Moscow if this indeed is their plan? Of course, we could easily crush Hugo's little empire in Venezuela if we so desired. But isn't that the problem? We don't desire to and therefore Hugo is what he is. If America is forced to remove herself as the Hessian of the ossified British Empire then perhaps we will have the fire to enforce our will in South America vis-a-vis the Monroe Doctrine. Or maybe its Hugo's way of rattling the cage of the international oil market to keep the price of oil high? He benefits after all with high oil prices since his country is a member of OPEC.
All of these events, NIE Leak, Zawahiri and Chavez at the UN, did their damage to American morale and prestige in the world. But time is running short and it may be that the American people will indeed retreat into Fortress America as both political parties appease their base supporters by retreating from the international stage. If America leaves the world to its own devices then who shall rule the earth from the heights of Olympus?
The Press: Once again the New York Times rides to the rescue of terrorists. They printed "all the 'top secret' news thats fit to print" in the form of an NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) report on the state of the War on Terror. Naturally, the Times only highlights certain segments for the audience to see that would suggest the War on Terror is actually emboldening terrorists in Iraq but more importantly acting as a catalyst for Jihad throughout the Islamic world. I'm starting to wonder if the New York Times is Al Jazeera in drag? Thankfully, President Bush checked the Times by releasing additional pages that the paper of ill-repute conveniently left out showing the opposite conclusion that the NIE had actually enumerated throughout its lengthy report. Unfortunately we have leaks coming from our intelligence agencies because they feel they can play politics with national security and until the United States starts actually jailing/executing traitors within our Intelligence communities then this sort of thing will continue. However, it would help if the NY Times would refuse to run with their leaks. How many more buildings must fall in New York City before the Times decides who is on their side?
The Terrorists: This week saw the release of another video from Al Qaida featuring everyone's favorite terrorist, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri. In it he excoriates the Pope, President Bush and the War on Terror that he calls the "Crusader Wars". Naturally he calls President Bush a liar and charlatan which is directly out of the pages of Michael Moore's leftwing propaganda films. Is this video a message to terror cells embedded within Western nations to act at a certain date? Perhaps. This particular video makes the "doctor" look more "presidential" in that it shows him in an office with flag, lamp and minature canon. How quaint. Perhaps his new office is located in

All of these events, NIE Leak, Zawahiri and Chavez at the UN, did their damage to American morale and prestige in the world. But time is running short and it may be that the American people will indeed retreat into Fortress America as both political parties appease their base supporters by retreating from the international stage. If America leaves the world to its own devices then who shall rule the earth from the heights of Olympus?
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