Certain elements in our society compare America's bombing of German and Japanese cities during the Second World War as an atrocity on par with that of the German solution for the Jewish Race and the Japanese "rape" of Nanking in Northern China in the 1930's and 1940's, however, what is often left out of their equation was the manifest belief during World War II that there was no God.
Communism, Fascism, and National Socialism were all political movements that preached the superiority of man over God, atheism was supreme. Even in Japan, the Emporer was considered a deity and therefore, any action was deemed appropriate if done in the name of the Chrysanthium Throne. Even in FDR's America, a nation founded by Christians, the move towards a more socialistic system of government reaped its deadly crop of political/military doctrines of total war without due regard to "collateral damage".
So when war broke out on September 1st, 1939, the German-Polish War would become World War II and as each terrible year passed by so would the ferocity of the conflict increase not just between armies but between whole multitudes of people and death reigned triumphant upon the inhabitants of cities.
The nuclear bombing of Japan ended the Second World War. Their detonations were but the exclamation points on what was otherwise a terrible and vicious "conventional" war. The total disregard for life was evident in the political doctrines that guided the nations of the world and culminated in the death chambers of Aushwitz and Sobibor to the fiery bombings of Dresden and Tokyo. From the warmongers of Hitler and Stalin to the appeasers of Chamberlain and Roosevelt the world suffered the plague of war and conquest. Japanese aggression in China during the '30's was not answered effectively and America's steel and oil sanctions was simply too little, too late to change the calculous that brought Japan to America at Pearl Harbor.
It cannot be said that Allied aerial bombing of German and Japanese cities therefore were just as "evil" because the Axis mentality and modus operandi demanded that civilians of other nations were to be "exterminated" for the greater glory of the state in which the heads of those states, Germany and Japan, were considered by like God (Hitler) and to be God (Hirohito). Yes, the Allies targeted "cities" but they did not target "civilians". Yes, civilians live in cities and will perish if they do not flee or run for cover, however when the cities are an intergral part of a war-machine they become the target for war. Unlike the Axis, however, though they too bombed cities that were opposed to them and once they occupied certain areas of the world, they unleashed their armies to slaughter en masse whole populations that had no connection to the war-machine of that country. Therefore, that does make them more evil than the Anglo-Americans.
The spectre of World War II haunts us even now in the 21st Century with the advent of Islamic Terrorism. They have simply borrowed and brought forward the notion that civilians are a legitimate target for attack and thus are not spared the misfortune of war. It should not be discounted the love affair that Islam has of the Nazi and their doctrines of racial superiority. Once again we have the deification of the state, in this case Sharia Law in which Mosque is married to State and its government considered "divine", and thus the ghosts and spirits of World War II now stalk the planet. How shall we meet this new menace and with what means will we vanquish our enemy are the questions that must be answered.